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February 04, 2009 Minutes


Mystery Shopper Program — Cornell Dining Rocks 
Alice Cook house won highest overall rating for board 
Ivy Room- highest award for retail operations 

Quality Customer Service

Get information from Gail�.

Joe R. - Teaching Steve and Tony participating in the Chef’s chemistry course Food Sci. Faculty and grad students mix of cooking chemistry and tasting. Testing Veggie burgers

Doug- College Prawler Students write by students for students CU dining ranked A+ one of 5 out of 100

Richard CCG Devi NYC One Michelean store Indian restaurant in NYC never done an Indian CCG More advertising utilize as part of the meal DATE March 28th Saturday eveneing at Trillium Tuesday WSH Wed Northstar RPC Thursday Risslye (local model Ny state) West 18th 5 blocks from Madison SQ Garden

February Black History month each Thursday night on West Keaton Caribian cuisine ********get lists of events from Victor

Sustainable bag for Cornell Retail operations sold 37 so far they cost $1.49 One was given for each one

SLOPE Day Mandy - SDPB hit hard with economy and state of the university Funding from SAF and DOS Logistics budget Ticket Sales DOS helped out with additional costs 70–80 thousand short What can be cut what is wasteful get logistics cost down

Cat - Dining- Tents Chairs Dumpsters Fence Shops Charges

Changes dining - Fees, cover costs associated with dining

Murry- Increased prices last year less participation early and late participation not there with out a big named band one hit instead of 3

Where is the help needed? Dining has traditionally assumed cost for Transportation, food permits, food, electrical, labor Still roll negative (labor stays home, employee cost are consumed by the outlet that sends the labor) Price points of food cover costs of packaging and cost of food

Get offering and price list from dining — And budget break down Prices may increase this year with same menu 50 cent increases Can you charge more for the beer

Catering Allen Bova reduce the size 16–12oz Sales down in beer tent

Fraternities and Sororities have done a great job with drinking and managing the programs Education process taking place in all places

Scanners — Cost but helps with control

Majority of cost is a health and safety issues

All the water bottles and the quantity that gets abused feels like we go through a lot of water and wasted

PLA (corn) Compostable based bottled water Donations

Can we get the water donated? NO Sponsorships ?

Cant take the large tent away and fences Shops take a large portion of the budget Departments need to eat these costs CUPD labor stays home

Dining has to be there to provide food so we can have alcohol

Drive more top line sales Promotions Sell food tickets on line more advertising Beer tickets Cash or Credit Card

Beer tickets and beer sales — ID tent

Promote pre order tickets

University tickets, athletics printing tickets

Committee to help reduce the costs Electricity

Outcomes: Internal costs to help cut costs Ticket Prices Presale Driving top line What’s next for dining and slope day in 2010

Budget cuts — Hiring pause cant replace people or over time Change some hours Haven’t begun to look at next year Dining needs to cut a million next year out of a 40 million dollar budget

Nutrition update

Get update from Gail - ************

Monday night food demo at RPC Demoed grilled fish Green Harvest station 5:30–7 pm

Moose Wood — table talk about nutrition

Healthier dinners on west — rotation

Next generation of healthy foods

Apple boost developed on campus

Dessert samples next time Transfat free Cookie Cutting April 22nd 5:30 Get info from Gail *****

Next meeting agenda items ********* Samples Onsite Labeling Slope Day Feb 18th Noyes Conference Room

SA Dining Shortcuts

Contact SA Dining

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F

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