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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 27, 2002 Minutes

University Assembly
February 27, 2002
Art Gallery, WSH
4:30 — 6:00 PM

I. Greetings and Call to Order

S. Beemer, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:41p.m.


Present: Scott Beemer, Josh Bronstein, J.S. Butler, Alan Mathios, Tom Mendez, Ken Reardon, Joshua Roth, Adam Schleifer

Excused: Donald Tobias

Absent: Carol Bader, Tyrell Haberkorn, Karsten Hueffer, Ellis Loew, Dawne Martyniak, Peggy McKee, Kristie McNamara, Jane Mt. Pleasant, Gregory Pratt, Aaron Saathoff

Also Present: H. Mandeville, K. Nobles, K. Riley

II. Reports

There were no reports.

III. Additions to the Agenda

Introduction of New Members

S. Beemer introduced the new members on the University Assemby, Josh Bronstein and Josh Roth.

J. Bronstein introduced himself as a freshman in the ILR School. He is currently on the Student Assembly, in a New Student At-Large seat.

J. Roth is a Junior Government major in the College of Arts and Sciences. He is currently an Arts and Sciences representative to the Student Assembly.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of January 30, 2002. The minutes were approved as presented.

V. Business of the Day

Possible Meeting Date/Time Change for March 27, 2002

S. Beemer explained that the March 27, 2002 meeting might be in conflict with the Passover holiday, and asked for suggestions from members on when to hold the meeting.

A. Schleifer suggested moving the meeting one week forward, to April 3, 2002.

T. Nobles suggested that all members email their opinions on the matter to her, and a new date and time will be arranged.

Program Document Discussion

S. Beemer explained that last year’s UA passed a resolution requiring that public hearings be held on each program document, so the public could comment on the contents. These meetings were not well attended, and the UA has been asked to reconsider this requirement.

A representative from Transportation pointed out the cost incurred by the groups responsible for the meetings, and questioned the purpose of holding them. He pointed out that the public does not find the ordinary changes presented in the document interesting.

J.S. Butler suggested that the UA vote to no longer require the meetings. He mentioned that there are other avenues for the public to express their concerns.

A. Schleifer agreed that there is a lack of interest in the meetings, but also maintained that it is important to still have a way for the public to offer feedback. He suggested putting a link on ‘CUInfo’ for the public use to email concerns to the appropriate groups.

J. Roth pointed out that it is beneficial to have a forum to ask questions in person, and suggested consolidating all four meetings into one.

S. Beemer suggested combining this meeting with a normally scheduled UA meeting.

A consensus was reached to combine the four public hearings with a UA meeting, and to better advertise that meeting so the public can attend. A. Mathios made a motion to change the previous resolution by deleting the requirement for separate public hearings and incorporating them into one UA meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Volunteers for Advance

The Office of Assemblies is currently planning next Fall’s Advance, and is looking for possible discussion topics and volunteers to help with the event.

K. Reardon suggested a possible topic could be the future of Cornell as a land-grant institution.

A. Mathios suggested the topic of the West Campus Initiative.

T. Nobles asked that members email with her with suggestions or if they want to volunteer to help.

VI. Constituent Assemblies Reports

Employee Assembly

D. Martyniak reported that the EA is currently revising the Employee Assembly Handbook. They are also holding information forums for prospective EA members, to stimulate more interest and participation.

Faculty Senate

J.S. Butler reported that the Senate is currently discussing whether certain school can appoint the title of Clinical Professor. He said this discussion stems, in part, from the alleged desire of certain deans to increase the number of non-tenured faculty. The discussion centered around what the job responsibilities of the Clinical Professor would be, and if the number of this type of faculty can be limited.

Graduate and Professional Students Assembly

No report.

Student Assembly

S. Beemer reported that the SA is currently discussing a pilot readership program, in which certain newspapers would be available to undergraduates free of charge for a limited amount of time.

J. Roth pointed out that there is concern that the Daily Sun will be adversely affected.

It was also reported that the SA voted to give money to the SAFC, who had overspent their budget.

S. Beemer also reported that Tom Mendez has been working on combining the SA and US Minority Committees. Both committees have agreed to the merger, and have named the committee the Joint Assemblies Committee on Multicultural Interests (JACMI).

VII. University Assembly Committee Reports

Assemblies System Review; Committee on Committees

S. Beemer reported that he and D. Tobias had met regarding the charter, and are looking for volunteers to help them examine charter issues.

Campus Planning

No report.

Campus Store

No report.

Codes and Judicial Committee

H. Mandeville reported that the committee is currently addressing the definition of harassment.


K Reardon reported that the Hindu community has petitioned to join CURW and received unanimous approval. The Board has also discussed a more formal process for electing a new chair.

Financial Aid Review

No report.

Health Services

A. Schleifer reported that they held an informal meeting, and discussed how each college can better address issues of outreach for students who are mentally distressed.

Minority Affairs

No report.

Transportation Advisory

No report.

VIII. Adjournment

S. Beemer, Vice Chair, adjourned the meeting at 5:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Riley

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