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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20060222 Minutes

I. Call To Order

The meeting was called to order at 4:44.

II. Roll Call

Present: Tammy Bishop, Sean Boutin, Richard Depue, Pamela Dusseau, Jon Feldman, Henry Granison, Opal Hammer, Kenneth Hover, Leon Lawrence, Jack Liou, Ellis Loew, Jim McCrindle , Rodney Orme, Laura Wang, Randy Wayne

Absent: Zuoming Wang, Robert Kay, Douglas Kysar, Julie Singer, Christine Tschiderer, Janet Vertesi

Others present: Barbara Krause, Timothy McConnochie

III. Call for Late Additions to Agenda

J. McCrindle said that he wanted to add a report about the Ithaca ride share program.

IV. Approval of Minutes

There was a motion to approve minutes, as edited. It was seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved.

V. Campus Code of Conduct Revision

B. Krause, Office of the President was not yet present.

VI. Membership Changes

T. Bishop said that since the last meeting P. Dusseau resigned as chair and that someone new had been elected as new chair. GPSA resignation went back to China due to family emergency and that a procedure was underway to get new secretary, T. McConnochie was present as a representative from the GPSA

VII. Executive Report

O. Hammer said that the upcoming Saturday was the Assembly Leadership Summit and that at the summit they would be discussing how the various assemblies can work together, the Redbud mandate having student attitudes about parking and that at the summit there would be a Redbud rep, a student rep, and a consultant from the transportation guide survey. She went on to say that they would ask questions to different students on campus via a survey, which was based on break-out group discussions. On March 3 the survey would be drafted, March 7–8 there would be a working session on site to discuss survey that SRI would revise during the weekend and re-submit on March 13. March 15 would be the final deadline for comments, March 17 final deadline for wording, so that the survey could out by fist week in April. Sub motivation how assemblies can work together.

T. McConnochie asked if all of the UA and the GPSA should be receiving survey.

O. Hammer said it repeated on the 14th and 15th and that said this was the target schedule and that they wanted to get the process done to get survey into group

L. Lawrence said that they were starting March 3 and that continuous revisions would be made.

T. McConnochie asked when would the assemblies approve final form

O. Hammer said it should go to them by March 17-so it would be at the final March meeting and that she wanted to hear about what was going on with different assemblies

VIII. External Reports

J. McCrindle said that the student assembly elections was upon them and that the SA passed resolution to maintain freshman parking and that the candidates for the SA would be announced the following day.

J. Feldman said that they set the student activity fee and came up with necessary changes in Appendix B for groups receiving funding and that they were continuing dialogue with the graduate students and the Slope Day programming board.

T. McConnochie said that the first thing on agenda was a request from the programming board and that the next issue resolution on off campus housing requesting university fund plan to have an off campus office to provide advice.

J. Feldman said he has been in discussion with Kent Hubble about moving office, office used to have students working there to assist with office, law students need to volunteer to work their and volunteer legal advice, talk to rep from law and said they had too much on the plate. Asked if he though that would be possible.

T. McConnochie said that he couldn�t really speak for law students.

L Lawrence said that one of main things were doing is chat- balancing staff work load and leisure time, several loc throughout campus, first one in Geneva, NY about 40 staff came out, in Willard straight-memorial about 100 came out, feedback will be presented and hopefully action will be taken.

O. Hammer asked to know what was happening in the Faculty Senate.

J. McCrindle: I went to pres. From last meeting, rep from San Francisco car share program, similar in that have goals of non-profit, San Francisco buying new vehicles, Colorado people will donate cars. You pay entrance fee to become part of program. Grad student to help it get started. They have to figure out a way to make it non-profit status, they could start with 1, 2 locations. They think it would be successful here. At other schools, but it doesn�t really effect undergrad because of insurance, all diff types of such.

O. Hammer asked about that the GPSA insurance issue.

J. McCrindle said that they have insurance for younger people, but they charge so much the community money that it wasn�t worth it, undergrads have

Tim asked if there were any idea of the costs.

J. Mccrindle said that he wasn�t sure of the history of getting money for the university but that they were also some in CA and that from that they saw there was money to be made.

O. Hammer asked where it was in Colorado.

J. McCrindle said he was pretty sure it was in Boulder

O. Hammer asked if she could hear from TAC and the taskforce.

IX. Internal Reports

J. Feldman said that regarding TAC the focus will come from meeting and that hopefully the discussion they would be having on Saturday would fuel discussion for meeting on Sunday to see where they wanted to go. He also said that regarding transportation they would be sending out a survey but they would cover the whole university and decided to hold it off till fall.

L. Lawrence also said that regarding transportation he believed he had sent the UA chairs an email regarding whether they should be transportation hearings or not. He said that in his opinion they all agreed that while the concept was good it was a poor turnout.

O. Hammer responded that there was a brainstorm session regarding the turnout and wondered if it hand anything to do with publicity.

L. Lawrence responded if the issue wasn�t hot enough

O. Hammer said the issue was to great to impact everybody regardless of opinion

Discussion continued.

L. Lawrence said that there were questions that need to be collectively answered to see where they would go next.

P. Dusseau said that idea about Saturday was to move the discussion and that maybe it was a good idea to do a last forum as referendum question was being put to public.

L. Lawrence said that he thought if the forum ended the chair of the UA would need to get back with him and let him know what was going on. He also said that they needed to be proactive after decision was made on how they wanted to proceed.

P. Dusseau said that they should we have discussion after the meeting on Saturday.

L. Lawrence said sure why not and asked S. Boutin if he had any thoughts.

S. Boutin said it was a good idea, timing was still wrong with finals but that they would be rehashing one way or another what�s come before.

