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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20081022 Minutes

SA CIT Committee
1st Meeting
Wed, Oct. 22 at 4:30pm in WSH 411 (Music Room)

People who emailed me that they couldn’t attend:
Steve Matthews
Griffin Wilson
Weston Skeans

People who attended:
Allen Miller*
Scott Purdy*
Joseph Wenlong Wu*

Welcome and Intro

Polley McClure:
Vice President Polley McClure would like for the SA to take up two things:

1. Whether or not the university should be forwarding Pre-Settlement Letters to students. These are notices to students (by way of IP Address) who have been identified by the RIAA to have engaged in illegal downloading/filesharing. There is a debate amongst university administrators as to whether these letters should be forwarded to students by the university. It would great if the SA could arrange to discuss this issue in the near future. Polley McClure and Tracy MItrano would plan to attend and review the issue in advance. I don’t think this is the sort of thing that would require a resolution, rather it would be better to offer the “sense” of the membership to assist the university in its deliberations.

Current status:
Do students currently get contacted?

2. Polley would like to discuss with the SA IT Committee the possibility of distributing textbooks as eBooks using hardware/software like a Kindle. Perhaps you can forward the chair of the IT Committee to Polley so that she can arrange to get together with member of the committee. She would like to do this soon (before Oct. 28), since she has a deadline at the end of the month.

Are there any books sold now?


Any other issues or initiatives people want to take on?

Google replacing webmail, get rid of webmail altogether. Choice of gmail or windows live email. Won’t be like normal gmail, but same interface. Greg Wizenski.
Wireless access- Scott will find out who is in charge of this at CIT
Video note- engineering school is currently using it. Spread it to other colleges.

Any questions?

Next meeting: Tuesday Nov. 4 at 6:00

Email everyone about their availability and about Polley

Contact SACIT

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F