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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

How to Complete an Application

You are being redirected to the new Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) website on the Cornell OrgSync portal

How To Complete A Budget Application

Note: The SAFC designates club sports teams as those non-varsity teams that meet regularly during their season to represent Cornell University in inter-collegiate athletic competitions and are members of the Club Sports Council. Please register with the Club Sports Council to identify your organization as a club sport. The Club Sports Council provides a list of registered groups to the SAFC each semester so we know who to fund as a club sport.

Note: The SAFC is a subsidiary organization for the student groups here on this campus; groups should not rely solely on the SAFC for funds. Due to budget constraints, the SAFC routinely imposes caps and percentage cuts to fairly allocate available funds.

Note: The SAFC will only fund for events that occur within the fall and spring academic semesters (fall break, Thanksgiving Break, Spring Break, and Study week) will be funded only if the date of the event is out of the group’s control for a documented reason.

Note: The SAFC is not held to previous semester funding decisions. The merits of a budget will be evaluated on a semester-by-semester basis.

Funding Limits

There is no limit to the amount a single organization can receive; however, there are two specific restrictions:

  1. Club Sport organizations may only receive 25% of the total funds the SAFC has available to allocate in a given application period.
  2. Organizations that have not received SAFC funding in the past 2 semesters: Maximum of $500 in the first semester and $1,000 in the second semester. After the first two semesters there are no restrictions.

Prohibited Expenses

There will be no reimbursement for the following items:

  1. Anything for the exclusive benefit of organization members
  2. Speaker or performer engagement fees without a proof of contact or a Letter of Intent by the budget application deadline
  3. Engagement fees for a University employee, current Cornell student, Cornell alum within 5 years, or relative of a Cornell student (defined as mother, father, brother, sister, stepmother, stepfather, step-sibling, half-sibling, spouse or child)
  4. FOOD or beverages for members
  5. FOOD preparation items such as sterno candles, utensils, serving dishes, etc.
  6. Receptions, parties, purely social events, DJ’s, or prizes (including trophies or gifts of any sort)
  7. Letterhead, envelopes, business cards, invitations, or printed tickets
  8. Pens, markers, pencils, tape, binders, or other non-durable office supply type goods
  9. Plants or seeds
  10. Certificates or membership cards
  11. Student directories
  12. Co-sponsored events where funding is requested by multiple groups for the same event unless a co-sponsored event budget application was submitted.
  13. Requests for the purpose of “carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence public legislation.” Note: see below
  14. Requests for primarily pre-professional events
  15. Requests for religious events that have the sole purpose of conversion or pure promotion of one religion over another, such as worship services (educational events may be funded) Note: see below for clarification
  16. Requests for money going directly to fundraising or charity Note: see below for clarification
  17. The production or recording of audio visual materials in any form (such as the production of CD’s or video tapes of performances) and the supplies used their recording and production.
  18. Requests for reimbursement of tax paid out-of-pocket Note: you can avoid paying tax by using the Direct Charge Authorization, Purchase Order Request and other such forms.
  19. Software (video game software and computer software) and televisions
  20. Yearbook picture fees
  21. Purchase of uniforms or costumes Note: the SAFC will provide funding for rentals of costumes only.
  22. Film developing or disposable cameras. The SAFC will not fund for audio-visual equipment (digital camera, camcorders) which are available through the Cornell library system.
  23. Online database services
  24. Movie tickets

Specific restrictions definitions:

Religious Events
According to federal law and Cornell University policy, the SAFC cannot fund religious events in which one religion is promoted over another, conversion or worship ceremonies, etc. The SAFC does fund educational events or activities organized by religiously based organizations.
Charitable Events
The University makes a clear distinction between financial contributions and aiding Cornell students to participate in service activities. This rule prohibits any direct allocation to charitable organizations, but does allow for the funding of recruiting, administration, and travel expense, which would be necessary to make it possible for Cornell students to participate in service projects. Note: the SAFC discourages the use of student activity fee monies for fundraising purposes. The SAFC may, however, fund events with a fundraising component as long as the fundraising aspect of the event is clearly peripheral to its cultural, educational, or artistic value.
Political Events
The SAFC funds cannot be used to support partisan political organizations that are affiliated with a registered public political party or candidate formed for the purpose of supporting or opposing any particular legislation. Partisan political activities are those which are used to support or oppose any particular legislation. Non-partisan activities sponsored by partisan organizations may be funded. According to the IRS, funded organizations may “not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” (Internal Revenue Code - Section 501©(3).

Price Quotes and Documentation Requirements

What constitutes a price quote?

