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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 26, 2001 Minutes

University Assembly
September 26, 2001
B16 Day Hall
4:30 — 5:30 pm

I. Greetings and Call to Order

D. Tobias, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:41 p.m.


Present: Carol Bader, Scott Beemer, J.S. Butler, Karsten Hueffer, Dawne Martyniak, Kristie McNamara, Tom Mendez, Jane Mt. Pleasant, Aaron Saathoff, Michael Sellman, Donald Tobias

Excused: Adam Schleifer

Absent: Dawn Darby, Mark Greenbaum, Tyrell Haberkorn, Pamela Hampton, Alan Mathios, Peggy McKee

Also Present: H. Mandeville, K. Nobles, K. Riley, K. Rourke

II. Reports

There were no reports.

III. Additions to the Agenda

Vacancies on the University Hearing and Review Boards

Kathleen Rouke, Chair of the Codes and Judicial Committee, explained to the UA that there are two employee vacancies on the University Hearing and Review Boards. To fill these vacancies, she explained that the CJC interviewed interested candidates, and ranked each one on a scale of 1–6, with 6 as the best. They chose the candidates with the highest rankings to fill the vacancies on the boards. She presented these candidates to the UA for approval. The CJC recommends that Pam Zinder be moved from the University Hearing Board to the University Review Board, effective immediately and ending August 27, 2003. Ms. Zinder works as a Manager of Housing Alternatives for Campus Life, and had served two consecutive terms on the URB in the past. This would fill the vacancy on the University Review Board, but create a second employee vacancy on the University Hearing Board.

The CJC recommends that Nora Balfour be moved from an Alternate member of the University Hearing Board to a full member, effective immediately and ending August 27, 2003. Ms. Belfour works as an Assistant to the Chair in Computer Science. This would create a vacancy in an alternate position on the University Hearing Board.

The CJC recommends that Marisa Piliero be moved from an Alternate member of the University Hearing Board to a full member, be effective immediately and ending August 29, 2002. Ms. Piliero is a Project Coordinator with Student and Academic Services. This would create a second vacancy in an alternate position on the University Hearing Board.

To fill these vacancies, the CJC recommends that Marlene Reitz be appointed to complete a 2 year term — effective immediately and ending August 27, 2003, and that Chris Colosi be appointed to complete a term — effective immediately and ending August 29, 2002. Ms. Reitz is an Administrative Manager in the Philosophy department, and Mr. Colosi is a Program Coordinator for Cornell’s/PERC Institute on Conflict Resolution.

J.S. Butler asked if the ratings system used to rank candidates is reliable from year to year. K. Rourke explained that the rankings vary from year to year.

J.S. Butler also questioned how the CJC deals with individuals who were chosen for one of the boards, but it then becomes clear that it was not a good appointment. K. Rourke explained that the Chair of the University Hearing or Review Boards deal with problems of that nature.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the recommended candidates. The candidates for the University Hearing and Review Boards were approved as presented.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of April 25, 2001. The minutes of April 25, 2001 were approved as presented.

V. Business of the Day

Identifying Committee Conveners/Liaisons

D. Tobias explained that the UA must identify conveners for its committees. The responsibility of the convener is to organize the first meeting and get the committees started. The committee can then chose its own chair and function autonomously.

J.S. Butler pointed out that choosing the conveners had already been done through email. D. Tobias explained that the response through email was not great, so they chose to do it at the meeting. K. McNamara inquired as to what budget is examined by the Budget Planning Committee. A. Saathoff remarked that this committee has not met in quite awhile, but its purpose is to identify budget priorities for Cornell.

L. Barkemeyer suggested updating the UA’s charter to reflect those committees that no longer meet. D. Tobias responded that updating the charter is a good idea. He also suggested having a discussion about the inactive committees at a future meeting.

The volunteers for committee liaisons are as follows:

  • Assemblies System Review, Scott Beemer
  • Campus Planning, Karsten Hueffer
  • Campus Store, Kristie McNamara
  • Codes & Judicial, Dawne Martyniak
  • Financial Aid Review, Jane Mt. Pleasant
  • Minority Affairs, Donald Tobias
  • Transportation Advisory, Carol Bader

The following committees are still in need of a liaison: Budget Planning, Committee on Committees, CURW, and Health Services. D. Tobias announced that there would be an email sent to all members regarding these vacancies the following week.

VI. Old Business

Assemblies Annual Fall Advance

D. Tobias announced that Hope Mandeville in the Office of Assemblies would be putting together a summary of the results of the Fall Advance. The UA would then be able to examine the results. He pointed out that themes that emerged from the Advance were the need for a community basis for discussions in the UA, and the need to develop a broad charge for the year.

H. Mandeville remarked that they have received positive reactions about the advance.

VII. Constituent Assemblies Reports

Employee Assembly

D. Martyniak reported that the EA is currently working on the President’s Address to Employees, which is to be held Monday, October 1, 2001, from 12–1pm. This will kick off Staff Celebration week.

Faculty Senate

J. S. Butler reported that the Faculty Senate has not yet met, as its first scheduled meeting was canceled.

Graduate & Professional Students Assembly

K. Hueffer explained that at the first two GPSA meetings, they have mostly been dealing with organizational issues. They also discussed the September 11th tragedy, and how it is affecting graduate students in New York City.

Student Assembly

T. Mendez announced that, in response to the events of September 11th, Students Helping Students has allocated $45,000 for affected students. The SA is also tackling the Student Activity Fee again this year.

M. Sellman spoke about the New Student Elections for the Student Assembly, in which three freshman and one transfer student were elected. This was the first year for online voting, and they saw a turnout of 32%.

VIII. Adjournment

D. Tobias adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristen Riley

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715