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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

New Policies Fall 2008

Chapter system was put in place to create a usable document that is easy to navigate.

Chapter 1
Definitions were added to the Funding Guidelines from the SAFC Bylaws and Charter. This is to help improve the transparency of what the SAFC does, and how it fits into the University Assembly system. Removed was a detailed explanation of the SAFC’s use of the SAF. This is to be included in the SAFC Bylaws that will be presented in the Fall. It was felt that this was an unnecessary thing to have within a list of funding procedures.
Chapter 2
States the general eligibility requirements from the President and Treasurer’s Handbook, including limits for new groups. Newly added is a section regarding code of conduct and how the SAFC is able to enforce breaches of stewardship and ethical conduct.
Chapter 3
Explains when and how to submit a budget application, including penalties for late submission, and how to complete a special projects or jointly organized application.
  • Added the following:

    ”If an error is recognized after an application has been submitted, an organization can still receive funding for that error but must provide documentation that the error or errors could have been readily corrected prior to the application deadline. An organization will receive a 25% reduction in the stipulated areas where the error occurred in the application.”
Chapter 4
Explains the budget hearing process, including cancellations, and who is allowed to attend. Changes:
  • A maximum of 4 commissioners and a minimum of 2 commissioners must be at a budget hearing table. Commissioners will also keep minutes at budget hearing table.
  • Groups may provide no more than 3 and no less than 1 representatives at a hearing.
  • Groups with budgets under $500 may not schedule a budget hearing.
Chapter 5
Explains that allocations are not guaranteed, and how the SAFC allocates.
Chapter 6
Describes the process for appeals. Changes:
  • Applicants may submit an appeal of a decision on the grounds that an error was made on behalf of the commission; or that new information is available that could not have been obtained prior to budget submission.
Chapter 7
Explains how to spend funds, including an in depth description of how to and use each form.
Chapter 8
Explains that funds will be reverted to the SAFC account if not spent.
Chapter 9
This is the main part taken from the P&T handbook.
  • Changes in Administrative Costs:
    • Books are no longer funded for under administrative costs.
    • The SAFC will fund for equipment repairs other than restocking first aid kits.
  • Changes in Local Event funding:
    • Clearly states that coaches and practice venues are applied for under this category.
    • Includes list of things not funded for, including the dates that events must occur within.
    • Allows for the rental of video games for a local event.
  • Changes for Travel Event Funding:
    • Eligibility states that the event must “occur between the first day of classes and the last day of exams for the semester in which it occurs”.
  • Changes for Durable Good Funding:
    • Organizations must include an inventory of all goods previously purchased with SAFC funds.
  • No changes were made for Publications.
Chapter 10
Describes negotiated rates for copying, chalk, advertising, travel rates for students, and travel rates for performers.
  • price quote must be within 2 years
  • Rate for student travel is now listed as “$0.073 per person per mile”
Chapter 11
Describes all forms of documentation necessary for groups.
  • Changes:
    • A web URL is no longer needed for emails, but they must be from an email program.
Chapter 12
Includes a link to the SAFC calendar.

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116