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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Student Assembly Finance Commission
September 5th 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Angad Bhai, Jeffrey Cohan, Jillian Dorans, Michael Eisner, Liz Falcone, Erica Fischer, Lisa Gilbertson, Sorby Grant, Steve Hecht, David Lederman, Sean MacGregor, Raj Maniam, Scottie McQuilkin, Kate Miller, Nadia Ormsby, Spencer Pepper, Carlos Perez, Ashwin Phadins, Dana Sckolnick, Caitlin Shetter, Eric Schulman, Anastasiya Sidorva, Kate-Lynn Timmermans, Phela Townsend, Evan Walker, Marissa Wilson, Soyeon-Yu, Joey Zielinski

III. Business of the Day

Help Session/Budget Hearings

K. Timmermans started with introducing the help session this weekend. She said that if anyone can’t make it they need to email her. She then passed around signups for the help sessions.

-Ms. Timmermans leaves.

L. Falcone reminded everyone to take the Presidents/Treasurers test before the help sessions. She then asked how many vegetarians we had, and the answer was two. Next she asked everyone to pick up their shirts in Terry’s office if they haven’t done so already. Lastly she reminded anyone who hasn’t done their oath of office to do so. She then introduced Calvin Smith, Internal Operations for the SA.

D. Lederman reminded everyone again about the help sessions. He said that everyone needed to wear their shirts, and bring their SAFC binders. He also asked that everyone be extremely professional.

L. Falcone said that either Mr. Lederman or she would be their every day, so if anyone had any questions they should ask them. She also said that although everyone here is a very social person, they should still act very professional and not be very “buddy-buddy”.

M. Wilson asked if anyone had any questions from Saturday’s meeting, and no one did. She also asked that during the day of budget hearing if anyone had any involvement with organizations they need to excuse themselves from the table.

L. Gilbertson asked that everyone email her when each liaison emailed their groups. She also asked that everyone do it shortly, and said that people should be getting another set of liaison groups shortly.

S. McQuilkin asked if there had been any changes to the President/Treasurer’s test recently because the date at the top was January 2005.

L. Gilbertson answered no.

A. Sidorova asked if someone could fix the website because many people were having problems going back and editing work.

L. Gilbertson answered that Martin will be informed about the problems, and if any group has any problems they can come into the office and discuss them personally.

L. Falcone also added that the groups needed to print out their priorities right then because you can’t hit the back button to go back.

D. Lederman next mentioned that for the budget hearings two rooms will be used, just like in the spring of 2005. He also talked about signing up for hearings and asked that people fill up Thursday and Friday first because this will ensure that the weekend won’t be that bad and people can go out and party. He next asked that everyone wear their shirts and bring their binders to the hearings. He reiterated that people need to be professional, and act accordingly. At this point Mr. Lederman passed around the sign up sheets for the budget hearings. He finally said that next week we will go over more things for the hearings.

L. Falcone asked if people could be on time because the rooms need to be set up. She then asked how many people had not emailed their liaison groups, and six hands went up. She asked those six to do that tonight.

L. Gilbertson asked that people email her when they finally email their liaison groups.

L. Falcone lastly added that people need to sign up for what food they want during the help sessions, and passed around the food sign up.

IV. Meeting ended at 5:25 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116