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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 10, 2011 Letter to President Re: Resolution 1

Dear President Skorton,

I have attached a resolution adopting a new Charter for the University Assembly together with two versions: a clean copy of the new charter and a marked up version to show the changes.

I have left out the bylaws as these do not require your approval, and, furthermore, are likely to change later this semester as the UA reviews them further.

Here is a list of key changes:

The changes would go into effect June 1

  • A significant broadening of the UA’s authority and a clearer mandate on both the UA and administrative units to consult with each other in developing new policy. This includes a new role for the UA and assemblies system in the university’s formal policymaking process.
  • Decreasing the overall size of the UA membership, and increasing the relative proportion of students and employees relative to faculty
  • Members of the Assembly and of its committees, including students, will serve two-year terms in nearly all cases
  • Leaders of constituent assemblies will become voting members of the UA ex-officio
  • Chairs of associated committees and managers of certain units closely tied to UA’s authority would become non-voting members of the assembly, ex-officio
  • UA members would be able to serve and vote on UA committees and UA members would chair each committee
  • The charter will contain only those aspects of the UA which require approval of the President, the rest will be moved to bylaws to make it easier for the UA to adapt its committee structure and procedures to changing circumstances
  • A new officer, the Vice Chair for Operations, would be charged to oversee and coordinate UA committees
  • Explicit authority has been removed in certain areas that are already governed by other parts of the assemblies system, noteably academic matters (Faculty Senate) and CURW (SA and GPSA), although the UA could still address these subjects when they widely affect the campus community

Here are some of the steps taken in developing the proposal:

  • Discussion and amendment through 7 regular and public meetings of the assembly from September 1 through February 9
  • Notice to Daily Sun and media about final text and invitation to an information session prior to the final vote
  • Several informal meetings with key personnel responsible for campus governance, including Jim Mingle, Tommy Bruce, and the Office of the Assemblies
  • Notice and outreach to numerous administrators and committee chairs currently associated with the UA, including Sharon Dittman, Lynette Chappell-Williams, and David Lieb
  • Passage by a vote of 14–0−0 on February 9

Thank you for considering these changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please do let me know.

Charlie Walcott, Chair, UA

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715