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20050207 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
February 7th, 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call

David Bean, Jason Blinder, Sarah Boxer, Jeffrey Cohan, Christopher Crump, Darius Dillon, Michael Eisner, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson, Sorby Grant, Jovan Grogan, Steve Grossman, Steve Hecht , David Lederman, Michael Louis, Sean MacGregor, Spencer Pepper, Carlos Perez, Ashwin Phadins, Eric Shulman, Riti Singh, Kate-Lynn Timmermans, Phela Townsend, Evan Walker, Marissa Wilson, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

Announcements: Evan Walker and Spencer Pepper are called up permanently.


K. Timmermans discusses some of the inconsistencies that will be faced during budget meetings. Word documents are not proof, people will have problems with mileage in terms of doubling the amount of miles for round-trip, and in terms of speakers, and they must seek funding for the speaker to get funding for the event.

S. Grant asked if publicity was included in the charges.

K. Timmermans replied no.

S. Boxer discussed inconstancies with special projects and documentation needed for special projects to be considered. To be a special project, it has to be something that could not have been predicted before.

K. Timmermans then talked about e-mails being ok for documentation as long as the price and date are on the e-mail.

K. Timmermans went on to say that if there are certain big exclusion if it’s a very unique condition they can fund an event if they don’t fund the speaker. Next she moved on to discussion funds requests over $500. She said that SAFC can only give maximum amount if no letter of intent.

General funding

K. Timmermans said to fund agendas, but not overhead sheets or transparencies. She then moved on to discuss club sports. She wanted commissioners to find out how many players are actually needed on the team. If there are more than 8, they need documentation of proof as to why. This is especially true with conferences.

S. Grant asked if traveling acapela groups could receive funding.

K. Timmermans responded that they will need documentation.

D. Lederman said that this year we can be more lenient with club sports about proof for needing more than 8.

K. Timmermans added that they can’t fund unnecessary spectator players.

Rooms on Campus/ Open Questions

K. Timmermans said that for rooms on campus, they needed quotes for everything. If there is conformation of room but no rate, they can still allow funding for it.

Question: What if there is no request for rooms, can they still fund the event?

K. Timmermans responded that if there is no room reservation then it isn’t an event and thus no. They should try under special projects since it might be a case that they couldn’t plan for it.

Question: What about rooms off campus?

D. Lederman responded that if there isn’t a reservation then there isn’t an event.

K. Timmermans added that if there are any questions, they should bring them to the e-board before finalizing.

Question: Special projects have become very vague, so what are the requirements?

K. Timmermans responded she wasn’t quite sure, but that it is basically something that couldn’t have been planed for.

D. Lederman added that we needed to make sure of proof of contact for reservations. He also added that catering contracts have nothing to do with SAFC.

L. Gilbertson also added that the SAFC doesn’t fund catering contracts.

More Do’s and Do not’s for funding

K. Timmermans announced that we shouldn’t fund for groups that get academic credit (i.e. P.E. credit), and to pass them on to e-board. This also includes the Big Red Band; send them immediately to e-board. She finally added that we also do not fund car rentals.

L. Gilbertson added that they can use the gas money that they receive toward rentals however.

K. Timmermans next added to we shouldn’t fund airfare, only mileage. Next she said that we cannot engagement fees for certain people (i.e. Cornell people). Also, she added that we cannot fund for ritual materials or costumes, but we do fund for costume rentals. She finally ended with a quick talk about a few more problems that occurred last year. There were some groups last year that had problems putting the final figure in the right box. If they have all the other documentation and the final figure is put in another box instead, we will still accept it.

Documentation and Conflict of Interest

K. Timmermans said that nothing will be accepted late unless there is proof that the Tuesday it was due, they could only get the proper signatures etc. that day, but was still late.

S. Grossman said that there will be conflicts of interest between the commissioners and the groups. If this occurs the commissioner should not sit at that table with that group. If you sit anyway and it is discovered, you will come under review. Basically just be honest.

Loose Ends, Etc.

K. Timmermans told the group to not worry about how much money we have, just go by the rules.

S. Grossman said that we need to make sure the groups only sit two people. If more come, the clerk needs to ask them to wait outside.

S. Boxer added that the commissioners need to wear their shirts and be very professional. Confidentiality is critical; no political conversations or talking to friends is allowed, just stick to your job.

K. Timmermans also told the commissioners to act very interested, and to not laugh. They must be very professional. If possible, she wanted to have the commissioners try to build a relationship between the SAFC and that group. She finally added that the commissioners shouldn’t wear sunglasses or anything like that.

J. Blinder asked about food for conferences.

K. Timmermans replied it would be deducted.

J. Blinder then asked if we could really limit people walking in.

K. Timmermans said that if they insist the clerk should let them in, but to try to keep them out as much as possible.

L. Gilbertson finally added that the commissioners need to check their calendars and sign up for office hours.

IV. Meeting Adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116