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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 2: Formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to Increase the Outreach and Engagement Strategy of the UA

WHEREAS, The purpose of the University Assembly “is to improve and sustain the involvement of the campus community in the governance of campus affairs affecting the broad campus community by establishing open, effective, and efficient channels of communication between and amongst the community and university administration”;

WHEREAS, In order to effectively address issues that affect the broad campus community, it is vital that the campus community be aware of the service of the representative assemblies and the issues that the University Assembly addresses;

WHEREAS, The University Assembly has no formalized plan to create an “open, effective, and efficient” channel of communication that would facilitate the engagement of the broad campus community and the university administration;

WHEREAS, The failure to address this issue could lead to a lack of involvement from the broad campus community;

RESOLVED, That the UA form an ad hoc Committee to Increase the Outreach and Engagement Strategy of the UA charged with completing the following tasks prior to the end of the last meeting of the 2012–2013 school year:

  • a) Identify the specific needs of the UA to formulate a communication strategy that will be effective in increasing the presence of the UA on campus;
    • 1. What mediums (publications, advertising, websites, social media) should the UA be using to promote both itself and the respective assemblies?
    • 2. Are there any changes to the UA (i.e. creating a standing initiative, forming a new position) that would best facilitate the UA’s presence?
  • b) Examine and consider ways to increase engagement with the UA in the represented constituencies;
    • 1. What is the best way to engage the broad campus community?
  • c) Encourage input from the UA body in its considerations;
  • d) Draft recommendations pertaining to increasing the outreach of the UA and engagement;
  • e) Present recommendations before the last meeting of the 2012–2013 school year.

RESOLVED, That this committee will be comprised of the Chair of the UA, Executive Vice Chair of the UA, Operations Vice Chair of the UA, the ranking member, a representative from each standing committee, and any interested members of the UA body. �
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Newbury
Executive Vice Chair of the University Assembly

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715