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20080128 Minutes

SAFC Meeting Minutes DRAFT Monday, January 28, 2008 5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. 163 Day Hall I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call Commissioners 01/28/08 Samuel Bendix P Adam Castle A John Castle P Cailen Casey A Si Chang P Luke Chernosky P David Chu A Celeste Chung A Ming Dang A Adam Dix P Kelsey Donahue P Elyse Feldman A Danielle Fernandes P Benjamin Finkle P Stanley Gartshein P Varun Gehani A Marian Heller P Chris Hilbert P Jennifer Hsu A Josh Kim P Kim Lewis A Sam Miller-Little A Taylor Mulherin P Thomas Murray A Yuliya Neverova P Michael Parry P Cesar Rufo P Jonathan Raymond P Alex Saltman P Benjamin Schreff A Stephanie Wickham A Huiling Yu P

III. Business of the Day


J. Castle welcomed all of the commissioners to the meeting.

T. Mulherin said that the SAFC is very front loaded. He added that all commissioners should give a little introduction to the commission so that everyone can get to know each other.

-Commissioners go around the room introducing themselves.

J. Castle said in today’s meeting, they would be going over the help sessions and the rest of the required meetings. He said that the help sessions would be from 4pm to 5:30pm this week, in the Willard Straight Hall Memorial room. He added that new commissioners will be paired up with experience ones during these sessions so they should not worry. He then had Mr. Raymond pass around the sign-up sheets and asked that all commissioners sign up for the help sessions. He moved on to talk about the budget hearing weekend. He said that the weekend of February 7, 8, and 9th would be the weekend for the hearings. He said that on the 7th, the session would be from 4:30pm to 6pm, on the 8th the session would be from 7:30pm to 9:30pm, and on the 9th there would be three sessions held with shorter lunch breaks. He also asked that commissioners sign up for 6 out of the 7 possible slots. Lastly, he added that next Tuesday would be the budget take-in day, and the office staff could use the commissions help with that.

T. Mulherin said that commissioners should email the Co-Chairs if they want to help, and it would help with attendance points.

D. Fernandes went on to talk about the liaison program. She said that each commissioner would be getting 25 groups, and the form letter to send to them would be coming out soon. She asked that all commissioners send this letter out as soon as possible (i.e. tomorrow). She also asked that all commissioners cc her when they send the letter out to the groups so that she will know who sent them out.

J. Castle added that these letters were very important and should be sent out ASAP.

T. Mulherin said that the letters not getting sent out was the biggest complaint that groups had last year, so this year a commission will be punished one attendance point if they do not send out all of their letters.

D. Fernandes said that new commissioners would also be getting groups, but to help them, they will also be getting mentors. These mentors will be able to help any of the new commissioners if they have any questions.

T. Mulherin said that if the new commissioners’ groups had questions, they should ask their mentor, and then email the co-chairs if they still can’t figure it out. Lastly, he said that if new commissioners do not have their shirts yet, they should come get them from the co-chairs, and asked that all wash them during the budget hearings.

IV. Meeting ended at5:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Daniel Kantor SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116