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20050502 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
September 10th, 2007
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call

David Bean, Sarah Boxer, Jeffrey Cohan, Christopher Crump, Darius Dillon, Michael Eisner, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson, Sorby Grant, Steve Hecht, David Lederman, Sean MacGregor, Spencer Pepper, Carlos Perez, Ashwin Phadins, Eric Shulman, Dana Sckolnick, Anastasiya Sidorva , Riti Singh, Kate-Lynn Timmermans, Marissa Wilson, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

By-Law Changes

L. Gilbertson thanked all the seniors as well as Mr. Bean and Ms. Boxer for all their hard work they have done.

D. Lederman asked that the new commissioners stay after the meeting to talk to him. D. Lederman said that in today’s meeting we were going to be going over last weeks auditor position.

L. Gilbertson summarized last weeks meeting for all the people who were not at that meeting.

S. Boxer said that right now the SA doesn’t have a resolution if the person/group gets caught by the auditor.

D. Lederman said that for this idea of an auditor will help through imtimidation since people will be afraid to get caught. He also said that this position would not be an e-board position.

L. Gilbertson said that the auditor’s only role will simply to be an auditor, nothing more.

D. Bean said that the auditor could form their own committee.

M. Wilson asked how we would ensure that the audits would be random?

A- They will be randomized through the groups being picked out of a hat.

M. Wilson said that this seems like a lot of work for that person, so they should get an e-board position for doing it.

D. Lederman asked if anyone would actually want to hold this position?

- Only S. Grant raised her hand.

M. Wilson asked that we don’t call the position “auditor” since this name will bring bad connotations.

S. Boxer said that other schools also use random auditing.

R. Singh proposed that we have every commissioner assigned to a few groups.

D. Lederman said that the auditor could pick their own committee so it that proposal wouldn’t be necessary.

K. Nadonly said that we should just have each person look after the group with which they are a liason to.

K. Timmermans said that she believed the auditor should be someone on the e-board.

J. Zielinksi asked how we would actually audit.

D. Ledreman said that the process was very subjective, one way would be to look at inventory of the groups.

M. Wilson said that she didn’t want it to go to the SA this year since it would have to be rushed.

-Auditor idea is tabled to next year

D. Lederman said that the next change would be to a clause that said every commissioner has to be reappointed every two years. We want to remove that clause entirely.

D. Lederman asked if there were any comments.

-There were none.

-Vote: Yes to take that clause off: Unanimous, PASSES.

K. Timmermans said that two people are in violation of the attendance policy, but one is not here so we will be talking about Steve Hecht’s case this time.

S. Hecht explained that he was absent due to a funeral, CU tonight, and interviews. All of his absences were e-mailed to Kate-Lynn.

S. Grant said that she didn’t know what was going on.

S. Boxer said that they have to vote people off if they violate the attendance policy by having more than 5 abscences.

-S. Hecht leaves for 5 seconds, then returns.

-Vote called: Yes to take off: 0, No: Unanimous. S. Hecht is kept on.

IV. Meeting ended at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116