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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 25, 2000 Minutes

University Assembly
Art Gallery, Willard Straight Hall
4:30 — 6:00 PM

I. Greetings and Call to Order

M. Brown, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.


Present: Matthew Banner, Leslie Barkemeyer, Mike Brown, Linda Clougherty, Dawn Darby, Jeff Ehrenberg, Amy Gerhard, Brian Goodell, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Krysta Levac, Kristie McNamara, Aaron Saathoff, Peter Schwartz

Excused: Timothy Anguish, Jeremy Rabkin, Donald Tobias

Absent: J.S. Butler, Jane Mt. Pleasant, Subrata Mukherjee, Daniel Schwarz

Also Present: Hope Mandeville, Kristen Riley, Lidija Sekaric

II. Reports

Assemblies Leadership Breakfast Meeting

K. Levac reported that the Shadows Program was discussed at the Assemblies Leadership Breakfast Meeting. She announced that if anyone is interested in serving on the Shadows Planning Committee, they can contact Bonnie Bailey (bab3) in the Office of the Assemblies.

Assemblies Executive Leadership Meeting

M. Brown reported on what was discussed at the Assemblies Executive Leadership Meeting with the administrators. They discussed E-Cornell, the selection of the Engineering Dean, the reaccreditation process, the Transportation Resolution, and the occurrences of bias-related incidents on campus. The administration briefed the assemblies on its response to bias-related incidents. A committee has been formed to respond to these incidents, but it is not yet active.

III. Additions to the Agenda

M. Brown announced that Tom Mendez of the Student Assembly had an announcement to make concerning a committee. T. Mendez announced that the Library Committee, which addresses current library initiatives, would hold a forum with undergraduate and graduate students on Wednesday, November 8, at 12:15PM.

M. Brown announced that two resolutions, one sponsored by M. Banner and another sponsored by A. Gerhard, would be added to the agenda under New Business. Both of these resolutions address safety measures on campus.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes of September 27, 2000 were approved by acclamation.

V. Business of the Day

Introduction - Hope Mandeville, Director, Office of the Assemblies

M. Brown introduced Hope Mandeville, the new Director of the Office of the Assemblies. H. Mandeville explained that she is currently in an observation phase, and is trying to get accustomed to the various assemblies. She said that she is looking forward to working with all assembly members, and encouraged them to stop by her office to introduce themselves.

Assemblies System Review Committee and Committee on Committees

K. Levac announced that the Assemblies System Review Committee needs five UA members. This committee’s purpose is to continually review the UA Charter, and resolve conflicts between assemblies. Any UA member interested in serving on this committee should email K. Levac (kdl6). She explained that this committee holds no regularly scheduled meetings, they only meet in response to raised charter discrepancies and disagreements between assemblies.

K. Levac explained that the purpose of the Committee on Committees is to assist the Codes and Judicial Committee in selecting members for the Hearing and Review Board. This committee also needs UA members, and anyone interested can contact K. Levac (kdl6).

TCAT, Bus Fare Increase- Public Forums in October

K. Levac explained that she wanted to inform the UA that starting January 1, 2001, TCAT would be increasing bus fares: single zone will increase to $1.00 and multi-zone will increase to $2.00. She explained that TCAT is proposing this increase because of increases in fuel prices and liability insurance. There will also be route changes: they are eliminating route 35 and reducing service on route 18.

K. Levac commented that forums have not been well attended. She remarked that many people don’t usually notice or object to increases until it actually goes into effect.

D. Darby pointed out that students would be greatly impacted by this increase and suggested that the SA could find a way to get the attention of students.

UA Participation in the Selection of Assistant JCC

M. Brown explained that the current process allows the JCC to pick the Assistant JCC. But, he pointed out, since the Assistant JCC is often promoted to JCC, the JCC is actually picking his or her own successor. This reduces the UA’s role to merely approving the Assistant JCC as the new JCC, even though the UA is supposed to pick the JCC. M. Brown suggested including the selection of the Assistant JCC in the duties of the Search Committee for the JCC. He explained this would require an amendment to the UA Charter. M. Brown explained that he would keep UA members informed about this issue.

