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20050404 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
April 4th, 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call

David Bean, Angad Bhai, Jason Blinder, Sarah Boxer, Jeffrey Cohan, Darius Dillon, Michael Eisner, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson, Sorby Grant, Jovan Grogan, David Lederman, Michael Louis, Sean MacGregor, Spencer Pepper, Carlos Perez, Eric Shulman, Anastasiya Sidorva, Riti Singh, Kate-Lynn Timmermans, Phela Townsend, Evan Walker , Marissa Wilson, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

New Elections

D. Bean opened with talking about the new elections that will take place today for co-chair and VP of P.R. He said he has an e-mail from Liz Falcone saying she wanted to run and asked if anyone else had any nominations.

-Marissa Wilson is nominated.

L. Gilbertson reads Liz Falcone’s statement. Ms. Falcone talked about making the SAFC rules clearer as well as the bylaws easier to understand. She presents two qualities of herself that make her a good candidate. First, she has an in-depth knowledge base as she has served on an executive board before. She will put in as much time as is necessary. She also worked with the SAFC a lot previous to her leave of absence. The other quality, is that her only time commitment will be the SAFC. Even though she is not physically here, she says that she will stay in contact with D. Lederman by phone and e-mail.

M. Wilson began by apologizing for her frustrations during the last few weeks. She believes that things are not going as well for the SAFC as they could have. She states that there is a rift between the e-board and commissioners and wants to fix this problem. She states she is qualified for the job because whenever there is a discrepancy between friends, she is always the one to mediate. She also has been under three different e-boards and understands what works and what doesn’t. She states that policy changes will need to happen. M. Wilson also said that even though it will be her senior year next year, she won’t have problems with job applications because she is well organized and stays on top of things well. She also stated that any involvement in other groups will greatly decrease if she becomes co-chair.

-M. Wilson leaves room, open discussion ensues but no notes are allowed.

Vote called: 10 votes for Marissa, 12 votes for Liz, with 1 abstention.

D. Bean now brings up the nominations for V.P. of P.R., and says that Katie Miller has expressed her interest in an e-mail and has a written statement. He asks if anyone else wants to run.

-Eric Shulman is nominated.

-Marissa Wilson is nominated.

L. Gilbertson reads K. Miller’s speech. Ms. Miller states that she has been on the past three commissions, and has a lot of experience. She says that the SAFC needs a credible reputation as an unbiased organization. She also wants the SAFC to be seen as a group that has a lot of integrity. She also wants to ensure that the SAFC remains credible to the outside world. She will also work on recruitment of commissioners and make more advertisement for interviews. Lastly, she states she has plenty of time to commit to the SAFC.

E. Shulman starts by saying that he really wants to be a part of something big. He believes he can bring a fresh and new mind to the SAFC, and wants to take a stand on many of the big issues. He says that even though he belongs to a fraternity and a club team, he still will have time to devote to the SAFC.

M. Wilson said that she would still like the position of P.R. She still wants a voice and e-board and believes her voice will be good for the forming e-board. She states she is very articulate and has a lot of experience with the SAFC, so she knows what can be good for it.

-E. Shulman, M. Wilson leave followed by less than half of the SAFC commissioners (those that leave are asked to vote before they love, and do)

-Discussion ensues and no notes are allowed.

-Vote: 4 votes for E. Shulman, 5 votes for K. Miller, and 13 votes for M. Wilson with 1 no vote.

IV. Meeting ended at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116