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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 18, 1998 Agenda

University Assembly
Wednesday, November 18, 1998
WSH International Lounge
4:30–6:15 PM

  1. Call to Order
  2. Additions to the Agenda
  3. Open Forum
  4. Announcements
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. October 28, 1998
  6. Report from the Chair
    1. Assemblies Leader’s Breakfast Meeting
    2. Leadership Meeting with Executive Staff
    3. Judicial Administrator Search Committee
  7. Constituent Assemblies Reports
    1. Faculty Senate-Betty Lewis
    2. Employee Assembly - Michael Esposito
    3. Graduate & Professional Student Assembly - Dennis Carlson
    4. Student Assembly - Philip Righter
  8. Business of the Day
    1. University Assembly Committee Reports
      1. Assemblies System Review, Larry Russell
      2. Budget Planning, Gary Brandt
      3. Campus Planning, Linda Yannone
      4. Campus Store, Jacob Werner
      5. Codes & Judicial, Philip Righter
      6. Committee on Committees, Dennis Carlson
      7. CURW, Marian Hartill
      8. Financial Aid Review
      9. Health Services, Gary Brandt
      10. Minority & Third World Affairs, Michael Esposito
      11. Transportation Advisory, Betty Lewis
  9. Old Business
    1. University Assembly Attendance Policy
    2. Assemblies Fall Retreat/Advance “Next Steps”
  10. Adjournment

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715