  • Printout directly from a website that includes the price of the object, fee, etc.
    • Copying and pasting the contents of a website into a Word, Excel, etc. document is NOT considered a price quote.
  • Catalogue page including the price of the object
  • E-mail printed directly from an e-mail program or a signed note or fax directly from a vendor
    • Copying and pasting the contents of an e-mail into a Word, Excel, etc. document in NOT considered a price quote. Likewise, a typed document or note that is not signed is NOT considered a price quote.
    • If your price quote is in an attachment of an email, you must print out the original email as well as the attachment.
  • Official invoice from a vendor

What constitutes documentation?

  • Email printed directly from an e-mail program or a hand-signed note or fax directly from the relevant individual (e.g. from the speaker for a “Proof of Contract”, or the university scheduler for a room rental)
  • Printout directly from a website that includes the dates of an event (e.g. a conference) and any other relevant event details
  • Printout directly from a mileage and directions website such as or
  • An official invoice from a service provider, vendor, etc ( e.g. to prove that a venue has been secured)
  • In cases where a specific document is needed (e.g. a Letter of Intent Form), those successfully completed forms are considered documentation

E-mail printed directly from an on-line web client which includes the URL at the bottom of the page or a hand-signed note or fax directly from the relevant individual (e.g. from the speaker for a “Proof of Contact”, or the university scheduler for a room rental)

Please Note:
Copying and pasting the contents of an e-mail into a Word, Excel, etc. document is NOT considered documentation. Printed emails MUST have the web client URL at the bottom of the page (i.e. the Cornell Webmail URL) . A typed document or note that is not hand-signed is NOT a valid form of documentation. Electronic signatures are NOT considered valid forms of documentation.

Early Spring Event Funding

Organizations may apply for fund for an event in the next semester if the date of the event will fall between the first day of classes and date of budget hearings. This event will be treated as a normal priority and fund in the semester in which it is applied for. i.e. applying for an event in the occurs during the first week of classes in the Spring (next semester), in your Fall budget (current semester).

Category 1: Administrative Expenses

Expenses which support the basic functioning cost for meetings and operations copying. This does not include internet or web space funding, as every student organization is able to obtain free web space upon registration with the Student Activities Office.

Section 1:

Maximum amount is $200 per semester

Section 2:

Covers cost such as:

  1. Copying at $0.03 per impression
    (using Olin Library Copy Center’s SAFC preferred rate — use Direct Charge Authorization Form)
    • Your organization must specify the number of copies needed in addition to the dollar amount requested.
    • Funding rate is per-impression for black-and-white US letter sized copies (8.5 by 11 inches). Copies printed to other specifications will be funded at the same rate.
    • Maximum of 1,000 impressions will be funded in this category. 1,000 impressions is equivalent to 4,000 quarter cards.
    • The SAFC will not fund for internal documents. An internal document is a document that is specifically for internal circulation: such as newsletters and agendas.
  2. Chalk at $8 per bucket
    • Indicate the specific number of buckets of chalk (Up to a maximum of three (3) buckets per semester under the administrative category).
  3. Cornell Daily Sun ads only for membership recruitment at $59.50 per ad (a maximum of two (2) per semester). The SAFC will fund only the $59.50, 1/8 page Sun Ad.
  4. First Aids Kits must be applied for under this category
  5. WSH mailbox fee at $25 per semester. Organization must include proof of rental for the semester in the application.
  6. The SAFC will not fund for any phone expenses under any circumstances
  7. Books for a club if the group provides a signed letter from their advisor stating how many copies of the book are needed and why

Category 2: Local Events On and Off Campus

Expenses which support the costs related to speaker or performer engagement fees and costs associated with putting on an event or program. Any requests made in this category are contingent on proof that the event is in fact occurring (see below).

  • The SAFC will not fund any event (speaker, performer, etc.) unless proof of a venue reservation is presented, even if the group owns the venue. This documentation needs to be presented even if you are NOT applying for room rental funding. (see definition of documentation)
  • The SAFC will not fund for any of the speaker or performer’s expenses (food, lodging, etc.) if there is no proof that the speaker is actually coming (proof of contact, email, letter of intent, etc.). This documentation needs to be presented even if you are NOT applying for engagement fee funding. (see definition of documentation)
General Rules for Local Events
  • No engagement fee can be paid to a university student, employee, or an alumnus who graduated within five years or relative of a Cornell student, or a former employee of Cornell University who has worked for Cornell within the past 5 years.
  • SAFC will not fund speakers/performers for an event held when classes are not in session (including ALL breaks)
  • SAFC will not fund events that are for the purpose of:
    • Conversion/worship
    • Influencing legislature
    • Partisan political activity
    • Social activity
  • All Non-US speakers need ISSO approval (see FORMS)
  • Check to see your event requires a Use of University Property Form or UUP (see FORMS)
Section 1: Speaker or Performer Engagement Fees

Please note: SAFC will not accept contracts in applications, and organizations may not sign contracts until funding is secured. A Letter of Intent form is the only appropriate agreement that an organization should sign with a speaker or performer when applying for SAFC funds. The SAO requires organizations preparing contracts for $1,000 or more to attend a workshop and allow the SAO to review any contracts before signing.

