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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 7 Resolution to Increase Graduate Student Representation on Campus Planning Committee

As approved Wednesday, 24 October 2007.

Whereas the Campus Planning Committee (the committee) is governed by Article Nine, Section One of the University Assembly (the assembly) charter; and,

Whereas Article Eleven of the charter states, “An affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members of the University Assembly shall be required to amend the Bylaws and Procedures of the University Assembly and an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the seated membership those articles of the Charter not excluded in 11.1”; and,

Whereas the Barbara Knuth, chair of the committee, and Mina Amundsen, university planner, have both expressed a need for an additional graduate student slot in the committee; and,

Whereas the presence of an additional graduate student representative would better assure consistent representation of graduate students at all meetings;

Be it therefore resolved that the assembly amends Article Nine, Section One as follows with additions in bold and deletions in strikethrough:

9.1 Campus Planning Committee
The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) shall consist of four presidential appointments, eight position appointments, eightnine additional at large members, and ex-officio members. The presidential appointments are made by the President of the University, and those individuals are to serve three-year terms on a staggered basis. The position appointments consist of the Chair of the Department of Architecture or a designee, the Chair of the Department of Natural Resources or a designee, the Director of Plantations or a designee, and the Vice President for Facilities and Campus Services or a designee, the Coordinator of the Landscape Architecture Program or a designee, the Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning or a designee, the Chair of the Art Department or a designee, and the Director of the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation or a designee.
The position appointees or designees should be individuals with professional and technical expertise in a design related field. The eightnine at large members consist of onetwo graduate/professional students, two undergraduate students, two employees, and two faculty members, each named by his or her respective Assembly for a two-year term, and one UA liaison. The ex-officio members are added by virtue of their administrative positions at the University and their interest in planning at the University.
The Committee’s charge is to review and make recommendations to the President regarding physical planning for the Ithaca campus including landscape planning and design, circulation and parking, and new construction and renovations as they relate to the overall planning and character of the Ithaca campus. Furthermore, it shall review in consultation with (with the consultation of) the Transportation Advisory Committee, all plans for alterations of or additions to roads and parking lots on the Ithaca campus of the University. The CPC shall seek advice and comments from non-members while discussing a specific issue or design.

Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be distributed to Mina Amundsen, University Planner, David J. Skorton, President of the University, and Yu Yu, President of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Glenn
Graduate Student Member, University Assembly

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Cornell University

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