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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 27, 2002 Minutes

University Assembly
March 27, 2002
Art Gallery, WSH
4:30 — 6:00 PM

I. Greetings and Call to Order

S. Beemer, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:40p.m.


Present: Scott Beemer, J.S. Butler, Ellis Loew, Alan Mathios, Peggy McKee, Kristie McNamara, Tom Mendez, Aaron Saathoff

Excused: Josh Bronstein, Dawne Martyniak, Joshua Roth

Absent: Carol Bader, Tyrell Haberkorn, Karsten Hueffer, Jane Mt. Pleasant, Gregory Pratt, Ken Reardon, Adam Schleifer, Donald Tobias

II. Reports

There were no reports.

III. Additions to the Agenda

CJC Code Changes

Kathleen Rourke explained that the CJC has decided on a new definition of harassment and is presenting it to the UA. They addressed this issue because of a request by the Council’s Office.

Mary Beth Grant said they wanted to have a clearer definition of what constitutes harassment, so the campus has more notice on what is considered proper behavior.

S. Beemer remarked that, because they did not have quorum for this meeting, that they would have to postpone the vote on this issue until the next meeting.

IV. Approval of Minutes

The vote on the minutes was postponed because attendance did not reach quorum.

V. Business of the Day

Program Document Discussion

S. Beemer announced that all four program documents would be presented at the April meeting, with each expected to take a half-hour.

T. Nobles reported that she hopes to get the documents to UA members by the middle of April, so they will have adequate time to review them. She also asked that UA members inform each department of their questions ahead of time, as there is limited time at the meeting. The meeting in April will last until 7pm.

VI. Constituent Assemblies Reports

Employee Assembly

T. Nobles reported that she received a report from D. Martyniak over email about the activities of the EA. They have spent most of their time addressing the upcoming elections. The winners will be announced April 11.

Faculty Senate

No report.


A. Saathoff reported that the GPSA is currently reorganizing the charter’s representation guidelines. They are changing the field groupings based on the guidelines of the Graduate School


T. Mendez reported that the SA has spent most of their time addressing the upcoming elections.

VII. University Assembly Committee Reports

Assemblies System Review

No report.

Campus Planning

No report.

Campus Store

No report.

Codes and Judicial Committee

E. Loew reported that they have been working on the definition of harassment.

Committee on Committees

No report.


No report.

Financial Aid Review

No report.

Health Services

No report.

Minority Affairs

T. Mendez reported that they are presenting a resolution to the SA regarding the consolidating of the SA and UA Minority Committees. They have decided on a co-chair system, with one from SA and one from UA.

Transportation Advisory

No report.

VIII. Adjournment

S. Beemer, Vice Chair, adjourned the meeting at 5:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Riley

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715