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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 1: Formation of a Committee to Evaluate the Committee Structure of the University Assembly

WHEREAS the University Assembly (the Assembly) implemented a significantly altered committee structure in Fall 2010;

WHEREAS the new structure consolidated several existing committees to form two new standing committees, maintained one other standing committee, and maintained two associated committees;

WHEREAS the new structure altered the composition of standing committees such that each would be composed of three members of the Assembly and two appointed by each constituent assembly of whom one must be a member of that constituent assembly;

WHEREAS both in present and previous sessions constituent assemblies have failed to fill the vacancies by September 1 as called for in the bylaws of the Assembly (the bylaws);

WHEREAS both in present and previous sessions the Vice Chair for Operations and chairs of the assemblies have been unable to recruit full membership for their committees or to promptly convene the committees in the month of September as anticipated in the bylaws and necessary for effective operation of the committees;

WHEREAS the failure to convene committees impedes the sound operation of the Assembly and fulfillment of its mission;

RESOLVED the Assembly authorizes the Chair to form an ad-hoc committee to Evaluate the Committee Structure of the University Assembly and charges it as follows:

  • a) The committee shall include at least one senior officer from each constituent assembly responsible for appointing members to the committees of the University Assembly (the Assembly) under its bylaws (the bylaws).
  • b) The committee shall include the Vice Chair for Operations of the Assembly and the Assistant Director of the Office of the Assemblies.
  • c) An officer of the Assembly will serve as Chair of the committee.
  • d) The committee shall be formed before December 1 and convened before December 7.
  • e) The committee shall review the present structure, and in light of experience implementing that structure, prepare a proposal or selection of proposals for action by the Assembly. The committee may develop whatever criteria it deems appropriate for evaluating the present committee structure, but should also address the following questions:
    • 1. Should constituent assemblies be responsible for appointing any members of the committees?
    • 2. Should constituent assemblies continue to appoint members who are not members of those assemblies?
    • 3. Should constituent assemblies continue to appoint members who must be members of those assemblies?
    • 4. Should any members serve on committees of the Assembly who are not themselves members of the Assembly?
    • 5. What specific steps should be taken to publicize vacant positions and to recruit members to serve in such positions, on what timeline, and by whom?
    • 6. What powers and responsibilities should be assigned to the Vice Chair for Operations to facilitate orderly and effective operations of committees?
  • f) The committee will report recommendations for action by the Assembly no later than February, 21 so it may be considered at the meeting on February 26.

Respectfully submitted,
Joy Cai
Chair of the University Assembly

Elizabeth Newbury
Executive Vice Chair of

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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