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September 18, 2012 Minutes

SA Residential Life Committee Meeting Minutes
Sep. 18, 2012
GSH 181
4:30–5:30 PM

Administrators Present:

  • Barbara Romano, Residential and Event Services
  • Joseph Burke, Director of Residential Programs

Gender-Inclusive Housing Initiative

  • LGBTQ Rep At Large Dean I.
  • Definition
    • Gender-Inclusive — living with whomever one chooses despite gender identity or biological sex
  • Goal
    • To create a more gender friendly housing system and to break down notions of gender inequality
  • Initial Steps
    • Pilot program for gender neutral and gender inclusive housing to take place next academic year and to last for about two years
    • Third year is pending favorable review
  • What it will do
    • Gives rising sophomores and upperclassmen the option to live with those of the opposite sex
      • Choice is completely optional/voluntary
      • Not only open to continued residents on campus housing
    • Make option available for suites, dorm rooms, and program houses
      • Not expecting to make all rooms “mixed room” — simply want the option to be out there
    • Will NOT ask reasoning behind making or not making this choice
      • Randomized Placement of First Years
      • Freshmen would have to have conversation with Housing Office to make special needs and requests known
  • Context
    • 180 US universities have already implemented similar initiatives
    • Columbia is “most advanced” with completely open housing for all on-campus residents
    • Gender-Neutral Bathroom Initiative (pasted in 2011) — all Cornell campus buildings newly built or being renovated must make plans to include gender-neutral bathrooms

Student Life Task Force Initiatives

  • Student Activities
    • National Coming Out Day Programming
      • Date: Oct. 11, 2012
      • Contact: Dean
      • Working on fair/carnival on Ho Plaza for the full community, includes photo campaign leading up to actual event
    • Measuring the Student Experience
      • Contact: Moseh
      • Trying to get sense of how happy people are here at Cornell
    • Student Supreme Court
      • Contact: Ulysses
      • Would handle student vs. student, student vs. student org, student org vs. student org disputes
      • Justices would be selected by a committee
      • Forms of repercussions are yet to be decided
  • Housing Facilities
    • Gender Inclusive Housing Initiative
      • Contact: Ulysses or Dean
    • Gender Inclusive Bathrooms
      • Contact: Dean
      • This resolution was passed last year
      • Gender-neutral bathrooms in all new and renovating buildings on campus
    • Concentrating Transfer Housing
      • Contact: Inge
  • Dining
    • Dining options for students during breaks
      • Contacr: Enrico or Jill
    • Increasing dining hours on WC and PRCC
      • Contact: Inge or Garrison
    • Staffing Pub Committee
      • Contact: Jill
  • University Policy
    • Placing bus schedules at bus stops
      • Contact: Garrison
    • Adjusting pre-enrollment/add drop period
      • Contact: Enrico
  • Collegetown Initiatives
    • Composting in CT
      • Contact: Jill
    • Engaging more students in CT
      • Contact: Ulysses
  • Diversity & Inclusion
    • SA Diversity Affairs Coalition
      • Contact: Ulysses

Other Possible Initiatives To Take On

  • Extend deadline to change meal plan for freshman so they can adjust to schedules (i.e. 14 meals to 7 meals) and make a more educated decisions for meal plan selections
  • Roping off of staircase in Trillium can be a hassle and dangerous for students due to the lack of stairways in Kennedy Hall
  • Reduced seating in Okenshield’s Dining Hall has become a burden for students

Next meeting: Tuesday, Sep. 25, 2012 (aka Ulysses’ birthday!)

SA Res Life Shortcuts

Contact SA Res Life

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F