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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 2: Resolution Establishing University Sustainability Committee

As adopted Monday, 28 January 2008.

Whereas the University Assembly (the UA) is the sole governing body at the university to have elected representation from all major campus constituencies: undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, employees, and faculty; and,

Whereas Article I, Section 7 of the UA’s charter (the charter) states that the assembly may undertake efforts to “examine other matters which involve the interests or concern the welfare of a substantial segment of the University community and make recommendations thereon to the appropriate officers or decision-making bodies of the University”; and

Whereas Article 7 of the charter stipulates that the UA “may establish � standing�. Committees, in addition to those specified in Article 7.2, for the proper performance of its functions, and may prescribe their responsibilities and their membership”; and

Whereas the UA recognizes that creating a culture of sustainability at Cornell requires a university-wide effort, impacts every aspect of the university, and has potential far-reaching benefits to the surrounding communities;

Be it therefore resolved that the assembly establishes a standing committee called the University Sustainability Committee (USC); and

Be it further resolved that the said committee (USC) be added (underlined passage) to article 10, section 7 of the charter and necessary deletions of incidental words be made as follows:

10.7 Campus life standing committees and boards specific articles

The initial standing committees and boards shall be established in accordance with the following specific recommendations and shall carry out specific responsibilities appropriate to their departments, in addition to those general responsibilities specified in Article 10.6.1 through Article 10.6.4. The initial standing committees and boards are: Board on University Health Services, Transportation Advisory Committee, Cornell Store Administrative Board, and Cornell United Religious Work Advisory Board, and the University Sustainability Committee.

Be it further resolved that Section 10.7.5 be added to the charter and read as follows:

10.7.5 University Sustainability Committee

The University Sustainability Committee (USC) at a minimum shall consist of one (non-voting) member from the University Assembly who will convene and chair the meetings, two members of the Cornell faculty, one of whom is appointed by the Cornell University Center for a Sustainable Future, the other by the Faculty Senate, one graduate and one undergraduate student (each appointed by their respective assemblies), and two staff members, one of whom is appointed by the Office of Environmental Compliance and Sustainability the other by the Employee Assembly. Each member shall serve a two year staggered term.

The USC’s charge shall be to advise, consult, and communicate on matters related to the development and implementation of community sustainability issues, policies and programs. The USC shall offer advice, counsel, and recommendations, to the UA, for its deliberation and action, on issues and topics raised by the committee.

The USC shall have the right to remain flexible and fluid in its staffing and membership to meet the needs of the Cornell community as they arise in the many important areas of sustainability at the university. The USC reserves the right to independently research and distill issues of concern and importance to the Cornell community and develop concepts for policy and program development and management for discussion with and consideration by the UA.

Be it finally resolved that this resolution be forwarded to the President of the University for consideration and action as described in the charter.

Respectfully Submitted,

Seth Pardo
Graduate & Professional Student Assembly Representative

Martin Hatch
Faculty Representative

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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