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20110328 Minutes

Student Assembly Finance Commission
March 28, 2011
5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Calvin Baldwin, Edward Barton, Charlie Feng, Jacob Frank, Matthew Gruber, Erich Heintzen, Catherine Kim, Charles Kim, David Kim, Rahul Kishore, Lawrence Kogos, Stephanie Lau, Chris Lee, Lauren Rosenblum, Robin Shapiro, Diana Simpson, Kevin Song, Holden Steinhauer, Margaret Szerbicki, Yong Kai Tan, Andrew Verri and Jessica Zhao.

III. Business of the Day

Appeals and special projects update/ Upcoming recruitment changes

L. Rosenblum welcomed everyone back from spring break. She gave a quick update on special projects appeals. She said that over 40 appeals went through the appropriations committee, and that the Student Assembly granted most of them. This created a major predicament since the money set aside for special projects was maxed out, so the SAFC will not be able to fund many special projects. An email went out this morning saying that organizations will no longer be able to apply for special projects. The e-board is trying to figure out how to deal with the remainder of the submitted special projects requests. She then turned the meeting over to R. Kishore to talk about the upcoming commissioner recruitment.

R. Kishore talked about the changes in the recruitment process. A recruitment committee will be created to improve the overall process, as well as plan recruitment dates, decide upon the number of selected applicants, come up with new interview questions, and advertise on social media, list-serves, and classes. The commission would also hold recruitment information sessions to hopefully inform potential new members what the SAFC actually is, and get them familiar with the funding process. The information sessions, which commissioners are required to attend, are also an opportunity to meet applicants before they put their r�sum�s on the table. R. Kishore also explained the point system as well as procedural changes in how the commission would select of applicants for interviews. The commission will divide resumes into 3 or 4 groups, and each commissioner will have 5 points to give of the applications that they have reviewed. Right after applications are due, commissioners can also recommend names of applicants, which give them one extra point. Applicants with the highest number of points will be notified for an interview. After interviews, the commission as a whole will discuss each person separately, hold a secret ballot, and then rank applicants by the number of “yeses” they get. The top of an agreed-upon number of applicants will be invited to join the commission. He encouraged commissioners interested in the recruitment committee to approach the e-board after the meeting. .

The commission discussed the following recruitment schedule:

April 5th - info session
April 6th - info session
April 7th - application deadline
April 8th - commissioner recommendations due at noon
April 11th - r�sum� review
April 16th - interviews

IV. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Valerie Pocus
SAFC Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116