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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 11, 2012 Minutes

University Assembly Meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
4:30–6:15 p.m.
401 Physical Science Building

I. Call to Order

J. Cai called the meeting to order at 4:39 p.m.

K. Albert, J. Blair, J. Burns, J. Cai, R. Kay, E. Mc Nelis, E. Newbury, B. Schaffner, R. Wayne
A. Gitlin, T. Grove, N. La Celle, M. Paine
Also Attending
A. Bores, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell

II. Approval of the Minutes

a. Approval of May 1, 2012 Minutes

There were no amendments proposed for the minutes. E. Newbury made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved.

b. Approval of August 28, 2012 Minutes

There was one amendment proposed on the second page of the minutes regarding an error on the committees’ members. L. Newbury made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and the UA approved the amended minutes.

III. Late Addition to the Agenda

There were no late additions to the existing agenda.

IV. Reports

a. Executive Board Report- J. Cai

J. Cai said the executive board met on Tuesday, September 4, and discussed guest presentations for future meetings. She said there are three main topics they are hoping the presenters will address. The three main topics are: IT, sustainability, and diversity. People from the IT department will be presenting at the next UA meeting on September 25th. The sustainability presentation will be October 16th. Finally, Lynette Chappell-Williams, the Associate Vice President for Workforce Diversity and Inclusion, will be presenting on October 30th regarding diversity.

The executive board also discussed making the UA more visible on campus and urged the members of the UA to send ideas to the Chair. R. Wayne asked about having Kathy Zoner, from the CU Police Administration, present. J. Blair said he had read an article from Kathy Zoner regarding an increase in violent crimes on campus and would like to look at how code changes have been working in regards to this issue. E. Newbury explained the purpose of the presentations is that they will address the three main issues decided on by the executive board, so that then the committees can explore the issues in greater detail.

J. Blair also asked about the motions and follow up with the banning and licensing situation. A. Bores answered they are still in talks with the University. For Adidas there was a vote conducted last Thursday to sever the contract. The other part of the solution is the University is attempting to join the Designated Supplier Program. This is a program that encourages all companies to follow and live up to the standards Cornell has defined.

Lastly, J. Cai said the Student Trustee and Student Assembly are attempting to form a diversity class for freshmen. They are working on a resolution and will be sending it to the UA for consideration during the next meeting. A. Epstein said each college has a separate way to form classes. He suggested someone persuade each college to accept this new class. J. Blair questioned if this resolution has faculty senate support, as this is a very large academic change. J. Cai said right now they are attempting to push the idea forward so the community can see this new idea. There was some discussion on how long this new curriculum change might take to implement in regards to the colleges and the courses the freshman are required to take for their specific colleges. E. Newbury said it might be better to give these ideas to the committee working on the resolution.

b. Student Assembly

A representative from the Student Assembly was not present at the meeting. A. Bores stated the SAFC rules are being debated. There had also been some discussion in the SA regarding reconstructing the Student Assembly but nothing has been officially introduced regarding this topic.

c. Graduate and Professional Student Assembly- E. Newbury

E. Newbury reported for M. Paine who was not able to attend the meeting. She stated that the GPSA is currently working on the GCI, the Graduate Committee Initiative. They are forming an ad hoc committee which will be looking at what actions were taken in the past and which were successful. They will also be meeting with administrators and other assembly representatives that the GPSA will be working with this year. The GPSA also passed their budget and by laws. The program board has stated their work as a by-line funded group. Finally, the GPSA discussed dining options for graduate students, as currently none exist.

d. Employee Assembly- B. Schaffner

B. Schaffner said the EA is working with Human Resources on the responses to last years employee survey. They are now in the phase that responses are being sent to M. Opperman and President Skorton. At the last meeting, two new members were appointed to the EA so now the EA has a full roster. Finally, the EA is gearing up for the President’s Address to the Employees on October 9, 2012.

e. Faculty Senate- J. Burns

J. Burns said the Faculty senate will have their first meeting on September 12. He reported his office has staffed all of the committees. There were two initiatives suggested over the summer. The first is the Faculty Lunch Program, which will include soup and bread at a special price for the faculty.

They are also initiating Faculty Forums, which they are hoping to get out to the administration. The goal is to have one to two forums per semester, which will look at what is occurring in the outside world and then see how or if Cornell should change. Finally, the senate is looking into forming a “Work/Life” Committee that will look at issues like childcare, parking, etc. The goal is to have one committee looking at all the issues that affect the faculty. There was some discussion on online courses. J. Burns stated many faculty members feel as though they will teach fewer and fewer classes in person.

K. Albert asked if Cornell University has a policy about online class? J. Burns said there is no policy but there is a great deal of interest. L. Newbury asked if J. Burns could give a presentation on this topic to the UA. A. Epstein also brought up there are two faculty positions in the UA that need to be filled. He also stated there are positions in present committees that deal with work/life issues and there are faculty spots in each of the committees that also need to be filled.

V. Business of the Day

a. Approval of the Meeting Schedule

J. Cai said the schedule was looked at previously but was never officially approved. E. Newbury made a motion to approve the UA meeting schedule. B. Schaffner seconded the motion. The UA unanimously approved the meeting schedule for 2012–2013.

For the committee meeting schedule, the executive board decided it would be best for the committee meetings to occur during the UA meeting times when the UA is off. E. Newbury explained the rationale behind this schedule. There was some discussion as the feasibility of this plan. J. Cai said this is only a recommendation but that ultimately it is up to the committee chair to decide upon the meeting dates.

b. Appointment to the Committee

J. Cai said most of the positions have been appointed however there is one position available in the Codes and Judiciary Committee and one position open in the Campus Welfare Committee. J. Blair stated he would staff the position for the CJC. There was no volunteer for the position on the CWC. An email will be sent to find some for this position outside of the UA.

VI. New Business

a. Confirmation of the Faculty Appointment to the University Hearing Board.

J. Cai explained the Dean of Faculty has appointed three new professors for the University Hearing and review board. In order to be appointed they have to have the approval of the University Assembly. J. Cai asked for the UA to review the candidates and asked for any discussion on the candidates. There were no objections to the appointments. The UA unanimously appointed the professors to the University Hearing Board.

VII. Open Forum

There was no open forum for this meeting.

VIII. Adjournment

J. Cai made a motion to adjourn the meeting. B. Schaffner seconded the motion. The University Assembly meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Claire Lender
Student Clerk, Office of Assemblies

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715