L. Wang said that in light of the recent events, they should have a focused discussion about what the UA could do. She said that campus safety had drafted an ad asking about community response and said that it was a good time to get response of incidents that happened and that this was a good opportunity for people who always had something to say. She went on to say that they weren�t clear in the steps that they could take and their authority. She asked if the OA had any suggestion and whom they could work with and the steps they could take.

L, Lawrence said that there should be a law recommending to be more timely on things that is going on and that if something does happen part of responsibility of the president is to let them know in real time what�s going on.

O. Hammer asked when did report go out.

J. McCrindle said three days after.

J. Feldman said he wanted more information.

L. Lawrence said that since the investigation was still going on so they had to wait for facts and to wait for another two months would be too long and on the same subject there had been a community meeting on Sunday at 4:30 in the Africana center and there would be meetings at 7:30 on Sunday in the townhouses. He gave out handout regarding meetings and announced there would be a mass rally Monday from 12–1 and that on Tuesday in Willard Straight Memorial room the president was going to have a community meeting.

P. Dusseau asked if he could throw something out there.

L. Lawerence mentioned that the hand out two-sided and that it didn�t have info about rally.

P. Dusseau wondered if they should have a forum to get community response on campus safety.

J. McCrindle said he felt like the email thing wasn�t given a chance and the input that they were trying to get was more of a touchy subject. He also said that maybe they should be a meeting on educating how to deal with a violent crime, for example rapes that were just as serious

L. Wang said that it might be confusing for people to come to us, since it is cultural and social issue, which the campus is not trying to address and that the UA should get responses and then move on to campus safety. She also said she was confused about campus authority and response, with dealing with an issue like this

L. Lawerence stated that when a crime of this nature happens, an institution should send out a crime alert.

K. Hoover said that was very strange.

O. Hammer said we used to get one with collegetown.

Discussion continued.

S. Boutin said that a crime alert is usually for someone the police haven�t identified, someone at large.

R. Orme said crime alerts are sent by the police.

L. Lawerence asked if there�s nothing just in case guy walks beside you.

L. Lawerence said he didn�t see crime alert but one explanation is that allegedly they knew all the parties involved.

T. McConnochie made motion for president to explain why there was no university alert.

H. Granison asked if they explained why there was no alert.

L. Lawrence said that they had an idea, but it took a while to find the person.

H. Granison said no there was no crime alert.

J. McCrindle commented that he found it weird that they had that perprators home address and wondered if that was normal.

L. Wang said that was how it was reported in papers.

L. Lawrence added that it was a matter of public record.

Discussion continued.

K. Hoover said it seemed to them it wasn�t crime alert but did they know it for sure-

T. Bishop said that maybe she could find out the protocol.

H. Gransion said that instead of the resolution they could find out their own.

T. Bishop said that they must have if it this happens.

L. Lawerence wondered if it was consistent.

K. Hoover wondered if they had gotten a crime alert where the Cornell student was the prepatior?

T. Bishop said she could find out.

L. Lawerence asked if there was a possibility they could find out and what it was.

S. Boutin said it was at the discretion of the Cornell police and then they could think about what they wanted to say.

L. Lawerence said someone being stabbed is a serious issue.

P. Dusseau asked if there was something they could find i.e. a campus safety group.

S. Boutin said that since they were dealing with policy, he didn�t just want a verbal report.

P. Dusseau replied that if there is no verbal report they could pass one out.

S. Boutin wondered if they knew the perpeatior, what was the length of time before they got contacted.

P. Dusseau said if they could find that out and to charge campus safety with that.

Discussion continued.

L. Wang said that before they left the topic are doing it for violent crime or just degree of crime.

T. Bishop said they can read those on their website.

Discussion continued.

T. Bishop said it is in their crime report

O. Hammer said that this weekend a number of out of state license plates were stolen, on Friday night, more were stolen on Monday, its up twenty. She said thought it was just Greek but it isn�t since a chapter president got their license plate state.

R. Orme asked if it was only out of state.

O. Hammer said that they were thinking the Greek system but two years ago the perpetrators were the townies.

H. Gransion said how would they know it was a chap president license.

O. Hammer said that the point was other crimes committed that affect the community and that as a whole that are not violent and should we be considering these things.

P. Dussuea said that he had been talking to romantic, more input on how we use store. He asked if Ken if he had further input.

Ken replied that he didn�t.

O. Hammer asked if they were any volunteers who want to work with Gannet.

J. McCrindle asked if they could describe the position.

P. Dusseau said they�re trying to decide the next insurance fighter.

J. Liou said he could do that.

J. McCrindle murmured something to Jack and said there were some loopholes.

T. McConnochie asked if people are required to pay because of government.

J. McCrindle said they didn�t honor things from grads.

J. Liou asked who should he send the info to.

O. Hammer wondered if the religious board still wanted nothing to do with them.

P. Dusseau said that since Barbara Krause wasn�t their if they wanted to discuss campus code.

T. McConnochie said that one concern he was that last May they came to the UA with the idea of a alcohol forum, and since that didn�t go forward he found it kind of suspicious.

T. Bishop said that she worked with someone well before that, and that in the four years they were trying to condense it and make it more understandable.

T. McConnochie said that they were planning not to change policy, but change the language.

T. Bishop said that now it was in the policy office

O. Hammer said that that they haven�t rule it out.

L. Lawerence said that Barbara Krause�s charge was to provide a draft to the president and assembly and wondered if the assembly would see the draft before she gave it to the president.

J. McCrindle said that to his understanding they have the final say and it important they stepped up to plate and look for everything

O. Hammer said that the new assembly is getting community awareness in response to April 2 and that it was going to be a longer project and that suggestions were going to be come up with for her report by April 2nd.

P. Dusseau said at least this gives them to read it.

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:55p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Dahlia Raymond Assemblies Clerk

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715