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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

U.A. Resolution #4 REVISED

Recommendation to Cancel the University’s Affiliation and Financial Support of the Fair Labor Association

Original Sponsors: Melissa Lukasiewicz ‘14, Susanne Donovan ‘13, Karen Li ‘15, Molly Beckhardt ‘14, Mario Cespedes ‘13

Additional Sponsor for the Revision: Mike Powers, Staff

Whereas, Cornell University is a member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and pays an annual membership fee to support the FLA’s activities; and

Whereas, the Collegiate Licensing Company’s Code of Conduct, to which Cornell subscribes, stipulates that licensees are responsible for the conduct of their contractors, subcontractors, and manufacturers; and

Whereas, the FLA Code of Conduct does not require member companies and their contractors, subcontractors, and manufacturers to 1.) assume responsibility for ensuring that the factories from which they source goods have sufficient funds secured and fund distribution mechanisms in place to meet their legally mandated severance responsibility to workers should the factories close, and 2.) assume the severance responsibility themselves should they fail to ensure the availability of funds and a factory closes without providing severance; and

Whereas, the voting policies of the FLA’s board of directors make it possible for any of the board’s three membership groups to block any proposed FLA actions those groups might consider a threat to their individual interests; and

Whereas, the FLA’s practice of having monitors interview workers at the work site or in company-owned housing denies the workers anonymity and exposes them to potential acts of retaliation from factory management; and

Whereas, Cornell University is currently affiliated with the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), which, operating independently of corporations and the FLA, engages in activities designed to protect worker rights and includes representatives from universities, United Students Against Sweatshops, and NGOs on its board of directors

Be it therefore resolved, that the Cornell University Assembly recommends the University cancel its affiliation with and financial support of the FLA until the FLA, once notified of the University’s concerns and expectations, corrects the policies and practices described above.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Lukasiewicz ‘14
Chair, University Assembly

Susanne Donovan
Cornell Students Against Sweatshops

Karen Li
Cornell Students Against Sweatshops

Molly Beckhardt
Cornell Organization for Labor Action

Mario Cespedes
Cornell Organization for Labor Action

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715