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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

New Policies Fall 2007

Who May Attend Hearings
  • Only undergraduates and their advisor may attend SAFC hearings.
Price Quotes and Documentation Requirements
  • If your price quote is in an attachment of an email, you must print out the original email as well as the attachment.
  • Electronic signatures are not considered a valid form of documentation.
  • If documentation is not available in English, it must be accompanied by a written translation with a signature from the advisor attesting to the accuracy of that translation.
  • The SAFC will not fund any event (speaker, performer, etc.) unless proof of a venue reservation is presented regardless of whether or not the group owns the venue location. This documentation needs to be presented even if you are NOT applying for room rental funding (see definition of documentation).
  • Club sports must break down all rates and prices and include total amount for all tournaments on the online SAFC budget. Club sports must provide proof that they have qualified or registered for any tournaments. If they have not yet qualified then they are eligible to apply for Special Projects when they do qualify later in the semester.
Speaker or Performer Honorarium Fees
  • SAFC will not accept contracts in applications. Organizations may not sign contracts until funding is secured. A Letter of Intent is the only appropriate agreement that an organization should sign with a speaker or performer when applying for SAFC funds. The SAO requires organizations preparing contracts for $1,000 or more to attend a workshop and allow the SAO to review any contracts before signing.
Co-Organized Events
  • Semester budgets and co-organized budgets may not overlap funding or speakers
Funding Restrictions
  • In order to be eligible for SAFC funding, an organization must have undergraduates as the president and treasurer, and undergraduate students must determine its leadership.
  • The SAFC does not fund for online database usage.
  • The SAFC will not fund for movie tickets.
  • The SAFC will not fund social events.
SAFC Appeals
  • All supporting information pertinent to the appeal must be turned in when appeal applications are due and therefore may not be turned in at the hearing.
  • An organization may not request printing, pickup, or delivery of a publication until the Office of the Assemblies approves and releases an authorized purchase order for the particular printing job.

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116