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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 24, 2003 Minutes

University Assembly
September 24, 2003
Day Hall
4:30 — 6:00 PM

I. Greetings and Call to Order

Leti McNeill, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:48 pm.


Present: Stephanie Adams, Denis Achacoso, Henry Granison, Elliott Klass, Ellis Loew, Leti McNeill, David Schmale III, Robb Willer

Excused: Alissa Fagadau, Michelle Fernandez, Jermaine Gause, Pat Haugen, Melissa Hines, Toby Lewis, Kurt Massey

Also Present: Dr. Janet Corson-Rikert, Hope Mandeville, Caitlin O’Meara

II. Introductions

Everyone in attendance introduced themselves.

H. Mandeville discussed the need for one employee assembly and four faculty representatives.

III. Reviews of Roles/Liasonships

L. McNeill reviewed liaison/convener positions of assembly members.

There are two openings, one for the Campus Planning Committee and one for the Board on University Health. Interested members should talk with Leti.

IV. Proposal for Orientation

L. McNeill proposed an orientation session for the next UA meeting for University Assembly members to discuss Roberts Rules, pending issues, typical meeting processes, resolution processes, the goals for committees and have an overview of last year.

S. Adams asked if parliamentary procedure will still be used in University Assembly meetings, and was told yes.

D. Schmale requested that the letters of status and goals sent to Hunter Rawlings and President Lehman be distributed to the members. He also suggested that the three task forces continue this year as they were successful in taking a proactive role and completing resolutions last year. After some discussion there were no objections.

H. Mandeville noted that the executive committee will process in the President’s inauguration on October 16; the Inauguration itself will be from 2–3 pm. She encouraged the entire assembly to attend and to publicize the event.

L. McNeill commented that attending the trustee meetings on that weekend would be beneficial for the University Assembly.

H. Mandeville said the meetings themselves are closed, but suggested members attend the public sessions before each meeting

V. Advance

D. Schmale suggested a collective assembly get together to review the goals of the assemblies and confer about future objectives.

H. Mandeville explained that Pres. Lehman has expressed interest in attending a collective assembly gathering and suggested mid-November if the President’s schedule allows his attendance.

Members would prefer to not wait until November and suggested having two gathering, one in the fall, one in the spring. It was decided to have a casual meet and greet of the assemblies in early October and a University Assembly meeting at the President’s convenience.

E. Loew commented that an agenda needs to be developed for the first collective assembly gathering to create a responsibility to attend, and felt that a brief meeting with the President would not result in engagement.

H. Granison suggested a compromise of the two advances, one to occur in late October in the form of a collective assembly meeting hosted by the UA, and that the President be invited to without the main focus being his attendance.

D. Schmale mentioned that the President will be introduced to the assemblies at meetings and favors not having the assemblies meet with him individually.

E. Klass expressed that he would like a new member orientation meeting soon. The members agreed to make it an agenda item for next month.

VI. Program Directors

Dr. Janet Corson-Rikert, Director of University Health Services, introduced herself. She had mailed out the annual report to the assembly members. She described that the board of University Health Services focuses on mental health issues and are launching a mental health council this fall. The board acts in an advisory capacity to the departments responsible for transportation of injured students, coverage of on-site response, and women’s health.

Dr. Janet Corson-Rikert mentioned a discrepancy between positive feedback from students after a visit and an overall feel of concern on the campus.

D. Schmale wondered if the advertising of Gannett services is extensive enough.

J. Corson-Rikert invited feedback for advertising venue ideas beyond the magnets and g-cards.

L. McNeill suggested mailing information to off-campus students.

J. Courson-Ricker replied that the expense would be too great.

D. Schmale offered suggested placing the information in venues frequented by graduate students, such as the Big Red Barn, instead of distributing information to the residences of students that live off-campus

L. McNeill inquired about staff participation on the Board of University Health Services.

J. Corson-Rikert mentioned that staff participation varies from year to year.

D. Schmale inquired if Cornell’s health service was comparable with other undergraduate institutions.

J. Corson-Rikert replied that a inquiry was taking place about that matter and that Cornell lacked the extensive funding for health services that many other universities claimed.

L. McNeill questioned whether the introduction of questionable objects at Gannett was discussed with and approved by the Board of University of Health Services.

J. Corson-Rikert replied that it was.

H. Granison questioned the status of student health insurance.

S. Adams wondered what programs would be eliminated as a result of cut costs.

J. Corson-Rikert replied financial support has been found for mental health services.

J. Corson-Rikert expressed disappointment that some medical staff has been cut.

D. Schmale wondered how the UA could help the Board of University of Health Services.

J. Corson-Rikert requested representation on committees of mental health issues.

H. Mandeville will distribute a letter of University of Health Services requests to the University of Assembly this fall.

VII. Adjournment

L. McNeill, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Caitlin O’Meara

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715