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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 29, 2000 Minutes

University Assembly
November 29, 2000
Goldwin Smith 142
4:30 — 7:00 PM

I. Greetings and Call to Order

M. Brown, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:41 p.m.


Present: Timothy Anguish, Matthew Banner, Leslie Barkemeyer, Mike Brown, Linda Clougherty, Jeff Ehrenberg, Brian Goodell, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Krysta Levac, Subrata Mukherjee, Jeremy Rabkin, Aaron Saathoff

Excused: Dawn Darby

Absent: J.S. Butler, Amy Gerhard, Kristie McNamara, Jane Mt. Pleasant, Daniel Schwarz, Peter Schwartz, Donald Tobias

Also Present: Hope Mandeville, Kristen Riley, Lidija Sekaric

II. Reports

Assemblies Executive Leadership Meeting

K. Levac reported on the topics discussed at the Assemblies Executive Leadership Meeting. The President’s Address to Employees, which will be held on December 13, 2000 was discussed, as well as how to improve faculty participation in committees. There were also updates on several current projects at Cornell: the Fall Creek Lead Clean-Up, which will be done by the EPA; the Lake Source Cooling project, it was announced that the project has been performing better than expected, and has not caused any adverse effects to the lake; and the North Campus Housing construction project, which is currently on time and on budget.

III. Additions to the Agenda

There were no additions to the agenda.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes of October 25, 2000 were approved by acclamation.

V. Business of the Day

Holiday Observances Resolution Follow-up

M. Brown commented that, as occasionally resolutions tend to not bring results, he wanted the UA to put effort into the implementation of the Holiday Observances Resolution.

M. Brown explained that he had received correspondence from Dean Cooke concerning the resolution. Dean Cooke expressed that the resolution put forth a reasonable request on the behalf of students. He expressed a concern as to the condition allowing for travel time, as some international students would need a considerable amount of time allowed for travel.

M. Banner remarked that Dean Cooke my have misinterpreted the travel time condition. He pointed out that the resolution allows for one-day travel time for all students, not a varying time depending on travel time needed.

J. Rabkin commented that Dean Cooke is very serious about this issue, and wants to follow through with it.

Shadows Program

K. Levac explained that the Shadows Program looks to pair up two people from different constituencies within the University and have them shadow each other for two hours each. She announced that there is a link on the Assemblies’ website for those who are interested in participating in the program.

Transportation Resolution Follow-up

M. Brown remarked that the Transportation Resolution has passed in the UA, pending the approval of the Transportation Advisory Committee. He explained that some members of TAC came to the UA meeting to get clarification on some points of the resolution.

B. Goodell explained that the chair of TAC did not have enough time to review the resolution for the last TAC meeting. B. Goodell did point out, though, that the chair of TAC expressed concerns regarding whether the UA had authority in this matter, and concerns that the TAC members were consulted late in the process.

Carl Cohen, Assistant Director for Commuter and Parking Services, Transportation Services, also expressed some concerns about issues in the resolution. He explained that, though the resolution mandates that TAC meet with TCAT representatives, TAC only has a limited number of meetings and might not be able to accommodate that. He also expressed concerns as to whether the UA has authority in this situation. And he questioned whether TAC should have been consulted concerning the resolution earlier in the process.

M. Brown elaborated on the background of the resolution. He explained that the UA’s Charter gives it legislative authority over Transportation Services. But now TCAT controls busing, and that creates a discrepancy between the Charter and the actual situation - the UA no longer has legislative power over all transportation. He explained that this resolution is meant to give some legislative power to the UA by allowing the body to appoint one of Cornell’s TCAT representatives.

Eric Hallstead remarked that he found the resolution very straightforward and found no problem with it.

T. Anguish pointed out that another point of the resolution was to get more representation on the TCAT Board for those who actively ride the bus. He explained that there are many Cornell affiliated people on the Board, but only three are voting members. If the UA appoints one of the representatives, it provides another voting representative for those who frequently use the buses.

Approval of Employee Vacancy for University Hearing Board (UHB)

M. Brown announced that there is currently a vacancy for an employee on the University Hearing Board. He explained that Codes and Judicial Committee and Committee on Committee members will interview candidates and make recommendations to bring to the UA for approval.

UA Sponsored Event Questionnaire

M. Brown distributed a questionnaire to get feedback from UA members as to the type of activity they’d like to see the UA sponsor for all the Assemblies.

VI. Old Business

Resolution Calling for Sidewalk Maintenance During Prelims

M. Brown announced that A. Gerhard would like to put more work into her resolution, and would bring it up again next semester.

Resolution Recommending Public Hearings for CURW, Gannett Health Center, Campus Store, and Department of Transportation Program Documents

K. Levac reviewed the background of this resolution. She explained that a draft of the resolution was presented to last year’s University Assembly. She has composed a second draft to present to this year’s Assembly. The UA has legislative authority over the Department of Transportation, CURW, Gannett Health Center, and the Campus Store. It is the responsibility of the UA to review the program documents of each of these departments every year.

