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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 18, 1998 Minutes

University Assembly
Wednesday, November 18, 1998
WSH Art Gallery
4:30 PM

I. Call to Order

M. Esposito called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

II. Additions to the Agenda

Kathleen Rourke was in attendance at today’s University Assembly meeting to announce the recent actions of the Codes and Judicial Committee. She announced that, due to recent vacancies on the Judicial Hearing & Review Board, a search was initiated to locate candidates to fill these seats until the end of the year. She reported that the committee assembled for this task and is returning to the UA with the names of three candidates and one alternate. She explained that each interviewee was ranked on a scale of 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest possible score. She announced that Francisco Berry was the top candidate, receiving two 6 scores. She noted that he is a graduate of the law school, which could benefit the Hearing Board. The second candidate was Vivica Kraak, who also received two perfect scores of 6. The third, and final, suggestion to the Board, was Debra Lamb-Deans, who received a score of 6 and 5.5. She added that the alternate selection was John Guttenburger, who scored two marks of 5.5. She noted that the committee did not have a quorum at the meeting where these selections were finalized.

M. Esposito questioned if they should vote to approve these selections pending the approval of the committee at their next meeting.

K. Rourke commented that the lack of final approval by the committee is not necessary, due to the fact that the committee was active throughout the entire process of selecting the prospective candidates. The question of term limitation of the new members was brought up by K. Rourke. She explained that the members of the board cycle through their term every two years, however, this is designed to provide a 50% turnover of members each year, due to a staggered appointment procedure. She questioned if the newly appointed members should have a full two year term, or only serve until the end of this year.

P. Righter suggested these candidates be allowed to serve until Spring 1999 and then be reconsidered to continue serving on the Board for an additional two years.

M. Esposito called for a vote to accept the nominations for the Judicial Hearing Review Board.

The University Assembly unanimously approved the 3 candidates and alternate to serve on the Judicial Hearing Review Board for a term to begin immediately through the day classes begin for the Fall 1999 term as follows:

Francisco Berry
Vivica Kraak
Debra Lamb-Deans
Alternate: John Guttenburger

III. Open Forum

No comments were made during Open Forum.

IV. Announcements

M. Esposito announced that J. Werner had resigned from the University Assembly, due to the fire at his apartment where he lived in Collegetown.

V. Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of 10–28–98 were unanimously approved as submitted.

VI. Report from the Chair

D. Carlson reviewed the recent Leadership Breakfast meeting of the Assemblies’ leaders.

He noted that this meeting consisted only of representatives of the Assemblies, and not the administration. D. Carlson announced that the main topic of discussion was the recent changes in the Division of Biological Sciences. The general overview of these changes was that the undergraduate major in this subject area would remain unchanged. It was noted that there would be little adverse effects as a result of this change. C. Gardner added that each Assembly reported their recent actions at the last Breakfast Meeting. D. Carlson announced that the next Leadership Meeting would be Monday, November 23, 1998 and that representatives of the administration would also be in attendance. It was added that in past Leadership Meetings the topic of volunteer opportunities on campus and throughout the community were discussed, as well as making Cornell more handicap accessible.

M. Esposito requested that any questions pertaining to campus-wide topics be forwarded to him, so he might bring them up at the next Leadership Meeting.

M. Esposito announced that Barbara Krause is leaving her post as Judicial Administrator as of January 3, 1999. He was pleased to add that she will be staying on campus. Because of this vacancy, the UA Executive Committee will form the foundation of the JA Search Committee, the President will also appoint two members to the committee.

VII. Constituent Assemblies Report

M. Esposito began by reviewing the recent actions of the Employee Assembly. He announced the EA is presently composing an insert for the employee newspaper that will summarize the Assembly. He added that the EA is also planning another open forum. He commented that Project 2000 provided an excellent topic for the forum two years ago, however, last year’s forum was less effective due to the lack of a central topic. Therefor, M. Esposito explained, the EA is searching for new topics to stimulate input in the forum. He added that the EA also met with the Transportation Advisory Committee to discuss how to communicate issues of concern to employees to the committee.

