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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

June 8, 2012 Letter from President Skorton approving R 9, R 10, and R 11

Dear Melissa and Kyle,

I am pleased to respond to your May 11 conveyance of Resolutions 9, 10, and 11.

Resolution 9: Division of Human Resources Office of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion (OWDI). This resolution recognizes the significant achievements, and calls on me to assure that adequate resources are provided to OWDI. I appreciate receiving this resolution and the excellent work OWDI and Human Resources have done to support work/life balance over the past year. I have shared the document with Vice President Mary Opperman. I will continue to seek her guidance in determining how to support this unit effectively.

Resolution 10: Amend the Campus Code of Conduct to Prohibit Swimming in Gorges. I approve this resolution as submitted, and I commend the Assembly for decisively addressing this critical safety issue.

Resolution 11: Proposing Changes Recommended by the Office of the Judicial Administrator to the Campus Code of Conduct. I approve this resolution as submitted. These changes make the Code clearer by explicitly identifying as prohibited misconduct that was only implicitly addressed in the past, and they provide and serve to further balance the rights of the accused and complainant by assuring the accused has access to a personal supporter.

Thank you for your hard work on behalf of the Cornell Community this past year. I look forward to resuming our collaboration in shared campus governance in August. I wish you a pleasant and safe summer break.


David Skorton

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Cornell University

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