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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


  1. The SAFC and University auditors may audit the books of all currently funded organizations at any time.
  2. All commissioners shall have signed an “Oath of Office” and “Conflict of Interest Statement”. The SAFC requires that any commissioner who is also a member of another organization MUST refrain from all SAFC affairs when dealing with that outside organization. This includes representing that organization before the SAFC during budget hearings if serving as that President or and during the decision as to the allocation of monies for that organization. In addition to any voting/participation of an SAFC policy with regard to the outside organization both in regular meetings an in special conflict sessions. Commissioners who are members of other organizations may not attempt to influence other members regarding any SAFC actions regarding their organizations. Violators of these policies will be treated in the same manner as violators of the Attendance Policy after the offense has come to the attention of the E-board, the same procedures will be followed (see the Attendance Policy).
  3. To ensure that a clear and understandable record of the Commissions� decisions will be available to future members of the SAFC, the SA, and the student body as a whole, minutes will be placed in the SAFC office for commissioner comments. Any changes must be submitted to the Vice Chair of Internal Operations within 2 weeks. The E-board will then make final approval. Once approved, minutes will be forwarded to the Office of Assemblies. Further, the SA SAFC Liaison, when pertinent, will present them in a report to the SA after all executive meetings. The content of such reports will be delineated further under E-board Responsibilities.
  4. To ensure the orderly running of meetings the following procedures will be followed. Proposals for changes to procedures and policies must be submitted at any regular E-board meeting. At the discretion of the E-board such a proposal would be placed on the agenda for the next week’s meeting as New Business, under this heading, the item would be discussed and debated. The following week the item would be placed on the agenda as Old Business and would be voted on. Proposals that do not require any lengthy debate may be voted on under New Business if two-thirds of the members present vote to do so. Agendas and meetings will be publicized following the E-board’s meeting so the entire commission knows of the agenda items.
  5. The Office of Assemblies’ Director shall hire an accountant(s) to insure proper administration of all budgets.
  6. Appeals: The SAFC will set aside an amount to be determined each semester for organizations to appeal their allocations on the following grounds: new information and or discrimination. The deadline for Appeals will be determined each semester but is generally within a week of the allocations being made available. After the SAFC has made its decisions about all submitted appeals, organizations shall have the opportunity to appeal directly to the SA. The SA VP of Finance should be contacted for such appeals to the SA. Prior to appeal to the SA, organizations must meet with the SAFC Chair or Executive Vice Chair.
  7. Special Requests: The SAFC shall establish a Special Request fund to be used for unanticipated expenses of previously funded organizations that have already gone through the current semester’s budget process. Funds left over after Appeals will be used for the Special Requests funds. If no funds are available then there will not be any Special Requests accepted that semester.
  8. The SAFC will recall any unexpended allocations at the end of the semester.
  9. The SAFC Chair and Executive Vice Chair shall present directly to the SA every fall semester a full written accounting of their operations for the previous academic year. Including the names of organizations requesting funds, the amount requested, the amount awarded, and the amount actually spent as well as figures for the Commission as a whole. (SAA-544, Student Assembly Charter)

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116