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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 10: Resolution Concerning President David Skorton's Request for Reconsideration of UA Resolution #8: Campus Code of Conduct

Whereas the charter of the University Assembly (UA) states that it has “legislative authority for those aspects of the conduct of members of Cornell University now covered by the Campus Code of Conduct �”, and

Whereas, at its 14 November 2007 meeting, the University Assembly passed a revised version of the Campus Code of Conduct and, on 20 November 2007, sent it to President David Skorton for his comment and action, and

Whereas, on 20 December 2007, President Skorton indicated his intention to communicate his and his senior leadership’s comments and judgments concerning the UA’s “recommended changes to the Campus Code”, and

Whereas, on 4 February 2008, President Skorton responded to the University Assembly with said comments and judgments on the revised code, indicating his acceptance of all of the UA’s revisions of the Campus Code except the following:

  • three “procedural issues” “requiring modification”, two “not accepted”, and one “requiring further review”;
  • one “penalties” issue “requiring modification”;
  • one jurisdictional issue “requiring modification”;
  • one “other” issue requiring “modification”, and

Whereas the UA charter stipulates that the “UA shall respond to any requests from the President for information or reconsideration of any actions”,

Be it therefore resolved that the UA establishes an ad-hoc committee to formulate its response to the President, through a series of coordinated meetings with a President’s working group consisting of the following members: the University Counsel James Mingle, Vice Presidents Thomas Bruce, Susan Murphy, and Mary Opperman, and Dean of Faculty Charles Walcott, and

Be it further resolved that the UA ad-hoc committee consist of Codes and Judicial Committee (CJC) members Professor Kevin Clermont, an undergraduate CJC member TBD, Ms. Kathleen E. Rourke, Mr. Andrew Cowan, Professor Martin Hatch , and

Be it further resolved that Judicial Administrator Mary Beth Grant, and Judicial Codes Counselor, Mr. Jonathan Sclarsic, or his representative, will act in an advisory capacity to this joint committee-working group, and

Be it further resolved that this ad-hoc UA committee-president’s working group will report the results of its work to the UA no later than 15 March 2008, and

Be it further resolved that the UA will consider and act on the committee’s recommendations at its 26 March 2008 regular meeting and convey the results of its actions to the President in a timely manner thereafter for his consideration and action.

Respectfully submitted,

Martin Hatch
University Assembly member of the Code and Judicial Committee

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715