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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

U.A. Resolution #4: Recommendation to Cancel the University's Affiliation and Financial Support of the Fair Labor Association

Sponsored by: Melissa Lukasiewicz ‘14

Whereas, Cornell University pays the Fair Labor Association (FLA) about $600 per year to certify companies as compliant with the FLA’s Workplace Code of Conduct; and

Whereas, the FLA has failed to live up to its mission of protecting workers’ rights, and has certified as compliant corporations that Cornell later found to be violating our code of conduct, including Russell Athletics and Nike; and

Whereas, the FLA governing structure incorporates an inherent conflict of interest by including the very companies they are charged to oversee on their Board of Directors; and

Whereas, the FLA Code of Conduct does not include a responsibility of member companies for the conduct of their contractors, subcontractors and manufacturers; and

Whereas, the Collegiate Licensing Company’s (CLC) Code of Conduct, to which Cornell is a party, stipulates that licensees are responsible for the conduct of their contractors, subcontractors, and manufacturers; and

Whereas, the Executive Director of the FLA stated that the FLA does not support Cornell University’s actions in response to Russell Athletics, nor does it stand by Cornell University’s view that apparel licensees are responsible for their subcontractors, as expressed in the CLC’s Code of Conduct; and

Whereas, Cornell University is currently affiliated with the Workers’ Rights Consortium (WRC), which serves the same purpose as the FLA in a more effective manner, including the issuance of reports on Russell Athletics and Nike factories used to guide actions taken by the Cornell University administration; and

Whereas, it is irresponsible for Cornell University to continue to spend money to affiliate with the FLA while valuable services, programs and administrative positions affecting Faculty, Staff and Students are being cut or left understaffed;

Be it therefore resolved, that the Cornell University Assembly recommends the University immediately cancel its affiliation with and financial support of the FLA until it resolves its issues with conflicts of interest, lack of student representation, lack of transparency, and freedom of association, as expressed in President’s Skorton’s May 20 letter to the FLA.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Lukasiewicz ‘14
Chair, University Assembly

Susanne Donovan
Cornell Students Against Sweatshops

Karen Li
Cornell Students Against Sweatshops

Molly Beckhardt
Cornell Organization for Labor Action

Mario Cespedes
Cornell Organization for Labor Action

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715