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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 29, 2000 Agenda

University Assembly
November 29, 2000
142 Goldwin Smith Hall
4:30 — 7:00 PM

  1. Call to Order, 1 min.
  2. Reports, 5 min.
    1. Assemblies Executive Leadership Meetings - K. Levac
  3. Additions to the Agenda, 1 min.
  4. Approval of Minutes, 1 min.
    1. October 25, 200
  5. Business of the Day, 30 min.
    1. Holiday Observances Resolution Follow-up - M. Brown
    2. Shadows Program - K. Levac
    3. Transportation Resolution Follow-up - M. Brown & TAC
    4. Approval of Employee Vacancy for University Hearing Board - M. Brown
    5. UA Sponsored Event Questionnaire - M. Brown
  6. Old Business, 52 min.
    1. Resolution Calling for Sidewalk Maintenance During Prelims - A. Gerhard
    2. Resolution Recommending Public Hearings for CURW, Gannett Health Center, Campus Store, and Department of Transportation Program Documents - K. Levac
  7. New Business, 15 min.
    1. Resolution to Establish Permanent Memorial Remembrance for Michelle Evans ‘01- M. Brown
  8. Constituent Assemblies Reports, 20 min.
    1. Employee Assembly
    2. Faculty Senate
    3. Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
    4. Student Assembly
  9. University Assembly Committee Reports, 10 min.
    1. Assemblies System Review, K. Levac
    2. Budget Planning, M. Brown
    3. Campus Planning, L. Clougherty
    4. Campus Store, J. Ehrenberg
    5. Codes & Judicial, K. McNamara
    6. Committee on Committees, K. Levac
    7. CURW, T. Anguish
    8. Financial Aid Review, J. Ehrenberg
    9. Health Services, A. Gerhard
    10. Minority Affairs, D. Darby
    11. Transportation Advisory, B. Goodell
  10. Adjournment

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715