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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20060426 Minutes

Draft minutes

I. Call To Order

Meeting was convened at 4:47PM.

II. Roll Call

Present: Leon Lawrence, Jack Liou, Rodney Orme, Michael Walsh

Excused: Ellis Loew, Janet Vertesi


Others Present: Giorgio Piccoli, Kathleen Rourke

III. Call for Late Additions to Agenda

IV. Announcements

M. Walsh announced new officer slate for the GPSA.

O. Hammer announced new officer slate for SA.

V. Approval of Minutes

The minutes could not be approved because there was no quorum.

VI. Committee Updates

Executive Report

O. Hammer said that the topic of discussion at the April Assemblies Leadership Breakfast was the TGEIS survey now being administered to a large portion of the Cornell community. No report is yet available on participation from graduate and undergraduate students. Also, something that came up was issues to discuss next year. The transportation issue was much lower on the undergrad agenda than: campus unity, school spirit, and mental health.

O. Hammer said Charter revisions are not yet ready for discussion.

Campus Safety

This topic was not discussed.

Academic Integrity

This topic was not discussed.

Transportation & TAC Report - survey has gone out

This topic was not discussed beyond what was addressed in the executive report.

O. Hammer said that TCAT will coordinate with TAC over the summer about the TGEIS survey and any improvements that can be made in bus routing and scheduling. It takes at least a year to add a bus to the fleet.


V. Constituent Assembly Updates

Employee Assembly

L. Lawrence said there were some results from the Chili Chats the EA has been holding over the semester, but they are still in a preliminary form requiring further interpretation and analysis.

O. Hammer asked about internal elections for the EA.

L. Lawrence said those elections will occur in early May.

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

M. Walsh said the GPSA held its second annual Grad Ball and the event was a great success. All tickets sold out.

Student Assembly

A. Gay said internal elections were completed for SA. Delegates to UA will be appointed next Monday.

Faculty Senate

No faculty were present to report on the Faculty Senate.

VI. New Business

Kathleen Rourke - CJC - Revision of CJC codes (will speak immediately after roll call)

K. Rourke said she did bring up the discussion from the past UA meeting about defining explicit undergraduate and graduate membership counts. The group ran out of time, but the item will appear on the fall agenda.

K. Rourke said most of the meeting was taken up with staffing the University Judicial Boards. The CJC interviewed 39 candidates over the last two weeks. In addition to those added to the boards, the CJC selected 6 alternate members to serve in the event that any of the selected members resigns before the end of his or her term. Eleven out of sixteen candidates selected had a “high” ranking. Additionally shown are candidates not recommended for judicial boards. The list provided to the UA members is confidential.

L. Lawrence asked if the students’ academic record was considered as part of the selection process.

K. Rourke said the academic record is not considered but the student is asked whether he or she has ever been referred to the Judicial Administrator in the past. She didn’t see why a bad student couldn’t not be capable in the context of a hearing board.

L. Lawrence said that there’s still the concern that the student could be gone the next semester.

K. Rourke said that this is why they appointed a certain number of alternates.

??? asked what is the undergrad and grad breakdown.

K. Rourke said she did not consider that and does not know. The Office of Assemblies might be able to make such a determination from initial applications collected.

O. Hammer stated that no vote could be held on the CJC recommendation because quorum of UA was not present. There is a meeting on next Wednesday at which this item could be approved.

K. Rourke thanked the CJC for the time that it put into this effort. She pointed out that there are vacancies in the employee assembly and encourages everyone to canvass for interest in the employee community. Also, she wanted to ask about upcoming changes in the Campus Code.

SAFE Presentation - Giorgio Piccoli, president of Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG)

O. Hammer interested G. Piccoli representing the Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG).

G. Piccoli said SHAG has been around for three years and provides information on sexual health, contraception, abstinence, and sexual assault. Sexual assault is an important topic to discuss at college campuses. SHAG wants to hold educational workshops for incoming students to teach what sexual assault is and how to prevent it. The workshops will be 30 minutes long, scheduled in coordination with the RAs in north campus residence halls.

??? said she had it in mind to bring this project to the UA for some time. Since it is in the UA’s charge to promote educational programs, it is appropriate for UA to support a project like this. The cost to put the program on in the fall will be $850.

L. Lawrence asked from where the fiscal support would come from.

O. Hammer said the UA does not have funding with which to provide financial support but it can recommend that the administration find funding from other sources.

L. Lawrence also recommended passing recommendation on with a letter of support to appropriate senior administration personnel.

G. Piccoli said he would like to move towards mandatory programs for all freshman, but in the short term a pilot program in residence halls would provide good feedback. Current funding sources include SAFC.

Discussion continued.

O. Hammer said this resolution would be considered by the members via email over the weekend and hopefully would be voted on next week. Some UA members will be here this summer to provide support on this resolution.

VII. Old Business

UA organization and Charter Revision

This topic was not discussed.

VIII. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 5:32 pm.

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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