  1. Maximum allocation for an engagement fee is:
    • $3000 for single organization event
    • $5000 for co-organized event
  2. The engagement fee does not include lodging, travel or food
  3. Engagement fee of $500 or less (suggested amount)
    1. To receive funding for these fees you must have PROOF OF CONTACT
    2. In order to be considered a Proof of Contact, letter, fax or email from speaker or performer must include:
      • Speaker’s name
      • Date of engagement
      • Amount to be paid
  4. Engagement fee over $500
    1. To receive funding for these fees you must have (1) a SAFC LETTER OF INTENT, a specific SAFC form (on the SAFC web site)
    2. Letter of Intent is:
      • An agreement between you and the speaker that he or she plans to come to Cornell on a specified date.
      • Letter of Intent is not a contract. The SAO requires that organizations never sign contracts before funding is secured. The Letter of Intent expresses an agreement that is not binding on your organization or the performer.
  5. Engagement fee of $1,000 or more
    1. SAO requires that officers attend a Contract Negotiation Workshop before signing a contract for $1,000 or more. Dates, times, and locations of workshops are available from the SAFC Calendar.
Section 2: Speaker and Performer Travel, Lodging, and Meal Expenses

In order to receive any funding for a speaker, a proof of contact must be submitted even if an engagement fee is not being requested).

Only one engagement fee may be requested for a speaker or performer in any semester, regardless of whether it is requested in a co-organized or single organization budget.

  1. Travel
    • Will be reimbursed for up to $0.505 per mile for speakers and performers
    • This money can be put towards any form of travel (bus, car, plane, train)
    • Proof of distance must be provided (round trip!). MapQuest or similar proof of mileage must be submitted with the budget packet. In order to receive funding for travel, the speaker’s proof of contact must indicate where he or she will be coming from and returning to, as well as mileage for these locations. Even if a plane ticket is cheaper, mileage must still be included.
    • Travel must be to and from Ithaca, NY only.
  2. Meal Maximum ($30 per day)
    1. Breakfast: $5 per meal
    2. Lunch: $10 per meal
    3. Dinner: $15 per meal
    4. Funding is provided for restaurant meals, but not groceries.
  3. Lodging Maximum
    1. Will only fund long distance speakers and performers
    2. Will fund $75 per night for the first speaker or performer and $10 per person for each additional speaker or performer staying in the same room
    3. Will not fund for:
      • Valet parking at the hotel
      • Phone calls from room
      • Video rentals
Section 3: Program Expenses
  1. PRICE QUOTES are necessary for (See the Notes before Category 1 for What is Accepted as a Price Quote):
    1. Rental equipment and services. Organizations must provide service agreements for off-campus businesses that provide light, sound, etc.)
    2. Cornell services. Organizations must provide a service agreement for any service provider used. (i.e. Cornell Police, Environmental Health and Safety, electricians, custodian)
    3. Room rental. Organizations must specify location, duration of event, and fee per hour, including practice and set-up (i.e. ice time, field use, auditoriums). Even if the room is free or owned by the group, proof of reservation is required for the date and time of the event. Proof can be a direct print out of an email, a letter, a hand-signed fax, or an official room rental form, but it must include the date, times, and cost.
    4. Program materials that are non-perishable, re-usable items or materials essential to the success of the program, including costume rentals and props. Only rental (not purchase) of clothing, costumes, or props will be funded. Please see what the SAFC does not fund on page 11 of the President and Treasurer’s Handbook.
  2. Movie rental or copyright fees
    1. Include titles, providing a description of each and the copyright fee per movie or play
    2. All movies shown must be approved by Cornell cinema. Proof of approval must be included in the packet.
Section 4: Publicity
  1. The maximum number of copies that can be funded is 500 copies of 8 1/2 by 11 sized pieces of paper (which equals 2,000 quarter cards) and one bucket of chalk.
    1. A maximum of one bucket of chalk will be funded at $8
    2. Copies are funded at the Olin Library Copy Center rate of $0.03 per impression.
    3. Indicate number of copies and chalk requested in the comments section of the budget. Show your calculations for $ total.
    4. Indicate number of copies and buckets of chalk in the comments section of the budget. Show your calculations!
  2. Banner space rental expenses are allowed up to $15. This covers only the space above the Cornell Store.
  3. Two free 1/8 page ads per event in The Cornell Daily Sun for events funded by the SAFC (see forms)
  4. The SAFC does not fund “programs” or tickets for events.
Section 5: Engagement Agreements

Engagement agreements or contracts are binding agreements between your organization and an outside speaker, performer, or vendor. You may not sign an engagement agreement or contract for an activity at Cornell unless you have already secured funding and have followed the guidelines below. You should never sign a contract which names the university, because you are not authorized to do so as a student.

