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20070910 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
September 10th, 2007
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Ali Baig, Samuel Bendix, Adam Castle, John Castle, Luke Chernosky, Adam Dix, Kelsey Donahue, Maddie Ehrlich, Elyse Feldman, Danielle Fernandes, Jennifer Hsu, Josh Kim, Kim Lewis, Michael McCormack, Yuliya Neverova, Scott Rog, Alex Saltman, Benjamin Schreff, Eric Schulman, Arthi Sridhana, Stephanie Wickham, Huiling Yu, Thomas Murray, Taylor Mulherin, David Chu, Celeste Chung, Lauren Nicola, Cesar Rufo, Chris Hilbert

III. Business of the Day

Help Sessions/Budget Packets/Liaison email/Food Options/Attendance

L. Chernosky thanked everyone for attending the help sessions. He asked if any commissioners had any feedback from the help sessions.

S. Wickham asked that the liaisons be designated earlier.

J. Hsu said that due to time constraints that really was not possible.

E. Schulman suggested that the SAFC create time limits for budget packet pickups.

J. Castle suggested that the commissioners get their before groups do so that things run smoother. He also asked that the P&T handbooks be placed in binders and the whole affair was more organized. Lastly, he suggested that the commissioners tell the new executive boards of the groups to talk to the old ones.

L. Chernosky said that on budget hearing weekend, all of the necessary papers will be in binders. He then reminded all of the commissioners that budget hearings will take place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this weekend. He briefly explained that the hearings were so that the groups could explain anything and present their case for any unclear requests.

M. Ehrlich asked that all commissioners take notes on all of the budgets to help them remember facts about the hearings. She also asked that commissioners not write anything subjective on the budgets.

J. Hsu also asked that commissioners pick up the allocation sheets they print out and put them back into the budgets.

L. Chernosky asked that all commissioners who haven’t signed up for budgets hearings see Ms. Donahue after the meeting.

M. Ehrlich asked that all commissioners wash their t-shirts over the weekend.

J. Hsu said that new commissioners will be placed with experienced ones, so there would be nothing to be afraid of.

S. Wickham said that there would be lots of angry people, so please maintain your cool.

M. Ehrlich said that the co-chairs will take care of any angry groups.

L. Chernosky told all the commission to be professional.

S. Bendix said that commissioners should not give out definite statements about funding as well.

K. Donahue asked that commissioners sign up to help the Office Staff take in budgets on Tuesday. She said it was not required but it really helps.

L. Chernosky said that the SAFC would be holding elections in November for E-board positions. He said that if any commissioners are thinking about running they should talk to the current Co-Chairs.

M. Ehrlich passed around the Oaths of Office and had the entire commissioners sign one.

K. Donahue also passed around a group affiliation sheet and asked that all commissioners fill out and sign one of these as well.

L. Chernosky said that a commissioner can be a president or treasurer of a group but they could not have any part in the funding process, particularly in filling out the budgets applications.

J. Hsu passed around a food signup sheet, and asked that if any commissioners would be working on Saturday, they sign up for a lunch. She also said that if anyone had any problems with food, they should talk to herself later.

L. Chernosky then proposed an ice-breaker in which commissioners had to memorize each other’s names.

IV. Meeting ended at 5:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Kantor
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116