K. Levac further explained that this resolution asks that each department have two public hearings on campus, so that the public and can review the program documents and offer suggestions before the UA approves them. K. Levac also pointed out that she added an additional resolved clause, which allows the departments to hold one of these campus hearings during a meeting of their corresponding UA committee, if the committee permits it.

K. Levac asked UA members for feedback as to whether requiring two meeting was too many? She pointed out that many public hearings are not well attended, so one may be sufficient.

B. Goodell agreed that one public hearing would be adequate, as did S. Mukherjee.

K. Levac accepted this amendment as a friendly.

L. Clougherty suggested changing the year this resolution would take affect to the 2001–2002 academic year.

M. Banner commented that he didn’t believe this change was necessary, as the resolution would give the department sufficient notice to organize the hearing.

L. Clougherty pointed out that it would be very difficult to find a large room on campus for the hearing with the notice given.

A vote was taken on whether to include the amendment. The amendment failed by a vote of 3–8.

B. Krishnamachari suggested changing the time span for the hearing from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM to a broader time span of 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The amendment was found friendly.

A motion was made to call the question. The motion failed.

A. Saathoff questioned the clause that allowed the hearing to take place during a committee meeting. He questioned whether the committee would have to then meet in a larger room to accommodate more people for the hearing?

M. Brown commented that, as it is the responsibility of the department to organize the hearing, that department would have to work with the committee to decide on a location.

T. Anguish suggested that, if passed, in the letter advising the departments of this change, the UA try to impart to the departments that this is positive effort that will benefit the community.

A. Saathoff made a motion to call the previous question. The motion passed.

A vote was taken on whether to approve the resolution. The resolution passed unanimously.

VII. New Business

Resolution to Establish Permanent Memorial Remembrance for Michelle Evans ‘01

M. Brown pointed out that there is currently no commemoration at the intersection where Michelle Evans was killed. He commented that is important to create awareness and remembrance of the tragedy. There are currently other memorials planned, which include a bench in front of Stimson Hall, a Michelle Evans Memorial Scholarship, and the planting of perennials at Balch Hall, but there are no current plans for the intersection where the accident happened.

J. Rabkin suggested changing the resolution to endorse the many other remembrance plans currently underway.

T. Anguish commented that any recognition undertaken by the UA should not mark one occasion, but should be in a central location and recognize everyone.

M. Brown announced that he would take these suggestions into account and rework the resolution.

VIII. Constituent Assembly Reports

Employee Assembly

T. Anguish reported on the issues being considered by the Employee Assembly. The EA is currently working on plans for the President’s Address to Employees, which will be held on December 13, 2000. There are also plans to institute a new Employee Meal Plan. The EA is also still working on the Employee Emergency Relief Fund, which gives monetary aid to employees who are the victims of natural disasters.

Faculty Senate

S. Mukherjee reported that there was not a November meeting of the Faculty Senate.

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly

A. Saathoff reported that the GPSA recently voted to put their support behind the Transportation Resolution passed by the UA. It was also reported that the GPSA has failed to approve the 2004–2005 University Calendar. The disagreement concerned allowing a holiday on Labor Day, but still holding laboratories and recitations. If this were allowed, only graduate students would be working, so they would not benefit from the holiday.

Student Assembly

L. Barkemeyer reported that the SA has finished the SAFC funding process. They have conducted public forums to discuss the areas of Housing, the Student Activity Fee, and Dining. They have passed resolutions concerning the reform of Arts and Science Career Services, the certification of non-faculty teaching personnel (TA’s), and supporting student meals with professors. They also put their support behind the UA’s Transportation Resolution.

IX. University Assembly Committee Reports

Assemblies System Review

K. Levac reported that this committee met last week to address conflict between the GPSA and the SA. She explained that a resolution passed by the SA which could affect graduate student housing, but was not brought to the GPSA. It was resolved by changing the SA Charter to require that any resolution regarding Campus Life also be sent to the GPSA for approval.

Committee on Committees

K. Levac reported that the committee has not met, but has been participating in the interviewing of candidates for the University Hearing Board.

Budget Planning

M. Brown reported that there is currently no University Assembly budget. There are currently concerns about allowing the UA a budget, as it is not clear where the money would come from.

Campus Planning

L. Clougherty reported that this committee has been meeting monthly, and most recently they discussed the current construction going on in the University.

Campus Store

J. Ehrenberg reported that the Campus Store is currently undergoing renovations and experimenting with new ideas. One project they have been working on is buying through computers. This allows the Campus Store to expand it’s available stock without actually having to stock the merchandise in the store.

Financial Aid Review

J. Ehrenberg reported that this committee has not yet met, but plans to meet next semester.


T. Anguish reported that the search for a new CURW director is currently underway. They had originally received forty-seven applications, and it has now been reduced to four applicants who will be brought in to be interviewed.

Transportation Advisory

B. Goodell reported that the main issue has been the Transportation Resolution, which TAC has not yet approved.

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:16pm

Contact UA

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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