  1. For services of less than $1000:
    1. Club Sports: complete the Club Sports Contract for Officials
    2. Other Services: Contact the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall.
    3. Engagement Fees: complete the Engagement Agreement or the contract provided by the party with which you are negotiating.
    4. Other Services: contact the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall.
  2. For services of $1000 or more
    1. You must attend an SAO workshop on contract negotiation. Dates, times, and locations are provided on the SAFC calendar.
    2. Consult with Jenn Davis, Student Activities Office, ( or 524 WSH) before making commitment.
    3. For reimbursement: Engagement Fees- complete the Engagement Agreement form or contract provided by your service provider, speaker, or performer
    4. Other Services: contact Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall.

Category 3: Durable Goods and Equipment

No funding will be provided for a durable good unless you provide a price quote (as described before category 1), detailed description of the item, and reason for the quantity requested.

Durable Good
Consumer goods that are typically used repeatedly over a period of years and able to exist without significant deterioration.
Section 1: Restrictions
  1. No items purchased for personalized use
  2. Must be stored in your office, with your advisor, or another SAFC approved on campus, non-residential storage facility. The SAFC will fund for the rental of storage space for durable goods funded by the SAFC, with proper price quotes.
  3. Purchases may not duplicate what is already available on campus
  4. Goods or supplies to create publicity will not be funded within this category,
  5. Pens, pencils, markers, paper, or other non-durable office supply type goods will not be funded under any circumstances. This includes durable office supplies as well, such as but not limited to filing cabinets, hole punches, staplers and paperweights.
  6. Clubs that specialize in the visual arts may apply for art supplies such as paints and canvas.
  7. The copyrights to music will be funded; however copying of that music will not be funded.
  8. Goods that last for short periods of time, such as athletic tape or cups for water do not constitute a durable good as outlined by our definition.
  9. First Aids Kits must be applied for under Administrative costs and not under durable goods.
Section 2: Instructions
  1. Books, E-Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Videos, CDs, and DVDs
    1. List titles, location to be stored, and cost
    2. If items will be housed in the Cornell Library, you must ask them to order them before requesting SAFC funding.
    3. The SAFC will fund books or magazines to be kept in your office if they are unique to your organization.
    4. The SAFC will not fund for any items that are available at any of the Cornell libraries. You must prove (by providing a printout of your search of the Library Gateway System) that no library on campus currently has your book.
    5. If books are essential to your organization you can apply for multiple copies of one book under administrative expenses.
  2. Electronics
    1. The SAFC will fund for the licensing rights to computer software.
    2. The purchase of electronic hardware (ex. Computers, gaming counsels, game controllers, etc.) will only be funded if the request is accompanied by a letter from an advisor which details the need for each component of the hardware being requested.
  3. Equipment Purchases
    1. List items, the location to be stored, and cost
    2. Provide a detailed description and official price quote
    3. Must submit an inventory report for equipment previously purchased by SAFC and equipment not purchased by the SAFC as well.
    4. The SAFC will NOT fund for decorations for events.
    5. The SAFC will only fund required shipping costs associated with the item- no express or special delivery, only the basic MAILING of the good. This does not include postal insurance.
    6. The SAFC does NOT pay for tax on items, as they can be purchased tax-free through a direct authorization form.

Please highlight price and quantity of item being purchased in your documentation

Category 4: Travel Events (conference, tournament, student travel)

NOTE: Travel must be to and from Ithaca, NY.

NOTE: Student groups that are traveling internationally will only be allowed up to $1500 for travel expenses (This does not include hotel costs).

NOTE: The SAFC will fund for up to FOUR (4) students to attend a travel event. This rule applies to all student organizations, including Club Sports. For more than FOUR (4) to attend, official documentation (see explanation before Category 1) explicitly explaining why more than FOUR students are needed to attend and then exactly how many students are needed to attend the event is required (e.g. a separate signed note from advisor, or printout of tournament website, explaining the additional number of students needed). Funding for students include fees, travel, and lodging.

