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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 5: Resolution Concerning Campus Code Review

As passed in 2007 UAA 06 on Wednesday, 14 March 2007.

Whereas, the Charter of the University Assembly (the Assembly) stipulates that the Assembly is the governing body at Cornell University, which has “legislative authority for those aspects of the conduct of members of the university now covered by the Campus Code of Conduct [the Code]”; and,

Whereas, the Assembly has received and reviewed the report of its Codes and Judicial Committee (CJC) concerning the Code; and,

Whereas, the report recommends a more comprehensive review of certain aspects of the Code;

Be it therefore resolved that the Assembly hereby forwards this report to the President of the university and recommends that the President acknowledge and confirm the report as a basis for a more comprehensive review of the present code by the UA and its Codes and Judicial Committee; and

Be it further resolved that the Assembly requests that the President provide sufficient materials and resources to the Office of the Assemblies staff and CJC during the 2007–2008 academic year to accomplish the review.

Respectfully submitted,
Martin Hatch
Faculty Representative

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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