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20051107 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
November 7, 2005
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Commissioners 11/7/05 Angad Bhai A Jeffrey Cohan P Jillian Dorans P Michael Eisner A Liz Falcone P Erica Fischer P Lisa Gilbertson P Sorby Grant P Steve Hecht A David Lederman P Sean MacGregor A Raj Maniam A Scottie McQuilkin P Kate Miller P Nadia Ormsby P Spencer Pepper P Ashwin Phadins ON LEAVE Dana Sckolnick A Caitlin Shetter P Eric Schulman P Anastasiya Sidorva P Riti Singh ON LEAVE Kate-Lynn Timmermans P Evan Walker P Marissa Wilson P Soyeon-Yu P Joey Zielinski P

III. Business of the Day

Attendance Issues and Elections

K. Timmermans started out announcing that Carlos Perez resigned because “his goals didn’t go with the SAFC’s goals”.

L. Falcone said that she wanted everyone to realize that if anyone had any concerns they could talk to anyone on the E-board as well as people in the office.

K. Timmermans said that Michael Eisner was supposed to attend today’s meeting but he did not show up. She added that thusly the committee can vote on whether or not to keep him on the commission. She went on to say that Mr. Eisner had more than five excused absences as well as missing the budget hearings.

-Commission Votes: 20 to keep Mr. Eisner off, 0 to keep him on. -Michael Eisner is permanently off the commission.

L. Falcone next said that interviews for SAFC are coming up, and due to this posters/flyers/quarter cards are going out. She asked that the commissioners each hand out some quarter cards around campus. She also added that the on-line application is down, but should be up and running by Thursday. Lastly, she said that the applications are due next Thursday, with interviews November 19th.

D. Lederman begins on the SAFC executive board elections. He said the first positions are the co-chairs. For voting, he said that each commissioner should write down two names and the two people will the most votes will be elected.

L. Falcone added that being on the e-board is a very rewarding experience and that they do very good things, so they are very important positions.

Co-Chair Nominations: Joey Zielinski Scottie McQuilkin

-Mr. Zielinski and Ms. McQuilkin both give very brief speeches summarizing their backgrounds with the SAFC.

-Clerk is asked to leave during discussion that ensues.

-Mr. Zielinski and Ms. McQuilkin are elected Co-Chairs of the SAFC.

Vice Chair of Public Relations Nominations: Erica Fisher -Ms. Fisher gives a brief speech summarizing her involvement in the SAFC.

-Clerk is again asked to leave during discussion that ensues.

-Ms. Fisher is elected Vice Chair of Public Relations.

Vice Chair of Internal Operations Nominations: Spencer Pepper Nadia Ormsby

E. Walker asked what the VP of Internal Operations does.

Reply: The VP mainly handles attendance issues, as well as sign up sheets for budget hearings. The VP of External Operations on the other hand handles the liaison program.

-Mr. Pepper and Ms. Ormsby both give brief speeches summarizing their background with the SAFC.

-Clerk is again asked to leave during the discussion that ensues.

-Vote tally: Nadia Ormsby- 5, Spencer Pepper — 13, Abstaining- 1

-Spencer Pepper is elected Vice Chair of Internal Operations.

Vice Chair of External Operations Nominations: Jillian Dorans Eric Schulman Jeffrey Cohen

-All three candidates give very brief speeches regarding their previous involvement in the SAFC.

-Clerk is again asked to leave during lengthy discussion that ensues.

-Vote Tally: Jillian Dorans- 1, Eric Schulman- 12, Jeffrey Cohen- 5

-Eric Schulman is elected Vice Chair of External Operations.

IV. Meeting ended at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116