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R. 3: Resolution Establishing Liaisons to Committees
As discussed Wednesday, 28 February 2007.
Whereas, the University Assembly (the assembly) Charter (the Charter) states that the Assembly shall have “have legislative authority over policies which guide the activities of the Departments of Transportation and Mail Services, Cornell United Religious Work, University Health Services, and the Cornell Store. An associated structure of committees and boards shall consider and propose policies for their respective departments to the UA” (Article I, Section 3); and,
Whereas, the Charter also states that the Assembly shall “establish such standing committees and ad hoc committees as are necessary to the performance of the duties of the UA” (Article I, Section 8); and,
Whereas, the Charter provides for the following committees related to these tasks: the Committee on Committees, the Codes and Judicial Committee, the Joint Assemblies Multicultural Issues Committee, the Joint Assemblies Financial Aid Review Committee, the Assemblies System Review Committee, the Board on University Health Services, the Transportation Advisory Committee, the Cornell Store Administrative Board, the Cornell United Religious Work Advisory Board, the Campus Planning Committee, and the Budget Planning Committee; and,
Whereas, of the committees, only the following have convened in the current academic year: the Codes and Judicial Committee, the Joint Assemblies Financial Aid Review Committee, and the Campus Planning Committee; and,
Whereas, of the committees, only the Codes and Judicial Committee has reported to the Assembly in the current academic year; and,
Whereas, the Assembly bylaw 7.2.a states: “At least once a semester, each standing committee shall hold a well publicized meeting at which any matter of interest within its jurisdiction can be discussed by any member of the Cornell community;” and,
Whereas, the Assembly bylaw 7.2.b states: “Standing committees shall file minutes in the Office of the Assemblies. In addition, no later than the end of the Assembly year, standing committees shall file with the Office of the Assemblies an annual report. This report shall include a summary of all unfinished business and the attendance record of all voting members of the committee;” and,
Be it therefore resolved that the Executive Committee shall appoint an liaison from among its membership to each committee of the Assembly no later than March 9, 2007; and,
Be it further resolved that all members of the Assembly shall, no later than March 2, 2007, provide to the Chair or a designee a ranked list of committees to which they are interested to serve as liaisons; and,
Be it further resolved that the term of the liaison’s appointment shall be until June 1, 2007; and,
Be it further resolved that the liaison shall be empowered and directed to do the following for his or her respective committee:
- Identify and make contact with the members of the committee,
- Convene a meeting of the committee at the earliest practical time in accordance with the Assembly bylaw 7.2.a,
- Chair the meeting of the committee or appoint a chair for the meeting,
- Prepare minutes of the meeting or direct a member of the committee to do so,
- Develop at this meeting, or a subsequent meeting, a report to the Assembly in accordance with bylaw 7.2.b regardless of whether the committee is standing or of another status, and
- Include in any report to the Assembly any recommendations regarding changes to the structure or charge of the committee as provided in the Charter and the Bylaws of the Assembly; and,
Be it further resolved that the Assembly directs the Office of the Assemblies to assist appointed liaisons in the following ways:
- Provide information about the committee, including current membership roster and relevant charge in the Charter,
- Set up an electronic mailing list for the committee,
- Reserving rooms to schedule meetings, or provide guidance as to how to do so,
- File minutes and reports of the committee meetings and post them to the committee website or permit the liaison or his or her designee to do so,
- Assist the liaison in proofreading and formatting minutes, reports and proposed resolutions; and,
Be it finally resolved that liaisons shall report back to the Assembly at its last public meeting on April 25, 2007.
Respectfully Submitted,
Julianna Marwell
Undergraduate Chair, University Assembly
Contact UA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715