NOTE: The SAFC will only fund for one travel event per priority. The only exception of this is for competitive clubs that compete and have a competitive schedule for which the SAFC will only fund for their regular season (e.g. regular season games for a club sport can be 1 priority).

NOTE: If a coach is required to attend the event, the coach will be funded at the student rates for travel and lodging. Please submit a signed note or email from the advisor or a printout from the event’s website verifying the necessity of a coach to attend the event.

NOTE: Club sports must break down all rates and prices and include total amount for all tournaments on the online SAFC budget. Club sports must provide proof that they have qualified or registered for any tournaments. If they have not yet qualified then they are eligible to apply for Special Projects when they do qualify later in the semester.

Section 1: Conference or Tournament Information Needed
  1. Information for tournament or conference
    1. Date of the event must be included. SAFC does not fund trips that occur when classes are not in session (fall break, Thanksgiving break, Spring break, study week) unless the event is organized is not organized by the group.
    2. Membership Fees: DOCUMENTATION (see explanation before Category 1) of organization membership, fee, and what it covers
    3. Registration Fee for Event: documentation of event, event sponsor and fee. If there is no fee, documentation is still required as proof the conference exists. If documentation from previous years is being used, please include an explanation and proof as to why it is not available yet this year (print out from website with the “TBD” note, etc.).
    4. Brochure or web print out with official schedule of tournaments, and details of conference or tournament.
  2. Information about travel to tournament or conference
    1. How many nights will members be staying and why the length of stay is necessary.
    2. Use or similar service to determine roundtrip mileage. Even if a plane ticket is cheaper and is intended for use, calculated mileage still must be included.
  3. Information about participation within a tournament or conference
    1. List all Tournaments and Conferences in order of importance
    2. Explain why it is necessary to attend each event
      1. Why it is necessary for that amount of members officially documented (see Notes immediately following the Category 4 heading)
    3. Number of members and names needed to attend
    4. Keep food and social expenses separate, as they are not covered by the SAFC
  4. On the online budget application the organization must enter total amount requested if it is requesting multiple travel events (then attach a spreadsheet breaking down individual event costs)
Section 2: Student Travel Restrictions
  1. Lodging allocation maximum is $15 per night per student
  2. The SAFC will fund travel, lodging, and registration fees as follows:
    1. Up to four students with proof of conference alone, or
    2. More than four students with documentation from the event organizer or organization’s advisor of the number needed.
  3. Travel allocation is based on 4 students per car or 7 students per mini-van at $0.15 per mile per vehicle
    1. If you are requesting travel to and from, calculate the ROUND TRIP mileage and include round trip cost on the budget application
  4. No travel expenses will be allocated for travel within Tompkins County
  5. Transportation allocation maximum is $0.15 per mile for 4 students (this money can be put towards any form of travel: bus, car, plane, train):

Note: Organizations may not request rental vehicles or insurance for vehicles.

Category 5: Publications

Section 1: Funding Limit

Maximum amount allocated for publication is $2,500 per semester

Section 2: Criteria for Funding

In order to be funded for a publication the following criteria must be met:

  1. The advisor’s information must be included along with the editors and staff information.
  2. Must be available to entire Cornell Community: available in campus dining halls, student centers (i.e. WSH), libraries, campus cafes, etc.
  3. Budget application must indicate number of issues and pages per issue
  4. Provide estimate or price quote from printer. Contact Cornell Graphics Purchasing at 607–255–0898 and they will provide a price quote for you. Allow 3 weeks for processing.
  5. All price quotes and estimates provided must either be current and no older than two semesters
Section 3: Paying for printing
  1. If using a campus department for a print job or an off-campus printer for expenses less than $500, you can receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket payments.
    • Submit a Direct Charge Authorization Form to avoid paying tax and have the SAFC pay the vendor directly.
  2. For off-campus printing jobs of $500 or more the Office of the Assemblies must issue a purchase order for the request.
    • Submit an estimate from the vendor along with a Purchase Order Request Form. Contact Cornell Graphics Purchasing at 255–0898 and they will provide a price quote for you. Allow 3 weeks for processing.

Co-Organized Events

  1. Each group that is involved in a Co-Organized budget must ALSO submit a single budget for their individual group OR Part I of the budget application FOR THE SEMESTER that the Co-Organized event is occurring. An organization may not request funds for the same event in a co-organized budget and a single-organization budget.
  2. Single groups can ONLY be part of one Co-Organized budget PER SEMESTER.
  3. All Co-Organized events must comply with the Category 2 (Local Events On and Off Campus) rules in the President & Treasurer Handbook. Please see that section for further guidance on applying for your Co-Organized event.

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116