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University Assembly Meeting, November 18, 2009

University Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
4: 30 � 6:00 p.m.
163 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

R. Orme called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.

Roll was taken via sign-in sheet.
Voting Members Present: I. Akinpelu, A. Brokman, J. Cetta, K. Laden, J. Spiegel, E. Strong, B. Webb-Binder, S. Zhang, L. Lawrence, R. Orme, M. Hatch, E. Loew, E. Sanders, R. Wayne
Voting Members Absent: A. Nicoletti, K. Spieser, W. Ghiorse, C. Walcott
Non-voting Members Absent: B. McKinney A. Craig, M. Walsh
Also In Attendance: F. Eden, N. Evensen, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell, Y. Zhang

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

M. Hatch asked to add a resolution about natural gas drilling in Marcellus.

III. Approval of Minutes from Oct 28 Meeting

M. Hatch had some changes to the Oct 28 minutes. He then moved the minutes to be approved as amended. A. Brokman seconded. The amended minutes were approved.

IV. Update from the Chair — President’s Reply

R. Orme read President Skorton’s reply to resolutions 2 and 3.

V. Committee Reports

M. Hatch reported the Sustainability Committee has been meeting to discuss the drilling resolution. This will be presented later in the meeting. There were also discussions about the search for the CALS dean and the AD fellows.

L. Lawrence reported he attended a Campus Planning Committee meeting in place of R. Wayne, who could not attend. Recommendations on gorge safety issues such as slope stability, railings, and swimming were discussed.

VI. Resolution on Committee Liaisons and Voting

A. Brokman said the exclusion clause of the UA charter currently does not allow UA members to be voting members on committees. He said he feels it is important for UA members to hold leadership roles and to have voting status on committees if they wish.

J. Cetta explained his experience with the CJC. He said they have asked him to chair the committee but he is uncertain if this is appropriate for him to do that according to the UA charter. He said removing this clause could help fill vacancies in the committees until the relevant constituencies can fill them. This may help the committees stay more active.

M. Hatch had some suggestions regarding the wording of the resolution. There was discussion about whether it is better to have UA members fill vacant seats or let the seats remain vacant.

A. Epstein pointed out changes to Article 2 of the charter would require a university referendum. He suggested changing Article 7. J. Cetta agreed and suggested changing Article 7.4.

J. Cetta moved the resolution, A. Brokman seconded. There was no dissent. By a vote of 13–0−0, the resolution passed.

VII. Motion on Faculty Appointments to the UH and RB

M. Hatch moved both appointments. E. Loew seconded. The motions were approved by a vote of 13–0−0.

VIII. Identify Members for Charter Review Committee

R. Orme said more members in addition to the executive committee are needed to help. M. Hatch and Leon Lawrence both volunteered to participate. J. Cetta asked about the amount of time that will be required. R. Orme replied about 2 hours a week for a while. There was some discussion to determine the members and find a meeting time. K. Laden said the point of the ad-hoc committee was to keep it small in order to remain effective.

A. Brokman said it would be best to set a meeting time in order to move forward since it has been 3 weeks since the committee was formed. M. Hatch noted it takes time to get familiar with the charter.

After some discussion, it was determined that the committee would meet on November 25th to begin the review.

IX. Late Addition

M. Hatch distributed copies of the Marcellus Shale drilling resolution and said it was tabled at the Faculty Senate.

Nighthawk Evensen, the president of the GPSA, noted the whereas clauses in the resolution seems to be a risk for leasing Cornell’s land. The benefits are acknowledged, but said he feels the whereas clauses are heavily biased toward the risks. R. Wayne agreed that both sides have to be examined.

Fil Eden (wje6), a sponsor for the resolution, was willing to add some benefits in the whereas clauses, such as “the university stands to gain economic profit.”

J. Cetta said the whereas clauses are prefatory and are not important in the establishment of the committee, whose purpose is to examine and weigh the pros and cons.

E. Sanders said leasing the land for natural gas drilling could cause serious environmental consequences in exchange for only a few years’ leasing revenue.

L. Lawrence suggested there be more alumni on the committee.

N. Evensen said the committee is not needed if the decision is already made against the leasing. E. Strong agreed that we should not have our minds made up before the committee is even formed.

F. Eden said one of the purposes of this resolution is to make this process more transparent and open instead of just having experts discuss the issues.

J. Spiegel said this resolution just requires the committee to release the information to the Cornell community, and that can’t be a bad thing.

E. Loew said that there is nothing that a committee could do that is not being done already. He wanted more information on what goes into the consideration of making the decision, he wants the input of knowledgeable people. This information should be made available to the Ithaca community as well.

M. Hatch said the reason he brought this up so early is so we can make changes to the direction we want to go with this resolution.

E. Sanders said the natural gas is not going anywhere, and thinks it is best to wait until better technology develops and there are fewer environmental risks.

F. Eden pointed out the committee has its value because it requires that no decision be made without taking the committee’s report into consideration.

X. Adjournment

E. Strong moved to adjourn the meeting. J. Cetta seconded. R. Orme adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

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