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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 28, 2010 Letter from President Skorton

Dear Charlie,

I am pleased to respond to the University Assembly (UA) resolutions you transmitted to me on Friday, June 18.

R. 11: Regarding Curriculum Changes in Introductory Biology Courses

In my original response to this resolution on March 25, I did not distinguish the website and actions of the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum Task Force (UBCTF) from the Biology Curriculum Transition Committee (BCTC), which was created solely to implement the curricular recommendations adopted by the UBCTF in its final report.

I have reviewed the original resolution and conferred with Bill Fry. As I stated in my original response and restated at the April 30 meeting of the UA, I believe the Faculty Senate is the appropriate forum to investigate the concerns raised in the resolution about the process of the UBCTF and the BCTC in an independent and transparent manner.

While the Senate has not yet completed its investigation into all questions related to the biology curriculum, I am able to share the report of the Committee on Academic Programs and Policies (CAPP), which addresses the specific process issues raised in the UA resolution. While CAPP found minor procedural faults, its report states in relevant parts: “The proceedings of the UBCTF were conducted via an open and public process that engaged representatives of all impacted colleges and departments. We consider the overall process and product of the UBCTF to be exemplary. The BCTC has been implementing the UBCTF proposal without imposing substantive changes that might require re-evaluation by CAPP.” The complete report is attached.

I do not believe it appropriate for me to provide any further response to the resolution beyond the findings of CAPP.

R. 12: Amendment Process of the University Assembly Charter

I approve this resolution as submitted and attached to this response. I appreciate the considerable thought and effort the assembly has invested to overhaul its charter amendment process, and I am heartened by the participation of so many members of the campus community in the associated referenda.

R. 17: Supporting the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 1547/S. 781)

I appreciate the UA’s support for the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act, which is critical to ensure safe housing on our campus for future generations of Cornell students. I have shared the resolution with Steve Johnson, Vice President for Government and Community Relations. The bill is still in committee in both houses of Congress. While the majority of New York representatives have signed on as cosponsors, neither New York senator has done so, despite my letters to them on this issue three years in a row. The Government Relations staff will now send the senators copies of this resolution, in hopes that it will spur them into action.

R. 22: To Amend the Campus Code of Conduct

I approve the changes as submitted to my office in corrected form and attached to this response. I commend the members of the UA and its Codes and Judicial Committee for the time and care they have invested in crafting these refinements and enhancements.

R. 23: Upholding Cornell’s Codes of Conduct

Thank you for your thoughts regarding the situation involving NIKE and the apparel factories in Honduras. I will decide on this matter soon as I consider the information provided by NIKE in response to our Licensing Oversight Committee’s request for information, as well as your resolution and related resolutions from other assemblies.

Confirmation of Judicial Codes Counselor and Ombudsman Appointments

Kyle Hogan and Walter Lynn have been informed of their respective appointment and re-appointment.

I am grateful for the energy and diligence that you and the members of the UA have demonstrated in your service to the university community over the course of this academic year. I look forward to our continued collaboration in the next academic year, and I wish you a pleasant and restful summer.

Best regards,

David Skorton

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715