B. Lewis reported on the Faculty Senate. She explained that the Faculty Senate was mainly dealing with the issue of the Division of Biological Sciences. She added that four departments were created in this reorganization, all governed by the Dean of Arts and Sciences or the Dean of Agriculture. She commented that there were no changes to the undergraduate program or tuition. This split will allow the faculty to become more involved in the undergraduate education.

D. Carlson reported on the recent proceedings of the GPSA. He announced the main concern of the GPSA was trying to open a more direct line of contact with the administration. He felt that the GPSA did not have much input in many important campus decisions. Also, a document is being created to explain the Teaching Assistant Responsibilities and Duties, in an effort to make this system more uniform.

P. Righter explained the recent actions of the Student Assembly. He commented that the SA has recently been concerned with internal operations. Also being addressed by this body was a resolution aiming to keep both Balch and Risley Dining Halls open after the renovations of North Campus.

M. Esposito requested that the members of the University Assembly take two topics back to their constituent bodies. The first dealt with the campus-wide Alcohol Policy. He stated that the law does require this policy, therefor, it is essential to receive input from all bodies on campus. The second topic, presented by G. Brandt, concerned the upcoming hockey tournament. He announced that the tournament was quickly approaching, beginning with undergraduate team playoffs throughout study week. He stated that the tournament will officially begin on the 23 of January and the final match is scheduled for the 30th of January. He summed up the tournament for those not familiar with the format. He commented that each body on campus�undergraduate, graduate, staff, faculty, and alumni will be fielding a team made up of players ranging from beginners to advanced players. Also, there is a no checking rule in effect throughout the tournament.

VIII. Business of the Day

M. Esposito announced there are two vacancies in the committee system due to the resignation of Jacob Werner. These vacancies are on the Committees of Financial Aid and Campus Store.

L. Russell commented that the Assemblies System Review is presently not up and running.

G. Brandt stated that the Budget Planning Committee has planned on scheduling their initial meeting following the first of the year. He explained that he has spent time researching the past proceedings of the committee and gaining a full understanding for the basis and expectations of this committee. He added that he is hoping for enthusiastic support from the other members of the Budget Planning Committee.

L. Yannone explained that due to personal health reasons she was not able to attend the recent meetings of this Campus Planning Committee. C. Gardner added that the Campus Planning Committee is very active, especially since being fueled by the renovations to North Campus.

M. Esposito requested a volunteer to serve on the Campus Store Advisory Board. Kristen McNamara, a student representative on the UA, volunteered for this position.

P. Righter announced that the Codes and Judicial Committee has recently meet to select candidates to fill vacant seats.

Cornell United Religious Work (CURW) is very active this year, meeting just under once a month, explained M. Hartill. She added that the committee is trying to obtain information from the GPSA on ways CURW can meet the religious needs of graduate students.

M. Esposito announced that the Financial Aid and Review Committee is currently very active and that he would speak to B. Perry about serving on this committee as a UA representative.

G. Brandt commented that the Health Services Board has also been very active, addressing various issues. He noted that this committee has met monthly since September and has witnessed a strong undergraduate presence at these meetings. Discussion, he explained, has included the topic of changing mental health care services. He stated that the University health system working on a draft policy for involuntary leave of absence for students with personal, life-threatening issues such as serious suicidal tendencies and life-threatening anorexia. G. Brandt explained this will serve as a stimulant to force students into voluntarily leaving the university and seeking help. This process will also help to protect Cornell from lawsuits, providing a written validation of the request for a leave of absence for a student. This policy is not implemented and will most likely be presented to the Assemblies for discussion in the future. Another topic discussed was the limitation on mental health assistance visits one student could make. Presently, a system is in effect which ushers a student out into the community to seek extra mental health assistance after 12 visits in one year. The reasoning behind this system was to create an opportunity for more students to obtain aid. In the past, students were placed on a waiting list before an initial visit could be made. G. Brandt offered to invite the Chair of the Committee to speak at an upcoming University Assembly meeting. It was agreed that this would be an interesting and informative presentation.

