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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 26, 2013 Minutes

University Assembly
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
401 Physical Science Building

I. Call to Order

J. Cai called the meeting to order at 4:37 p.m.


Present: K. Albert, J. Blair, R. Booker, J. Burns, J. Cai, T. Grove, R. Kay, N. La Celle, J. Il Lee, E. Loew, E. McNelis, E. Newbury, M. Paine, B. Schaffner, R. Wayne

Absent: A. Gitlin, G. Mezey, P. Scelfo

Others Present: A. Bores, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell

II. Approval of the Minutes

The minutes from the February 12, 2013 meeting were approved with no objections.

III. Reports from Assemblies

Executive Board

J. Cai reported she had been working on two resolutions related to safety but has not been able to connect with K. Zoner for information required to finish these resolutions. The resolutions concern security cameras and designing buildings with safety in mind.

Student Assembly

A. Bores reported A. Gitlin was absent due to the Student Assembly candidate forum that was running simultaneously with the UA meeting. Online voting will be held next week.


M. Paine reported the GPSA discussed three sections of the Graduate Community Initiative. Among these was the section on housing, particularly relevant considering the discussion of the UA at the last meeting. He noted three more sections would be discussed at the meeting next Monday. He also reported President Skorton would be attending the GPSA meeting on March 25.

Employee Assembly

T. Grove reported the EA voted on a resolution to require all colleges and units to report on what they have done in response to the results of the employee survey. The resolution also requests similar reports annually.

Faculty Senate

J. Burns reported on a forum on the future of research libraries was held on February 14. He added there was vigorous discussion, but was disappointed no students attended the forum. J. Burns also reported President Skorton attended the last FS meeting and reported on the Ho Plaza incident regarding the Palestine/Israel protests. The findings of the report included the fact that the legislation governing permits for use of space is in conflict with the campus code. Also, J. Burns reported the FS has formed a committee to address the incident.

E. Newbury interjected with a concern this new committee would more appropriately be a UA committee. J. Burns responded three faculty members said they felt threatened by the police and wanted action. R. Wayne added this sort of issue was at one time under the purview of the UA, but this jurisdiction had since been abdicated. Concern was raised about President Skorton’s communication to J. Cai and some faculty members suggesting the UA wait to act. A. Epstein confirmed this communication. R. Booker stated the UA should act if they choose to irregardless of what President Skorton says; the UA does not need permission to act. R. Wayne agreed but added the CJC has several other tasks they need to address before this.

E. Loew stated there exists a conflict between what one needs to get a permit to use university space and every individual’s freedom of assembly. He noted the UA could address this sort of issue at any time. Police actions and issues of that nature may not be appropriately addressed by the UA, but the Assembly can always address code items at any time.

R. Wayne defined one aspect of the permit issue to be the difference between inside and outside space. For the use of inside space, it is well agreed permits are, and should be, necessary. Outside, however, there is some uncertainty. While the permit allows emergency services, security, and other resources to be prepared, some believe the requirement of such a permit violates the freedom of assembly. He also noted the period to get a permit is two weeks, too long to be practical in some cases.

IV. Business of the Day

Faculty Hearing and Review Board Nominations

J. Cai introduced a slate of nominees. Hearing no opposition, the following nominees were approved by the UA: Angela Cornell, Durba Ghosh, Ross Brann, Jonathan Ochshorn, Alexander Flecker, Glenn Galbreath, Bernadette Meyler, and Thomas Overton.

Appointment of Representative to Judicial Codes Counselor Search Committee

J. Cai stated the UA needed to appoint a single person. E. Newbury asked R. Wayne to take the position. R. Wayne agreed to serve.

V. Open Discussion

J. Lee stated he is aware of significant demand for effective surveys. He asked about best practices for administering an effective survey. A. Epstein suggested contacting Marin Clarkberg for help on this.

B. Schaffner asked if there was a freshman experience survey administered at the end of freshman year, adding that such a survey would be a good way to capture what students think about their experiences living on campus. A. Bores responded there has been such a survey in the past, but he was unsure about the regularity of this survey.

J. Cai suggested M. Clarkberg be invited to a future UA meeting due to the high demand for information regarding surveys that exists.

B. Schaffner stated the infrastructure committee would be considering the issues surrounding parking and transportation. M. Paine said he would forward the related information from the Graduate Community Initiative.

R. Booker stated, although work is being done regarding transportation and other issues, communication is currently insufficient. Examples of poorly communicated progress included the Ithaca Car Share and the green initiative on campus.

B. Schaffner asked if the safety committee has worked on the blue light issues. J. Cai responded the Safety committee was under the impression this was a task assigned to the Infrastructure committee. J. Cai added she is meeting with K. Zoner later in the week and could initiate communications on the topic at that point.

J. Blair brought up the Title IX Policy 6.4 issues. He stated the work on the policy has proved more difficult than originally thought. He also noted members from each of the assemblies would be asked to review the policy before its release for public comment. The UA would be briefed on the policy at the end of the semester.

J. Lee asked about the active discouraging of double majors across colleges. R. Booker stated multiple majors contribute significantly to student stress, and do not yield any advantage after graduation. Instead, R. Booker suggested, it is wiser to become more deeply studied in one area. E. Newbury suggested J. Lee seek assistance elsewhere, noting this was not a UA issue.

VI. Adjournment

J. Cai adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Noah Wegener
Assemblies Clerk

Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715