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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2008 Spring Postering Policy

As amended by the Student Assembly, Fall 2004.

A. Campus Organizations/Individuals

The following policy is designed to allow organizations and individuals to advertise events on campus without causing damage to buildings, signage, and/or trees on or near campus. All posters must bear the name of the sponsoring organization.

  1. There are currently two (2) ways in which organizations may advertise outside:
    1. Banner space over the Cornell Store, which can be reserved through 520 Willard Straight Hall. (This space is limited to organizations, which register through the Student Activities Office and official university departments and units.)
    2. Chalking only on horizontal, concrete or asphalt surfaces where the rain will wash away the residue, except in front of and beside Day Hall. Under no circumstances may groups or individuals advertise on an organic surface (grass/soil). Only water-soluble chalk may be used.
  2. Organizations and individuals may poster INSIDE campus buildings on approved bulletin boards using tacks only. If in doubt about whether a bulletin board is approved, please see the building manager for that building.
  3. The following are prohibited:
    1. The use of masking tape or other adhesives (including paste or glue).
    2. The use of nails, heavy gauge staples or other metal fasteners.
    3. Attaching signs to or spray painting on woodwork, statues, walls or trees, telephone poles, doors, light poles, war memorials, walkways, roads, grassy areas, windows/transparent surfaces, bus stops, etc.
    4. The attachment of flyers or posters to University signage, traffic or street signs, and trees.
    5. Posters under the size of 187 square inches should be limited to no more than (3) per bulletin board per event. Posters over 187 square inches should be limited to no more than (1) per bulletin board per event. Posters exceeding the size of 408 square inches shall be prohibited. Posters of unusual shapes (i.e. not rectangles or squares) that interfere with other posters (to be determined by the building manager or responsible authority) shall be prohibited.
    6. Messages or symbols on grassy areas especially Libe Slope using spray paint, lime, flour, plaster of Paris, shaving cream, and/or any other substance.
  4. Each college, living unit and administrative building has formulated procedures for posting publicity materials within its own confines. Procedures for classroom buildings vary from college to college. Consult the Dean�s Office of each college, or administrator in charge of each building. Note that these procedures may be more stringent than the general guidelines provided below. In that event, the college/living unit and/or administrative building procedures have priority over general guidelines. Building administrators or managers should post such procedures in a prominent place.
  5. General posting guidelines: In buildings which do not have more stringent posting procedures, building administrators may remove materials which have not been posted according to the following general posting guidelines:
    1. The following are general guidelines for posting:
      1. General purpose bulletin boards in each building should be used.
      2. Posters should be affixed with thumbtacks, not staples or glue.
      3. Posters should be limited never more than three (3) per bulletin board per event.
      4. Bulletin boards that are labeled as �special purpose� are limited to that purpose and non-related announcements will be removed.
      5. Posters may not be placed on walls, doors, or statues either inside or outside of buildings.
      6. For permission to put up posters in sorority or fraternity chapter houses, please contact the offices of each house.
    2. Residence Halls: Contact the Department of Campus Life for policy.
    3. Organizations that receive funding from the SAFC or the Student Assembly will include the following statement on all posters advertising their activities: �Co-sponsored by the Student Assembly.�
  6. Enforcement
    1. The outdoor areas will be checked periodically by the Grounds Department and student employees for materials not posted in accordance with this policy and for outdated materials. Indoor areas will be checked by the appropriate facility managers.
    2. Under the Campus Code of Conduct, the Office of the Judicial Administrator has the jurisdiction over complaints against any members or agencies of the University community who illegally destroy, deface, or remove posters on University bulletin boards, or who attach posters to surfaces not intended to serve as bulletin boards.
  7. Penalties for Violations (per calendar year dated July 1 - June 30)
    1. Organizations
      1. The cost of removal of any materials posted illegally, or of repair for damage caused, will be billed to the responsible organization.
      2. Upon the first violation of the postering policy, the registered organization will receive a warning from the Student Activities Office at the time of the first offense.
      3. Upon a second violation of the postering policy, the registered organization will be charged the cost for removal and will be fined 25% of the cost of removal (a minimum fine of twenty five (25) dollars and a maximum fine of one hundred (100) dollars and notice of said violation will be placed in the organization file, Judicial Administrators Office, and the SAFC/GPSAFC if appropriate.
      4. If the policy is violated a third time, the registered organization will be charged for the cost of removal, lose the right to use University property and facilities for its activities and will lose funding from the Student Assembly Finance Commission for one academic year, effective from the date on which the notification of punishment is mailed to the registered organization. The registered organization may also be referred to the Judicial Administrator, who may be required to perform community service, or other sanction.
      5. If poster fine is not paid within three (3) weeks of date on notification letter, a second letter will be mailed. If the fine is not paid within two (2) weeks of this second letter, the organization’s registration will be put on hold until the fine is paid. Fine will be carried over to the following academic year and the organization will not be allowed to register until payment is received.
    2. Individuals from the Cornell Community/Non-registered organizations
      1. The cost of removal of any materials posted illegally, or of repair for damage caused, will be billed to the responsible individual.
      2. Individuals who violate the postering policy will receive a warning from the Student Activities Office at the time of the first offense. Upon further violations(s) of the policy, the individual will be charged for the cost of removal and will be fined 25% of the cost of removal (a minimum fine of twenty five (25) dollars and a maximum fine of one hundred (100) dollars) and may be referred to the Judicial Administrator.
      3. Upon the first violation of the postering policy, the non-registered organization will be charged the cost for removal and will be fined 25% of the cost of removal (a minimum fine of twenty-five (25) dollars and a maximum fine of one hundred (100) dollars.) Upon further violation of the policy, non-registered organizations will be treated the same as registered organizations.
      4. Individuals and organizations have the right to appeal with the Student Activities Forum. Any posters displayed in violation of this policy will be removed regardless of content.
  8. Appeals
    Registered organizations can appeal these penalties to the Student Assembly and Penalty Appeals Group within two weeks following the payment of the fine and/or imposition of the penalty. Registered organizations can also appeal these penalties within 2 weeks following the election of a new board of officers. Go to for more information on the appeals process or call 255–4311.

B. Off Campus Vendors/Organizations

The following policy applies to merchants/organizations that are not University related. The policy is designed to control the number of posters on bulletin boards as well as to ensure appropriate use of facilities and property. Off campus companies/organizations may not poster on Cornell University property except as designated below:

  1. Postering on inside designated spaces. These posters must be submitted to the building manager or responsible person and approved. Approval is indicated by signature and campus phone contact. Poster is placed by the manager.
  2. No postering is permitted outside buildings or on external bulletin boards. No taping or affixing of advertising materials is permitted on any structure, walkways, etc. (See first page for what is prohibited and general guidelines.)
  3. Violations of the policy will result in the removal of illegal posters and the offending organization/vendor will receive a letter from the assistant dean of students for student activities to that effect. Where damages occur, the offending organization/vendor may be billed for the cost of removal or repair. This action will be followed by a written communication from the assistant dean of students for student activities giving notice of the infraction. Flagrant abuse can result in charges of private property or trespass violations, as determined by university officials.

Contact SA Elections

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F