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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20120313 Minutes


University Assembly Meeting

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

4:30–6:00 p.m.

316 Day Hall

I. Call to Order

M. Lukasiewicz called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m.

Voting Members Present: K. Albert, J. Blair, E. Cortens, B. Cristelli, P. Goldstein, H. Howland, N. La Celle, M. Lukasiewicsz, S. Murphy, B. Schaffner, R. Wayne

Voting Members Absent: R. Ataya, W. Fry, T. Grove, K. Javaji, R. Kay, N. Raps

Others Present: Mike Powers, Peter Scelfo, CJC Members, representatives from the Women’s Resource Center, Ari Epstein, Amy O’ Donnell, Nancy Doolittle, Darrick Evensen

II. Approval of the minutes from January 31, 2012 and February 28, 2012

M. Lukasiewicz suggested a minor change. By a vote of 8–0−0 the minutes were approved for the January 31st meeting.

Approval of the February 28th minutes was tabled until the next meeting because not all the members received the minutes to read over in advance.

III. Call for any Late Additions to the Agenda

M. Lukasiewicz added a brief discussion on the proposed changes to the existing academic calendar.

IV. Updates

Campus Infrastructure — S. Murphy (CIC)

There are changes being made to parking enforcement, if you have any interest in that feel free to speak to him about it.

Campus Welfare — R. Ataya (CWC)

R. Ataya was not present to give updates on CWC.

Codes and Judicial Committee — P. Goldstein (CJC)

M. Lukasiewicz said the UA would discuss CJC matters under New Business.

University Calendar —

Professor Jeff Doyle spoke about the proposed changes to the University Calendar. He said they are currently asking people to comment on the calendar changes and provide input by March 28th. Afterwards, it will be revised as needed and then go on to the Faculty Senate for approval. He then briefly described the highlights of the proposed changes to the calendar. One of the major changes being considered is the length of the exam schedule. Cornell’s exam period is considerably longer in comparison to other institutions and it is proposed that it be shortened. In addition, the idea was to center breaks along periods of instruction, with the shortening of the exam study period, was able to add a mental health break during the spring semester. Another change would be the altering of senior week by a few days.

M. Lukasiewicz asked members to email her if they had any questions or concerns about the calendar.

V. New Business

a. Consider Revised UA Resolution R.4, “Recommendation to Cancel the University’s Affiliation and Financial Support of the Fair Labor Association.”

Mike Powers outlined the changes to the resolution since the last meeting. He noted some of the information was wrong in the resolution so he has made the corrections. The floor was then open for discussion and questions.

Seeing no discussion, S. Murphy moved to approve the resolution, The motion was seconded. The resolution passed with a vote of 7–0−2.

b. Consider UA Resolution R.7, “Regarding Campus Code of Conduct Compliance with Title IX.”

M. Lukasiewicz gave background information about the resolution.

P. Goldstein said they have been working on this for about four months on making a fair process and solution for everyone involved (the stakeholders). What they came up with was a proposal that has options for the University Assembly to decide how they would want to proceed.

K. Clermont from the law school spoke on the 2 proposals: There are two proposals numbered 1 and 2. He spoke about why they put number 1 as the primary proposal and why the second one is the secondary proposal. M. B. Grant gave comments in response on what she agrees and disagrees with. The CJC voted with number 1 and the code should be preserved with minor changes. Essentially, keep the code as it is and this is similar to what Princeton currently has. The University Counsel reaction to this was the Princeton proposal is illegal so University Counsel therefore will not go along with it. Consequently, number 2 was made.

M. Lukasiewicz then said, they are first going to discuss the stakeholders’ comments. The stakeholders who were present spoke on behalf of the comment they sent in via e-mail.

M. B. Grant said she thinks that 6.4 would be a fair system and has been in use since 1996.

Student Trustee, D. Evensen said he prefers the strong protections for the accused in the Campus Code of Conduct, and he believes the best way to maintain that system while following Cornell’s legal obligations is to handle all cases under Policy 6.4 as the CJC recommended in the resolution.

C. Bowman said providing a hearing for the accused person is the right thing to do. If Cornell is going to expel a student or suspend an employee, they should get a hearing. She would support resolution 7, however, she suggests it is amended so the person who is potentially going to be suspended or expelled is provided a hearing.

P. Scelfo said most of the Student Assembly (SA) members were concerned about the standard of evidence portion. The members assumed there was going to be a hearing and some of the members were concerned about the hearing board. They felt there should be careful consideration as to who would be on the hearing board. In addition, the SA fully supports the advertising changes to the charges of sexual assault and letting students know the process and knowing their identity would be protected.

E. Cortens said he had not received any written or verbal feedback from GPSA members. He explained he disagreed with D. Evensen.

M. Campbell commented as a law student and recommended they reject the proposal.

M. Lukasiewicz recommended the members not vote on the issue but to think about it till the next meeting. E. Drago from the Women’s Resource Center said after careful thought and consideration, the matter should be studied at the table.

K. Clermont said he is not suggesting they ignore the letter, but make existing policies more compliant.

P. Goldstein suggested the university should go about having at the table all stakeholders to recreate policy 6.4. J. Blair agreed with this.

M. B. Grant then clarified a few issues that had come up over the course of discussion. J. Blair said he hopes to have something passed at the next UA meeting. He asked people with comments or questions to email him soon.

VI. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715