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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

University Assembly Meeting, March 16, 2011

University Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
4:30 � 6:00 p.m.
316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

C. Walcott called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m.

Roll was taken via sign-in sheet.
Voting Members Present: R. Ataya, A. Brokman, W. Candell, E. Cortens, E. Strong, M. Walsh, J. Blair, W. Ghiorse, H. Howland, E. Loew, C. Walcott, R. Wayne
Voting Members Absent: C. Cunha, J. Feldman,G. Yorgakaros, L. Lawrence, N. LaCelle, M. Hatch
Non-voting Members Absent: B. McKinney, A. Craig, D. Evensen
Also In Attendance: A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell, Y. Zhang

II. Approval of the Minutes from February 23, 2011

R. Wayne suggested one change on page 2 of the minutes from the February 23rd meeting. The members voted and the minutes were unanimously approved.

III. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

A. Brokman mentioned if there was time at the end, the UA should have a discussion on the Student Bill of Rights.

IV. Means Restriction Update — Greg Eells and Andrew Magne

Greg Eells from Gannett Health Center and Andrew Magre from Facilities gave a joint presentation on the university’s response to the mental health issues. Greg discussed what Gannet was doing beyond the fences on bridges. He explained this is a 7-prong strategy, since half of the suicides on campus, and 30% of Ithaca’s, did involve the bridges. There was some discussion on the difference between measurable and meaningful.

This was followed by a lengthy discussion of the importance of educating students regarding alcohol-related incidents in light of the recent tragedy of George Desdunes.

A. Magre introduced 3 models for each of the 7 bridges on campus. The UA members gave some comments and feedback. Questions included cost of replacing, cleaning and repairing the suggested models.

M. Walsh asked about the building plans for the fence projects. How long would the disruption be to the use of the bridges? Would they be one at a time or simultaneous projects? A. Magre said most will be as quick as a month or would be slated to be worked on during the summer.

V. CCA Update — E. Cortens

E. Cortens said the resolution the UA passed called for a public meeting between the relevant parties and the reinstatement of the individual grants. Dean Kent Kleinman has held open meetings and has been accommodating, but Evan noted they are getting the sense that he is not changing his mind. It has been decided each college will fund the arts on their own. Now the debate is how to best implement the funding process. Dean Kleinman said he felt the individual grants weren’t working well before.

VI. Bias Response Forums Update — R. Ataya

R. Ataya reported 12–15 people showed up at the first meeting, where they talked about the appropriate remedies. The one clear message was that victims of bias want to know that concrete actions have been made toward the perpetrators.

The second meeting targeting the grad students did not have a big turnout. The next meeting, targeting employees, will take place over Spring break. E. Cortens asked if they advertised and spread the word wide enough for the session for the grad students. E. Strong said the notices went out a bit late, but we will get it out earlier and distribute it more widely next time.

VII. Judicial Administrator Reappointment — C. Walcott

C. Walcott read the letter from President Skorton that asked the UA to reappoint Mary Beth Grant as the Judicial Administrator. E. Strong moved this, M. Walsh seconded. The reappointment was voted on and unanimously approved.

W. Candell reported the Judicial Codes Counselor search committee met and interviewed 6 candidates and have made a recommendation to the President.

VIII. Bylaws Discussion — E. Strong

E. Strong said he talked with David Lieb, who wants the UA to still be responsible for staffing the UHAB. They don’t want to staff the same committee that judges their own decisions. E. Strong asked if the UA’s staffing responsibility should be written down in the By-laws or the Charter. He also asked if the UA wanted the faculty, student and/or employee trustees on the UA as ex-officio members. H. Howland said he thought it would be a good link between the UA and the Board of Trustees. The general consensus around the room was yes, the trustees should be on the UA as ex-officio members.

C. Walcott pointed out the CJC and the Campus Welfare Committee are both charged with staffing the hearing and review boards. E. Cortens said it makes more sense for the CJC to do this job. E. Strong we’ll strike the staffing responsibility from the Campus Welfare Committee.

J. Blair said section 2.1 should be changed because the Ombudsman give input and opinions but doesn’t make any rulings. A. Brokman moved to strike the Ombudsman clause. H. Howland seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

E. Cortens said he felt the earlier version had clearer wording regarding committee membership. M. Walsh said each committee should have 2 members from each constituency and 3 UA members. There was more discussion regarding the membership of the committees and their subcommittees. It was agreed they would carry this discussion over to the next meeting. There was discussion on the status of he subcommittee on childcare services.

R. Wayne said Mina Amundson had made amendments to the Campus Planning Committee.

A. Brokman made a motion to extend the meeting. It was not seconded. He suggested they look at the Student Bill of Rights at the next meeting.

IX. Adjourn

E. Cortens moved to adjourn. H. Howland seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715