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February 18, 2009 Minutes


Greg Menzy, Anna Bauer, and Tony MIller
Harry Ashendorf, Richard Anderson, Anthony, Gail, Victor, and two others
Lenny Miran

Next Meeting: March 4, 2009 Topics include: sustainability (e.g. water, and especially Slope Day water, NACUF surveys, Kizen)

Today’s Business:

  • Slope Day water:
    • Maine’s has submitted a proposal that includes biodegradable bottles. Viability and pricing to come.
    • Water in cartons from Cornell Dairy: some issues, so it’s not going to happen this year due to various regulations. Possibility of water from Dairy in the future or other source.
    • No possibility of reducing water
    • Possibility of Student Assembly chipping in for the water
    • Water is not an option to cut out of Slope Day
    • Samples of Green Bottle Spring Water, but they are expensive (Sourced from Cargill)
  • Other Slope Day dining topics:
    • Dining was at a loss at last year’s Slope Day
    • Could get by with a smaller tent (even though Dining didn’t pay for it)
    • Concerned that “dumming down” the food would have people stop purchasing it
    • Better line of food with higher margins has lead to a smaller loss for Dining
    • Menu mix is about $1 to $4
    • Food stops serving at 6 pm
    • 2 acts instead of three this year
    • Discussion of prices of beer
    • Greg suggested that the SA Communications Committee assist with marketing of Dining at Slope Day
  • Candidate soliciting in dining halls
    • In the past there has been excess flyers left in dining halls
    • Tony proposes consequences for candidates whose materials are left as waste at the end of the meal period
    • On West, house deans must approve the campaigning
    • North Campus, and Trillium campaigning must talk to Richard and Victor
  • Online Ordering
    • C-board has presented an updated program with less problems and the business office is much more optimistic. If this doesn’t pan through, then interaction with C-board will be terminated.
    • Gail will contact Greg by the end of the week to give a progress report
  • Online Menus
    • Menus are very close to being online
    • Nutrition may not be happening due to issues with accuracy, portioning, personal concerns, etc. E.g. Harvard had issues and had to pull it off line.
    • Contact Michelle if you would like details about your eating
    • Michelle Wilbur has now arrived to the meeting
    • Commissary items are being rechecked for accuracy
  • Identifying Healthy Items
    • Michelle says that it’s hard to identify what would qualify
    • At Risley, a minimum of one entr�e is considered an “Eating Well at Cornell” dish.
    • Criteria is set and includes: trans fat free, 100% whole grain, no additives, only fresh ingredients, lower in fat, sugar, and salt
    • Flora Rose house will be trialing having an entr�e at each dinner — week of March 23–30
    • Will be adding to internal recipe database so the meals can be expanded to all dining halls
    • Eating Well at Cornell timeline for an entr�e at each all you care to eat facilities every dinner: goal of Fall 2009
    • Whole grain and noodle bar at Keeton on Tuesdays
    • Possibility of student competition for student groups to market for Cornell Dining
  • Campus Pub
    • Needs to be a student initiated endeavor
    • First do trials possibility at Stone Palace in Ivy Room
  • Banning Water
    • Last semester Cornell Dining sold over 250,000 bottles of water
    • Since people keep buying it, Dining will sell it

SA Dining Shortcuts

Contact SA Dining

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F

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