Approval of Amendments to the Campus Code of Conduct

L. Sekaric presented the proposed changes to the Campus Code of Conduct. She explained that the Codes and Judicial Committee has approved these changes and they are mostly clerical in nature.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the changes to the Campus Code of Conduct. The motion was approved.

VI. Old Business

Resolution Regarding Campus Safety

M. Banner commented that the resolution he has brought to the UA is of a timely nature, and made a motion to move this resolution to Old Business. The motion was approved.

M. Banner explained that campus safety has been compromised recently with two incidents, the first being the bias-related incidents and the second an assault at gunpoint. M. Banner explained that his resolution not only calls for specific safety improvements to the bridge into Collegetown, which is very dark, but also addresses general improvements to the campus.

D. Darby commented that the resolution appears incomplete. She pointed out that a comprehensive study on lighting has already been done. She suggested reworking the resolution to take a more proactive approach, instead of addressing areas that have previously been addressed.

B. Goodell pointed out that issues of pedestrian safety are usually referred to TAC. He suggested presenting this resolution to that body first and asking that they approve it.

M. Brown suggested tabling this resolution until the next meeting, which would give TAC a chance to review it.

M. Banner commented that it is important to address this resolution now and asked that they not table the resolution. He explained that this is a serious issue and he doesn’t want it to get lost in various committees.

B. Krishnamachari agreed with M. Banner that this is an issue they should address now. He suggested that the resolution be a response to recent events on campus, instead of about general safely measures on campus. He also suggested that the title of the resolution be reworded to reflect this and focus on the areas of the Engineering Quad and Collegetown. M. Banner found these suggestions friendly.

The title “Resolution in Response to Recent Campus Safety Concerns” was suggested. M. Banner found the amendment friendly.

A. Saathoff commented that a general call for safety on campus would be appropriate for the UA to approve. He pointed out that any specifics could be worked out in time. He also pointed out that Cornell’s campus is very dark and this needs to be addressed.

J. Ehrenberg pointed out that there is a “Blue Light” phone located near the footbridge to Collegetown, about ten feet away on the Engineering Quad side. He also suggested that a resolved clause be added, which says “Be it Resolved that the Administration conduct a detailed study on appropriate locations for new “Blue Lights” and lighting sources to promote general safety on campus.” M. Banner found this amendment friendly.

D. Darby pointed out that a study about lighting on campus has already been conducted and there are plans for additional lighting.

B. Goodell commented that he understands M. Banner’s reluctance to send this to committees, but explained that it is for this reason that they have committees. He recommended that this resolution be brought to TAC.

J. Ehrenberg withdrew his amendment, since D. Darby pointed out that a study has already been done.

D. Darby made a motion to table this resolution until the November UA meeting. The motion was approved. M. Banner will present a Draft 2 of the resolution at the meeting.

B. Goodell suggested that M. Banner take this resolution to the next TAC meeting scheduled for November 13, 2000.

Transportation Resolution

M. Brown presented the latest version of the Transportation Resolution, which reflects the changes decided upon at the last meeting.

M. Brown announced that he has met with the administration to discuss the resolution. He explained that Hal Craft remarked that there would be no difficulty in having a student serve on the TCAT Board, except on the issue of term length. Members of the TCAT Board are selected for three-year terms, and if students were constantly leaving, it would create a lack of continuity on the Board. M. Brown pointed out that the UA also consists of faculty and staff that are at the University for more than three years, which would help avoid the continuity problem.

M. Brown explained that the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) has not yet viewed or approved the document. Since the resolution would benefit from the input from TAC members, the UA can pass the resolution, pending TAC approval. If TAC has no objections to the resolution, it would then be passed. If TAC does have objections, the resolution would not be passed and would remain on the agenda.

