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University Assembly Meeting, February 10, 2009

University Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, February 10, 2009
4: 30 � 6:00 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

C. Walcott called the meeting to order at 4:38 p.m.

Roll was taken via sign-in sheet.
Voting Members Present: A. Brokman, J. Cetta, K. Laden, E. Strong, S. Zhang, L. Lawrence, W. Ghiorse, M. Hatch, E. Loew, C. Walcott, R. Wayne
Voting Members Absent: A. Nicoletti, J. Spiegel, B. Webb-Binder, K. Spieser, J. Blair, E. Sanders
Non-voting Members Absent: B. McKinney A. Craig, M. Walsh
Also In Attendance: A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell, Y. Zhang

II. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

There were no late additions.

III. Approval of Minutes from Dec 2 Meeting

M. Hatch moved the minutes. R. Wayne seconded. The minutes were voted on and unanimously approved.

IV. Committee Updates — TAC (Ed), Campus Planning Committee (Randy)

R. Wayne reported that the Campus Planning Committee discussed sustainable initiatives but no new buildings. There are plans for new bus routes and better walking routes to make the campus more accessible and green for pedestrians and bikers.

E. Strong gave a TAC update. He reported the SA appropriated money for Big Red Bikes last semester. TAC also discussed restricted vs. unrestricted parking on campus on the weekends and there were no recommendations to change policies. A. Brokman asked about extending free bus passes to students. E. Strong replied the committee crunched the numbers and projected it would cost millions so it is too expensive to be considered at this time. S. Zhang suggested extending the hours of free bus access, possibly adding more morning hours. E. Strong said he would bring this idea back to the committee for discussion.

V. Resolution — Amend Charter amendment procedures — E. Strong

E. Strong said the executive committee has been meeting. Significant charter changes require a campus referendum with at least a 20% voter turnout and a positive outcome. It will also need the president and 2/3 of the UA to approve. The good news is the referendum can be tagged onto other elections such as trustee elections and class council elections. Meanwhile the UA can make progress by voting on charter changes that will take effect after the referendum gives a positive outcome.

J. Cetta asked about possible membership/constituency changes. E. Strong said it might be possible to put the chairs of the assemblies on the UA so they have a stronger connection with the UA.

R. Wayne suggested the UA ask the Sun to write an article about this to generate interest for the voting. A. Brokman suggested appealing to the Board of Trustees. E. Strong disagreed and said we need to use the normal channels first.

E. Loew suggested wording the referendum to say if the voter didn’t respond, we’ll presume their vote is yes. C. Walcott said it’s an interesting idea and electronic elections will help. S. Zhang asked if it is possible to withhold the results until the end of voting for all constituencies. It might prevent one constituency’s result from influencing another constituency. A. Epstein said it is possible for the Office of Assemblies could keep the results concealed.

C. Walcott asked if everyone was ready to vote on this. The members voted and by a vote of 11–0−0, the resolution passed.

VI. Resolution — Discretion in Campus Code of Conduct sentencing — J. Cetta

J. Cetta explained the resolution regarding sentencing. C. Walcott asked if everyone was ready to vote. The members voted and the resolution passed by a vote of 11–0−0.

VII. Resolution — CJC recommendation on discrimination clause — A. Brokman

C. Walcott made an amendment to change “UA Charter” in the resolution to “Campus Code of Conduct.” A. Brokman found it friendly.

A. Brokman explained the resolution and a bit of its history. R. Wayne asked how this resolution would have helped in the Chi Alpha incident last semester. A. Brokman replied it would not have influenced it. J. Cetta said that if this would have no influence over the Chi- Alpha incident, then the “whereas” clauses should not include past policies. It also said the Code has no clause regarding discrimination, and that is not true. He thought this resolution was overly broad and should provide some objective standards as to what discrimination is. A. Brokman said the whereas clauses are very relevant. Also, it is impossible to have objective standards regarding discrimination. M. Hatch suggested whereas clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, and 5 can be struck and moved into a cover letter. He suggested “discrimination” in the title, the 1st whereas clause and the rest of the resolution should be replaced with “harassment.” He also suggested other word changes. A. Brokman found these friendly.

E. Loew thought the resolution was incomplete because if it is invoked, it does not say where it should refer to next. C. Walcott said Mary Beth Grant, the judicial counselor, would know where to refer to next.

J. Cetta moved the amendment to add “severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive” to the resolution. K. Laden seconded. J. Cetta explained this is necessary because it prevents the resolution from being invoked at the whim of the most sensitive person. R. Wayne said the word “unreasonably” in the resolution already conveys that.

The members voted and by a vote of 3–6−0, the amendment failed.

Then the members voted and by a vote of 7–3−0, the resolution passed.

VIII. Resolution — Including Sustainability in the strategic plan - Sustainability Committee

M. Hatch presented the resolution and explained how it came about. The previous night, around 40 student organizations were represented at the meeting chaired by the Sustainability Committee to coordinate the approach to Earth Day, which will take place in the 3rd week of April. NASA scientist Hansen will be the keynote speaker. There was no mention of sustainability in the strategic plan, and the sustainability committee wrote this resolution to bring this fact to the UA’s attention. Several UA members voiced their approval. M. Hatch said GPSA has also shown interest for this resolution.

C. Walcott asked if the UA was ready to vote. The members voted and the resolution passed unanimously.

R. Wayne asked if there has been any word about the other two resolutions from previous meetings. C. Walcott said the president has not responded yet, but he is aware the resolution about the bio curriculum has been circulating around the bio department.

K. Laden said he will be meeting with the SA leadership to discuss the question of filling the undergraduate seats in the UA.

IX. Adjournment

C. Walcott adjourned the meeting at 5:36 p.m.

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715