M. Esposito announced that the Minority and Third World Affairs Committee has had two meetings to date, of which neither was fully attended. He added that this Committee is discussing concerns raised at the recent Assemblies Retreat (Advance).

B. Lewis reported on the recent actions of the Transportation Advisory Committee. She explained that the committee meets monthly and has recently been addressing the issue of late night buses and drunken riders. She stated that this issue has resolved itself: by the monitoring of buses for a short period of time and the recent public concern for this issue, this problem has subsided. She commented that police officers present on buses were not proofing students for underage drinking violations, just ensuring everyone a safe ride. B. Lewis continued by stating that the Committee is ensuring that correct signage is being installed at every bus stop. It was suggested that schedules be posted at each stop, creating easier access to the bus times. It was questioned if there was a lull in bus service between the times of 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm running from West Campus to Central Campus. Another idea presented was the extension of late night buses until 2:45 am. It was agreed that this was a legitimate request, following the recent accident of an intoxicated student accidentally falling into the gorge, to his death. Another comment on the bus service was to create a shuttle service on Sunday from downtown to campus to service students needing to perform research projects and care for animals in the Vet School. It was suggested limited times be available in order to allow students access to transportation to and from campus on Sunday. Presently, there is no bus service on Sunday. B. Lewis noted that she would take all these suggestions and concerns back to the Transportation Advisory Committee.

IX. Old Business

UA Attendance Policy

D. Carlson presented the amendments to the attendance policy. He stated that the bylaws have been amended, as recommended at the last meeting of the UA, resulting in the removal of the punitive factor, creating a less threatening document.

It was suggested that 6.7.b.1 — the term “should” be altered to “will”. Also any typographical errors would be corrected as discovered, including the alteration of the date at the bottom of the resolution to November 18, 1998.

D. Levitsky suggested the Office of Assemblies be notified of an absence, instead of the Chair. This was agreed upon.

The resolution concerning University Assembly Attendance Policy was unanimously approved as follows:


WHEREAS the UA has been delegated a tremendous amount of authority over campus affairs by the Board of Trustees, and

WHEREAS the UA has the obligation to serve the entire Cornell community, and

WHEREAS the UA has only 8 regular meetings yearly, and furthermore, the dates of these meetings are known well in advance, and

WHEREAS the UA charter has relied on its members sense of responsibility rather than a stated attendance requirement, and

WHEREAS the UA has operated in a less-than-optional manner due to a lack of attendance, and

WHEREAS attendance by all voting members is necessary to adequately serve the Cornell community, and

WHEREAS Article 6, Section 10 of the UA charter allows the UA to establish bylaws and other procedural rules as are necessary for the exercise of its authority,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the following bylaws be added to Article 6, Section 7 of the UA charter:

Bylaw 6.7.b: Attendance by voting members is required at all regular meetings of the University Assembly.

Bylaw 6.7.b.1: Any member who must miss a meeting will notify the Office of the Assemblies at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, if possible.

Bylaw 6.7.b.2: Any member who misses two or more meetings shall be contacted by the chair to determine his or her ability or willingness to serve on the UA

Respectfully submitted,

Dennis Carlson
November 18, 1998

Passed as amended by the University Assembly on 11/18/98.

Fall Advance

M. Esposito then raised the issue of the recent Fall Retreat/Advance. He reviewed the two subjects addressed “Town and Gown Relations” and “Diversity Issues.” He felt that these issues should be addressed by the UA and that guests should be invited to speak about these subject areas. He requested volunteers to bring these guests to future University Assembly meetings.

C. Gardner reviewed the Advance for the new representatives to the University Assembly and announced that a typed review of the meeting was available at the office.

M. Esposito ended by announcing that an upcoming white supremacist meeting was planned for Ithaca this upcoming Saturday. He added that the Human Rights Council is sponsoring an anti-rally to counteract this planned meeting. He strongly encouraged everyone to attend to demonstrate that members of the Cornell community have no tolerance for such a meeting.

X. Adjournment

M. Esposito adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p. m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark A. Frontera

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715