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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 6, 2009 Meeting

University Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
4: 30 � 6:00 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

R. Orme called the meeting to order at 4:42 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Present: K. Laden, R. Orme, E. Sanders, A. Stroock, L. Lawrence, J.Cetta, B. Webb-Binder, I. Akenpelu, M. Hatch

Also In Attendance: K. Rourke, P. Beach, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell, Y. Zhang

III. Resolution 1&2

By acclamation, the UA passed Resolution 1 regarding the commendation of service of Kathleen E. Rourke. The resolution recognized Kathleen Rourke’s work on the CJC. The UA presented her with a certificate.

K. Laden read aloud Resolution 2 concerning the CJC’s recommendation for appointments to the university hearing and review boards. He accepted a friendly amendment to change “until the spring semester” to “through the end of the spring semester.” He made a call for acclamation, and the resolution passed.

IV. Reports from Constituent Assemblies — SA, GPSA, EA, FS

SA� There was no report.

GPSA� B. Webb-Binder reported the GPSA has elected the new roster of officers for next year.

EA�L. Lawrence reported that there are also new members on the EA and the new charter has been established. The election for new EA officers will be on June 3.

FS� There was no report.

V. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

J. Cetta observed that there have been several incidents during the year where student rights and freedoms may have been violated. He would like to see the establishment of a sub-committee that explicitly helps uphold these freedoms and serves as a forum for students and faculty when incidents arise in the future.

K. Laden said along with K. Speiser and J. Blair, he has been looking at possible restructuring of the UA to eliminate any inefficiency. But a lot of the changes fall under the SA’s jurisdiction, and the SA has been adjourned for the year, so some changes may have to wait.

B. Webb-Binder said the GPSA has been looking at ways grad students can be more pro-active in the sustainability issue. Also, grad students need to strengthen their relationship with Gannett. The GPSA also intends to take a closer look at LGBTQ and transportation issues.

M. Hatch mentioned that the UA needs a liaison/convener for the Sustainability Committee, since the former liaison, A. Frieden, is no longer on the UA. K. Laden motioned to extend A. Frieden’s UA and SC membership until May 31st, then extend A. Frieden’s SC membership for a year as a member appointed by the SA. The motion passed with a vote of 7–0−0.

VI. Approval of Minutes

R. Orme asked the assembly to vote on the minutes from the April 29, 2009 meeting. One change was made, and the minutes were voted on and approved unanimously.

VII. Business of the Day

A.Elect Executive Committee

By caucus, a temporary interim executive committee for the summer was formed, consisting of K. Laden, E. Strong, J. Blair and R. Orme (one for each of the constituencies). Each nomination was seconded and approved unanimously.

K. Laden moved to have the interim officers meet and decide on when the summer UA will meet and when specific positions will be appointed. The UA approved of this motion.

A. Epstein pointed out that the UA next year should fix the charter so end-of-year transitions can be more definitive and smooth.

VIII. Additional Items from the Floor

A. Stroock explained the Childcare Committee (a UA committee) provides a grant to families out of faculty and staff funding. The committee is considering capping the income of families who have access to this grant and redistribute toward families with lower income. He asked the UA to support this committee. Also, since his term on the UA is up, he asked the UA to select a new liaison to this committee. He noted it is a very active committee.

IX. Adjournment

L. Lawrence made a motion to adjourn the meeting. K. Laden seconded. R. Orme adjourned the meeting at 5:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Alexandria Sun
Student Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715