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October 16, 2012 Minutes

SA Residential Life Committee Meeting Minutes
Oct. 16, 2012
GSH 181
4:30–5:30 PM

Student Assembly Residential & Community Life Committee Meeting Minutes October 16, 2012 4:30pm — 5:30pm Goldwin Smith 144


  • People’s School — Thursday @ 10 AM-4:30 PM, Arts Quad
    • Discussion on rape culture to specific policies to diversity initiatives
  • Campus Lighting Survey — Oct. 25
    • 3 teams (North, West, Collegetown)

Walk with team and pick out spots that are poorly lit and/or lacking walking accessibility RSVP by Oct. 23

Cornell Responds Presentation�Patricia Nguyen (Director of A3C, Assistant Dean of Students)

  • “Community conversations addressing bias”
  • Cornell Responds aims to provide an educational and restorative community response to help the campus react, process, and address bias incidents
  • It’s just a band-aid for now in terms of looking at bias
  • Disclaimer
  • This can’t just depend on “goodwill”

Student advocacy is priority here (don’t care what admin thinks) This is an anti-institution institution Ethical concerns Need to realize reality of what is Cornell culture

  • What we have done/do:
    • Alert staff
  • i.e. Sigma Pi incident
    • Workshops/Facilitated Spaces
  • i.e. responding as an aspiring white ally, understanding campus climate
    • Planted staff in protests and in Sigma Pi to educate
  • Collect observations; focus on isolated incidences
  • Communicate student demands to Skorton/admin
  • Provide students will language and tools to voice opinions in times like this
  • Four areas we work in
    • Advising administration
    • Informing affiliated staff and faculty
    • Educational programming
    • Support student response
  • ResLife Committee Discussion
    • Freshmen need to be more educated on processes of Bias Reports, etc.
    • Hall Councils are solely programming, but not equip to do educational programming
    • Cornell culture is really focused on expensive and fun programming

Residence Hall Staff Training

  • Current RA Training
    • Week long training
    • Go over different issues
  • Racial issues, alcohol/drug use, student-to-student communication, gender identity issues, etc.
  • Very lecture based
  • Student staff training diversity curriculum
    • 1–2 semesters — ally training
    • 3–4 semester — micoaggressions training
    • 5+ semester — co-facilitate microaggression training
    • Microaggressions training is new
  • Improvements
    • Not as lecture based
    • More interactive, with feedback
  • Not as much sensitivity training for first year trainees; got it second year of training
    • More lectures
    • More action based activities

Packet given to RA with all resources (contact info, blurb, etc.)

  • A week long, information packed - Can’t recall everything

There is only so much time to train each level so introducing new initiatives is hard

  • Right now have ally and microaggression training

Need to keep things fresh

  • Different speaker each year
  • Different slides

Summary of Issues

  • So little time
  • Lack of practical applications
  • Problems with content and who receives what training and at what time
  • Follow up training

Next Week: Tuesday, Oct. 23 @ 4:30 PM

SA Res Life Shortcuts

Contact SA Res Life

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F