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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

New Policies Spring 2008

Price Quotes and Documentation
(streamlined wording and got rid of repetitive sentences)
How to Complete a Budget Application
“The SAFC will only fund for events that occur within the fall and spring academic semesters (fall break, Thanksgiving Break, Spring Break, and Study week) will be funded only if the date of the event is out of the group’s control for a documented reason.′
Prohibited Expenses
  • “The production or recording of audio visual materials in any form (such as the production of CDs or video tapes of performances) and the supplies used in recording and production.”
  • “Software (video game software and computer software) and televisions
  • “The SAFC will not fund for audio-visual equipment (digital camera, camcorders) which are available through the Cornell library system.”
  • Added “All price quotes and estimates provided must either be current and no older than two semesters.”
Durable Goods
  • “First Aids Kits must be applied for under Administrative costs and not under durable goods.”
  • “If books are essential to your organization you can apply for multiple copies of one book under administrative expenses.”
  • “The SAFC will fund for the licensing rights to computer software.”
  • “The purchase of electronic hardware will only be funded if the request is accompanied by a letter from an advisor which details the needed for each component of the hardware being requested.”
Administrative Expenses
  • “First Aids Kits must be applied for under this category”
  • “Books for a club if the group provides a signed letter from their advisor stating how many copies of the book are needed and why”
Local Events On and Off Campus
  • No honorarium for a speaker or performer who is a “former employee of Cornell University who has worked for Cornell within the past 5 years”.
  • Changes to funding limits for copies and chalk in Section 4: Publicity
Travel Events
  • Student groups that are traveling internationally will only be allowed up to $1500 for travel expenses, excluding hotel costs.
  • Travel mileage should be round trip.

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116