B. Goodell pointed out that some individuals that the UA could appoint to the Board are not eligible under TCAT’s bylaws. P. Schwartz suggested adding the word “eligible” before designee in the first “Be it Resolved.” The amendment was found friendly.

J. Ehrenberg pointed out that the reference to article 10.7.2 of the UA Charter is confusing. It suggests that the designee must be from TAC. M. Brown proposed the following amendment to the clause: “ BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that an eligible designee selected by the University Assembly, pursuant to section 1.3 of the University Assembly’s Charter, hold one of the three seats designated to Cornell University on the Board of Directors of Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (or appropriate joint governing body) so that the policy matters of the University Department of Transportation remain within the legislative authority of the University Assembly.”

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Transportation Resolution, pending approval by TAC. The resolution passed unanimously as appears below:

Transportation Resolution

WHEREAS, the University Assembly shall, by delegation from the President, have legislative authority over policies which guide the activities of the Department of Transportation, and

WHEREAS, the Transportation Advisory Committee shall recommend policies and policy changes to the University Assembly for deliberation and endorsement and transmittal to the President and Board of Trustees for approval, including policies for parking on all streets, roadways, and parking lots within the grounds of the University or Tompkins County, for the regulation of traffic, and for the University operated bus services. The committee shall have authority to recommend fees and user charges for parking and bus systems, and

WHEREAS, Cornell University is a partner in a county-wide transit system, Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT). TCAT provides public transit service for community and operates on the University campus, throughout the city of Ithaca and Tompkins County, and

WHERAS, without any apparent consequences or changes from the Department of Transportation, the 1998–1999 Transportation Program Document has not been adopted by the University Assembly, and

WHEREAS, a lack of communication between Cornell University’s representatives on the Board of Directors of Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit to the University Assembly has diminished the community’s means of participation in the decisions on transit services, and

WHEREAS, the members of the University Assembly represent all campus constituencies and their legislative authority extends over policies which guide the activities of the Department of Transportation,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that an eligible designee selected by the University Assembly, pursuant to section 1.3 of the University Assembly Charter, hold one of the three seats designated to Cornell University on the Board of Directors of Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (or appropriate joint governing body) so that the policy matters of the University Department of Transportation remain within the legislative authority of the University Assembly.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the representatives of Cornell University on the TCAT Board of Directors formally meet with the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) or the University Assembly at least twice a semester.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the charter of the University Assembly should be amended to reflect the new relationship between the University Assembly and the Department of Transportation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mike Brown University Assembly

As unanimously passed by the University Assembly on 10/25/00 pending the approval of TAC.

Resolution for Sidewalk Maintenance During Prelims

A. Gerhard commented that the issues she has brought to the UA in the resolution should be addressed before the next meeting. She made a motion to move this resolution to Old Business. The motion was approved.

A. Gerhard introduced the resolution. She explained that when it gets cold and students have to walk to prelims at night, the sidewalks can be very dangerous. This resolution asks that the grounds crew put salt on heavy traffic areas to prevent accidents.

D. Darby questioned if this resolution took into account the policies of the grounds crews? She explained that different people maintain different areas of the University. She suggested finding out more information about the abilities of the grounds crews to accomplish this. She also suggested taking a more University-wide approach, instead of concentrating on students walking to prelims.

J. Ehrenberg asked whether this resolution is asking for this duty to be assigned to an existing department or is it asking for the creation of a new department to watch over the grounds at night?

A. Gerhard explained that she had intended that those who put salt down in the mornings could do it at night also.

M. Brown suggested that A. Gerhard compose a letter to the Grounds Department from the University Assembly that addresses these issues. He explained that the issue could be resolved this way, and if it is not, it will give her a chance to work on the resolution.

M. Brown asked that UA members email their suggestions regarding this resolution to A. Gerhard.

VII. Adjournment

M. Brown adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m.

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715