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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 6 Amendments

Resolution Recommending Changes to the Campus Code of Conduct with Respect to Procedures in Cases of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment

Resolved that the following changes should be made to the Campus Code of Conduct:

Add a new subsection at the end of Title Two-IV-C: “6. Training of the members of the University Hearing Board and University Review Board pool will include special training in handling complaints of sexual harassment, abuse, assault, or rape.”

Add before the period in Title Three-III-E-3-a(1): “, except that in cases of sexual harassment, abuse, assault, or rape the victim or the accused may opt for a Hearing Panel composed of three faculty members and two nonfaculty employees drawn from that pool”;

Add a new fifth sentence to Title Three-III-E-3-b(6)(c): “In particular, to avoid the risk of intimidation in cases of sexual harassment, abuse, assault, or rape, the Hearing Board Chair shall require cross-examination of the complainant or victim to be conducted by written questions submitted in advance or in real time, including follow-up questions, and read aloud to the witness by the Hearing Board Chair, if the witness so requests.”; and

Add a new penultimate sentence to Title Three-III-E-3-b(7): “Witnesses shall not see or hear other evidence presented at the hearing, such as any police report, except as the Hearing Board Chair determines to be appropriate.”.

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715